dover, new hampshire
Still Wanting Hillary Voters, Just Not Ready for Prime Time
To be honest, what Hillary voter would fall for Sarah Palin? This woman, first off is not Hillary. Second, her postitions are a 180 to Hillary. Third, anyone voting for Palin it is personal about Barack Obama.
But Palin still is wanting the Clinton voters, stating Obama should have put her on the ticket.
After watching Palin last night on ABC, my conclusions were sealed. She is nothing. I mean, absolutely nothing.
The questions on foreign policy was startling. The look on Charlie Gibson's face and he was being nice, told the story. The woman is an empty pantsuit. See for yourself, here:
Sorry, folks, Sarah Palin was clearly scripted and tried to dance around the "Bush Doctrine" questions, indicated we could go to war with Russia, a Bush/Cheney hardliner and is just clueless. First off, Senator Claire McCaskill was frank today. Want to go to war with Russia? Draft time. And Chris Matthews, from Hardball nails it about Palin:
This is a woman who is a heartbeat away from the presidency, with a presidential candidate who is 72 years old and had 4 bouts of cancer. Do we really want her in charge? As Matt Damon said, "She will have the nuke codes." Do we? After last night, she is incredibly frightening, a Bush/Cheney in a skirt, and is NOT HILLARY CLINTON.
Oh, since Charles Gibson did ask the questions, her next spot is Sean Hannity, Fox News, a non-journalist hack who will not ask the questions.
Obama/Biden Campaign Dates
September 13, 2000, Manchester, NH, Change We Need Rally with Barack Obama and Joe Biden
September 13, 2000, Dubuque, IA, Community event with Jill Biden
September 14, 2000, Elyria, OH, "Change We Need" Rally with Hillary Clinton
September 14, 2008, Akron, OH, "Change We Need" Rally with Hillary Clinton
September 15, 2008, Flat Rock, MI, "Change We Need" Rally with Joe Biden
September 15, 2008, Pueblo, CO, Change We Need Rally with Barack Obama
Ladies of "The View" Take it to McCain
Senator John McCain bounded onto the set of “The View” this morning, perhaps expecting a fun session chatting with the ladies about the softer side of his presidential campaign.
But once he settled onto the couch, he got a pretty good grilling — on earmarks, on his erstwhile image as a “maverick” and, of course, about his running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin. He also defended his ads against Senator Barack Obama, saying “they are not lies,” and his wife, Cindy, who appeared later, declined to answer a question about how many houses the McCains own.
Mr. McCain also had some kind words for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, who may have been the first choice for president among many viewers of “The View.” The show is watched by 3.4 million people, according to Nielsen, 78 percent of whom are women and whose median age is 56 years old.
A visit to “The View” is becoming a rite of passage for candidates as they try to shore up their appeal among women (Mr. McCain also taped a segment today for the Rachael Ray show.)
Anyway, Ms. Walters led off the questioning of Mr. McCain, and right away set the tone for the rest of the interview.
She first asked Mr. McCain to defend his earlier statement that Ms. Palin was “the greatest vice presidential candidate in the history of the United States.” Was he perhaps overlooking John Adams or George H.W. Bush? continue
Video of the full interview, here.
obama in dover, nh
Which Country is First to McCain?
A good question.
"Just ask the machinists in Pennsylvania who build Harley-Davidsons," Obama said of McCain's record. "Because John McCain didn’t just oppose the requirement that the government buy American-made motorcycles, he called Buy American provisions 'disgraceful.' Just ask the workers across this country who have seen their jobs outsourced. The very companies that shipped their jobs overseas have been rewarded with billions of dollars in tax breaks that John McCain supports and plans to continue.
"So, when American workers hear John McCain talking about putting 'Country First,'" Obama said, "it’s fair to ask –- which country?"
Breaking News! Subpoenas Granted In Alaska.......Todd Palin Subpoenaed
Biden Son Quits Lobbying Firm
Obama says some ads against him “fabricated” and “lies”
Palin, as Mayor of Wasilla, billed rape victims for the rape kits
New Obama Ads, here.
Palin links 9/11 to Iraq War
McCain picks "lobbyist" for transition team
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