obama at hawaii fundraiser
more great fundraiser personal photos
New Grassroots Ad
This ad tells the WHOLE STORY and needs to be on tv everyday, jmho. Pass this ad along.
digg it here!!!
New television ad and hard hitting mailer by AFL-CIO
While Barack and family have been vacationing in Hawaii, his campaign has been busy targeting different states with different ads and mailers.
I wrote that I liked the premise of targeting different states with different ads touching on various issues pertaining to the state or region, as a whole.
This rollout is no difference.
Remember, McCain's onion is just getting peeled. We have a long way to go until Novmeber 4th.
Steve Smith, a spokesperson for the AFL-CIO, tells me that the union will be striving to reach out to more than a million union retirees in coming weeks.
"In key battleground states, the retiree vote is going to be crucial in the presidential race," Smith says. "Our research -- polling, focus groups -- indicates that many seniors still are unaware of John McCain's record in support of privatization and plans to drastically reduce benefits."
The mailer will go out tomorrow to 50,000 retirees in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan, and more mailings will soon be dropped in those states, where the union is also planning a series of Social Security events.
New Olympic Ad
This ad will go into rotation with the current ad already playing, "Hands".
great personal story of one's mother at barack's hawaii fundraiser......
clinton's name to be placed for nomination.......sorry, sigh..............
Lessons in Polling........please read.....this polling is too early, folks..........
Obama's plan, go rural...........we will see..............
Aiding Obama, Kerry takes on an old foe.......
Pelosi warns Lieberman for undercutting Obama....in other words, Lieberman is toast after November...............
Can Alaska be a "real swing state" in November?........................
And Evening Wrapup.....here.............................
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