cross-posted @ Daily Kos and One Million Strong
obama in wisconsin
February 21, 2008 - University of Texas, Austin, TX - CNN
February 26, 2008 - Cleveland State, Cleveland, OH - MSNBC

Obama is Winning
The Grand Old White Party Confronts Obama
Obama and Clinton in Dispute over Role of Super Delegates
Democratic Candidates Emphasize Unity
Obama Campaign Relies on Tech Tools-Uses Technology to Connect with Voters Effectively
Obama Bringing Campaign to Dallas-Ft. Worth
Barack's Rock - the Newsweek cover story by teacherken
Campaign Appearances
February 18. 2008 - Stand for Change Rally with Barack Obama, Beloit, WI
February 18, 2008 - Keeping America's Promise Rally with Barack Obama, Youngstown, OH
February 19, 2008 - Stand for Change Town Hall with Barack Obama, San Antonio, TX
February 19, 2008 - Stand for Change Rally with Barack Obama, Houston, TX
“the fierce urgency of now” by Populista
What's an Obama State? With February predictions. by poblano
Leaving Delegates on the Table: Why Clinton Might Lose by psericks

obama in virginia beach, va, feb 10
Hope and Experience
Hillary Clinton said the folllowing:
``It will take more than just speeches to fulfill our dreams. It will take a lot of hard work,'' New York Senator Clinton, 60, said at a Wisconsin Democratic Party dinner in Milwaukee late yesterday.
Barack Obama said the following:
``Don't tell me words don't matter,'' Obama, 46, said in a speech following Clinton's. ``If we don't inspire the country to believe again, then it doesn't matter how many policies and plans we have.''
I watched the Wisconsin Democratic Party Dinner on C-SPAN, Saturday night of February 16, 2008. I thought, and my friend asked me "What is wrong with you?", that Hillary Clinton gave a good speech. Why? Over the past month or so, her speech has changed and her theme has changed, AGAIN. And if you did not catch her new theme, it is the "solutions" presidential candidate.
OK. I give credit, where it is due. My opinion, I thought her speech was good, but she is not Barack Obama.
Barack gave a "greatest hits" speech filled with substance and passion. He was dead on about words do matter, since the Clinton Campaign said his speeches don't matter.
After almost 8 years of being dragged through the mud by this current administration. After almost 8 years of not trusting a thing that come out of President Bush's mouth. Almost 5 years of a war that has killed many and maimed in the thousands. The general public is sick and tired and tired and sick of the lies, cynacism, and distrust of elected officials in this country.
Words do matter. Grounded principles do matter. Inspriation does matter. And Hope, definately matter. You would think, the other side would understand this by now.

over 10K in baltimore, md
Obama Surge Stuns Democrats
Obama Courts Hispanics in Texas
Obama and McCain Sweeps Primaries

obama wears wristband of fallen soldier
Fort Worth Star-Telegram Endorses Obama; Corpus Christi Caller-Times Endorses Obama; The Honolulu Advertiser Endorses Obama; Houston Chronicle Endorses Obama; Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Endorses Obama; The Capital Times Endorses Obama; George Lopez Backs Barack; Jim Hightower for Obama; Congressman David Scott (D-GA) Switches to Obama; Congressman Brian Baird (D-WA) Endorses Obama; Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton Endorses Obama; Austin Mayor Will Wynn Backs Obama; Mayor Dave Cieslewicz of Madison Endorses Obama; SEIU National Backs Obama; United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Backs Obama; Texas House Democratic Leader Jim Dunnam Endorses Obama; State Senator Kirk Watson (D-TX) Endorses Obama; Former Bill Clinton Campaign Manager, David Wilhelm Backs Obama; Burnt Orange Report Endorse Obama; Former Rhode Island Senator Lincoln Chaffee Endorses Obama; Sarah Swisher, Superdelegate Switches to Obama

obama's sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng
Over 100 Newspaper Endorsements and Counting...
Vermont's Superdelegates Lean Obama's Way
Obama Fever Catches Among Women
Free Your Mind, With Mind Sorbet

barack with a cutie pie in oshkosh, wisconsin
Michelle Obama Thrives in Campaign Trenches
There is no confusing Michelle Obama for her husband on the campaign trail.
Asked at the Democratic debate in Los Angeles whether he would pick Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton as a vice-presidential running mate, Senator Barack Obama said she “would be on anybody’s short list.”
But when a television interviewer asked Mrs. Obama last week whether she would support Mrs. Clinton, if she won the nomination, Mrs. Obama was less generous.
“I’d have to think about that,” Mrs. Obama said on “Good Morning America” on ABC. “I’d have to think about — policies, her approach, her tone.”
Outspoken, strong-willed, funny, gutsy and sometimes sarcastic, Michelle Obama is playing a pivotal role in her husband’s campaign as it builds on a series of successes, including a sweep on Tuesday of contests in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia.
Her personal style — forthright, comfortable in the trenches, and often more blunt than Mr. Obama — plays well with a broad swath of the electorate and has given the campaign a steelier edge while allowing Mr. Obama to stay largely above it all.
“I am trying to be as authentically me as I can be,” Mrs. Obama said in an interview. “My statements are coming from my experiences and my observations and my frustrations.”
Mrs. Obama says she dislikes politics — she insists there will be no second run for the presidency if her husband falls short this time — but relishes a good fight, the competition of it all. NY Times
obama town
Blogs and Websites; Obama Cycle; One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; Brown Iowa; The Populista Report; Relentless Liberal; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama; Netroots for Obama; Economists for Obama; Why We Need Obama
Michelle Obama. First Lady Material
McCain and Obama Turn Fire on Each Other
Obama's Economic Plan Is A Pitch to the Working Class
Obama Crowds
for obama dreamers....
Obama Wave Crashes Through
Hillary Clinton spent years of maneuvering and over $100 million building what was supposed to be an impenetrable seawall capable of warding off any political assault. But Barack Obama has created a wave that began in the caucuses of Iowa, ebbed in New Hampshire, grew again in South Carolina, endured Super Tuesday and in Virginia and Maryland may have broken down the Clinton seawall at last.
From the beginning, Obama has faced the challenge of turning an air of excitement and energy into a movement on the ground and votes in the ballot box. In what's been called the Potomac Primary, he has gone a long way toward completing that task. more, CBS
lovingj is back!!!
Obama Strongest General Election Candidate
Top McCain Advisor Will Not Stay With Campaign if Obama is Democratic Nominee
Obamanomics: Barack Talks Tough on Trade
The Tech of Obamamania: Online Phone Banks, Mass Texting and Blogs
Obama responds to Clinton Criticism

obama in janesville, wisconsin gm plant
Obama is preaching the politics of hope - not division
During recent weeks, I have watched with increasing dismay the media suggestions that Latinos will not vote for Barack Obama in the Democratic primary because of underlying racism or tension that exists between African-Americans and us.
What surprises me most is the overly facile and inaccurate juxtaposition of Latino vs. African-Americans as a "race" conflict. I chair the National Association of Latino Elected Officials Educational Fund and, in that capacity, work with Latinos at every level of government across the country.
And guess what? We are black, indigenous, white and everything in between. We are also blond-haired and blue-eyed, we are Catholic and Protestant, Republican and Democratic, and, as far as I have been able to determine, we are not unanimously supporting one candidate more than another. The idea that all Latinos speak with one political voice is a false dichotomy and makes flawed assumptions that show a basic ignorance of Latinos and our very diverse culture. more
March 4th Together: TX, OH, RI, VT by kath25
New York City districts significantly underreport Obama's votes by PrometheusSpeaks
confidence and strength by kid oakland
a contest for Pledged Delegates by kid oakland
Barack Obama's sister Maya takes Islands by storm by raatz
Obama's Youth Movement
obama's madison, wi speech, after winning potomac primaries
Obama's response to Clinton's Debate Attack Ad, here; Michelle at Ohio State; Barack in Baltimore; Wisconsin Democratic Founder's day Dinner, Milwaukee, WI, February 16, 2008, here; Barack in Alexandria, VA on Education, here

obama in college park, md
icebergslim’s last word: movement.
This week the Clinton Campaign suggested that their movement will meet our movement on March 4th.
That is all fine and good. I am glad that the Clinton Campaign has come to terms that a campaign is only as good as the people who are committed to it. As we have seen in record number of people at Barack’s events, from the primaries and caucuses he has won, to the money raised by the small donors, Barack’s campaign is that of people involved in a movement.
Movement. Folk who come together for a common purpose to fix the problems ahead. That is what we are in this campaign. Ones who are behind Barack’s quest, and one’s who will help him fix the problems, as grave as they are, that we face for this country.
Barack Obama offers more than speeches, false hope, and platitudes. He offers the many disenfranchised voters, new voters, swing voters, independent voters, republican voters this, a chance to take responsibility of what we want for our country from here on now.
For these politicians to try to break the vision, excitement and hope of voters, do it at your peril. These are the same voters you will need to be fired up behind you, and from where I am sitting, there is nothing exciting to be fired up about, but Barack Obama.
Lastly, the repeated remarks by the Clinton Campaign and former President Clinton that caucus states do not matter. Well, all I can type is this, "How stupid of a statement is this!!" Do you want people, many from swing states, to vote for your candidate if the nominee? Obviously, not.
Moving on, Yes. We. Can.
We are not done, far from it. Keep phone banking here. Keep volunterring here. Keep donating here. And keep hope mongering, always.

above is one of my favorite photo's of barack and michelle. we have stuck with them and believed in the change that they have put forth. in only working hard, will this change come to reality. so, let us keep believing in hopes and dreams. i will never be ashamed of wanting something better for me, my family and my country. will you? as always, focus on obama and not the drama....
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