Obama in Kailua, Hawaii after playing golf
Obama in Lansing, Michigan
PPP Arizona; Fabrizio, McLaughlin Florida; Rasmussen Alabama; Rasmussen Arizona and Connecticut; Suffolk Massachusetts; SUSA Florida; Zogby National; Elway Washington State; AP/Ipsos National; PPP Florida; Time Magazine National; Rasmussen New Jersey & New York; CBS/NY Times National; Quinnipiac New York; WPRI Wisconsin; CSRC Alabama; Rasmussen Massachusetts; Rasmussen Wisconsin; Rasmussen Washington State; Rasmussen Missouri; Rasmussen Michigan
Obama Seeks `Aloha Spirit' in Hawaii After Attacks
If the Democrats want Obama to win, they have to get rough
Obama talks to Rice about Georgia, condemns Russia
Democrats derail bid by Clinton backers to ban caucuses
McCain slams Obama again for defeatism over Iraq
In Loose Style, McCain Leads a Camp Divided
Michelle in Norfolk, Virginia
McCain, Lobbyists, DHL and Ohio
Many, including moi have been critical of the Obama Campaign’s tepid response when it comes to the McCain television ads.
Press releases only go so far, we are a country that believes in winners and losers. Period.
But I have stepped back and decided to put on my “wait and see hat”. John McCain must attempt, read again folks, attempt to define Barack Obama as an “empty suit politician”, thus all the “Celebrity” ads that have come out. The question is this, “Have these ads worked?” Yes and No. Yes for keeping McCain close in the polls and No for overtaking Obama in the polls.
Now we are seeing strategy unfold. The first shot across the bow is the fine, but stern needle that the Obama Campaign has woven connecting the dots of McCain’s campaign manager and McCain as critical allies of DHL’s merger in the loss of thousands of jobs in Ohio.
The shot was a radio ad that the Obama Campaign released in Ohio on Friday. The ad is blistering, on point and makes one pause. More importantly, this ad has McCain’s Campaign shaking in its shoes and it should. Listen to the ad, here. The McCain Campaign is in a tizzy and they should be. John McCain has 30 years of a muddled record and message. All of this is about to be exposed by the Obama Campaign.
Many don’t get this, me included, until I listened to the ad on Friday. I still have to remind myself that many Americans are not paying attention to this election. I know, I have 2 nieces packing up for college and my brother and sister are not paying attention. Many of us that follow every noun and verb of these candidates are in a minority, not the majority. The Obama Campaign is doing the right thing. They are responding when necessary but on the down low. Why show your hand when no one is there to respect it?
The DHL travesty is the beginning. John McCain doesn’t want Ohioans thinking about this, but they are. Jobs, many jobs are at stake. Many lost and many more will be lost due to this merger. While McCain is busy with Brittney and Paris, he need to scour through his horrific record because that onion is about to be peeled.
Michelle Obama on Good Morning America
Photo Blog
Photoblog: Obama Summerfest in NYC! by kath25; BRING! IT! ON! (Maverick TAKE-DOWN Video) by Al Rodgers; Wonderful Pictures of Obama by Nicki6772; Copper Dome in St. Paul, Minnesota; Obama Family in Hawaii Pictures by icebergslim; Obama in Indiana Pictures by icebergslim; Obama in Ohio Pictures by icebergslim; Obama in Michigan Pictures by icebergslim; Obama Event in Honolulu, A Photo Diary by Haole in Hawaii; Hillary Stumps for Obama in Nevada Pictures by icebergslim; Olympic Opening Ceremony Pictures by icebergslim; Olympic FIREWORKS by Al Rodgers
Barack Obama to continue to court celebrity vote
Clinton tells cheering Nev. crowd to support Obama
McCain mocks Obama oratory
Tickets for Obama's convention speech sold out
Obama-backed congressman wins after racially tense faceoff
Obama Proposes Huge Job Opportunities to Michigan Workers
Obama connects with the plate lunch spirit on Hawaii vacation
Barack and Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN) in Portage, Indiana
Barack and the Buck
The underreported economic news of the week is that Barack Obama favors a stronger dollar. Even better, he thinks a stronger greenback would help to reduce oil prices.
That at least is what the Democratic Presidential candidate told a town hall forum in Parma, Ohio, on Tuesday. "If we had a strengthening of the dollar, that would help" reduce fuel costs, he said, according to a Reuters dispatch ignored by most of the media.
This ought to be a bigger story. In linking the dollar to oil prices, Mr. Obama is pointedly at odds with the Bush Administration and Federal Reserve, both of which blame high commodity prices on supply and demand, despite falling demand due to slower global growth. Fed officials -- in particular, Vice Chairman Donald Kohn -- have expressly rejected any strong link between the dollar's collapse and the oil price surge since last August.
This conveniently absolves the Fed and Bush Treasury of responsibility for the consequences of what has been their destructive and all but explicit dollar devaluation strategy. If the Illinois Senator rejects greenback debasement, that's the best news to date about Obamanomics. continue
Fact Check: More Tax Deception
Lieberman ‘on McCain short-list’
Clinton told to portray Obama as foreign
McCain’s attacks on rival fall flat with vets group
Growing Diversity In "Swing Counties" Favors Obama
Obama Speaks About Economy In Lansing
Obama Family in Essence Magazine
Obama doubts Clinton backers will cause trouble
Michelle Obama: Barack Is No Elitist
Island life in multiracial Hawaii shaped Obama
Obama Hits Back, Too Softly For Some
Obama's Holiday Comes Just as "Obama Fatigue" Emerges
Michelle Obama describes duty as mother-in-chief
weekly slideshow.....