cross-posted @ One Million Strong
jefferson jackson dinner, des moines, ia, november 10th
Debate Schedule
November 15, 2007 - Las Vegas, Nevada
December 10, 2007 - Los Angeles, California
December 13, 2007 - Johnston, Iowa, Des Moines Register Democratic Debate
January 15, 2008 - Las Vegas, Nevada
January 31, 2008 - California
pre jefferson jackson dinner rally, november 10th
Two Polls Out In New Hampshire, Shows Clinton's Continued Erosion
Todd Beeton's diary over at, shows the continued erosion in New Hampshire of Hillary Clinton. This poll, UNH/Boston Globe, released today is showing a continued trend for Clinton. The Marist Poll out Saturday and Rasmussen's poll was out earlier this week. All three polls are showing the same trend. There is something going on out there and a shift is starting to form.
obama ad for the jefferson jackson dinner, classic
Obama Heats Up Rivalry in Iowa
As he travels through Iowa, White House hopeful Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is cranking up the argument that chief rival Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) has too much baggage to be elected president.
He also said if he does not do well in Iowa, it will not be because he is African American.
“If you start off with half the country not wanting to vote for you, you don’t have a lot of margin for error,” Obama said Friday in reference to Clinton — not by name — during a taping of Iowa Public Television’s “Iowa Press” political program to be broadcast later this weekend.
At a town hall meeting in Knoxville, Iowa, on Thursday evening, Obama, without mentioning Clinton by name, said he is the most electable Democrat because he has no history of “generating anger among Republicans.”
For more than a decade, Republicans have railed against Clinton — as first lady and as now senator — and still furiously invoke her name in fund-raising solicitations. Chicago Sun-Times
Obama Has Nothing to Hide
Obama Goes to Wrong Airport, Hey It Happens....
Q&A with Obama
With Obama In Iowa: How Are You Going To Beat Hillary?"

obama in bettendorf, ia
Obama Apperances and Campaign Events
November 12, 2007 - Meet the Candidate, Claremont, NH
November 12, 2007 - Meet the Candidate, Lebanon, NH
November 14, 2007 - Countdown to Change, San Franciso, CA
November 17, 2007 - Countdown to Change, Austin, TX
November 18, 2007 - Michelle Obama, University Park, IL
November 30, 2007 - Barack Obama and Former Sec of Navy, Richard Danzig, Washington, D.C.
Close the Door Opened by Kyl-Lieberman, by Samantha Power
Obama Fights Foes, Seen or Otherwise

govenor patrick canvassing in new hampshire
Obama GOP Anger Management
White House hopeful Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) Thursday night mounted his most forceful argument to date that he is more electable than chief rival Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), who has been a Republican punching bag for more than a decade.
Obama, not mentioning Clinton by name, said he could appeal to Republican and Independent voters in a general election because he has no history of “generating anger among Republicans.”
“I think there are a lot of disaffected Republicans, a lot of independents who are Republican leaning who are really disappointed, and so they are willing to give us a chance. But in order for us to take advantage of that opportunity I think we’ve got to have a candidate who can bridge some of those divides,” Obama said.
The electability factor could be a crucial factor in this first caucus state, where voters may decide to pick the candidate on Jan. 3, not who they like the best or agree with, but who they gauge has the best chance of winning the 2008 general election. Chicago Sun-Times
Micheal Eric Dyson on Barack Obama, a must read
Obama Got More Than Ice Cream During Bus Stop
Does Trippi, Heart Obama?
Clinton and that Electability
Lenore Patton, Chairwoman of the Rockingham County Democrats, Endorses Obama; Over 300 Republicans from Iowa, NH Endorse Obama; Mock Election goes to Obama
Obama Raises Money in the Carribean
Events Gives Democrats Reason to Pause
Obama Continues to Set Standards on Ethics and Transparency
Obama Slide Show, Eight Weeks Before Iowa Caucus
obama's speech at jefferson jackson dinner, des moines, ia, november 10th
Blogs and Websites
One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama L.A.; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama
Obama Says Iowa Voters Beyond Race
Well, I would hope so. Why? Because we all are fighting and battling the same issues, that is why.
I had reservations about Obama. A black man, though bi-racial, you still see that we can not envision the white part of him, because we are so trained to look at people by the color of their skin.
Yes. Even Democrats. Many who have tried to make the trumped up charges that a black man will never be president, because this country is so racist. That is an argument, but it becomes weaker by the day.
If anyone believe that Obama will not win because of race, was not going to vote for him from the conception. That means that no matter what he said, it would be shot down with the race argument. Are there many like that? Yes. Are there many more who don't think like that? Yes.
Barack Obama's argument must be won and sold to us, individually, not because he is a man of color. But what he can do for the United States of America. That means all of us, not some of us.
Populista's Take on Clinton Planting Questions
Obama's "50-State" Primary Campaign Strategy by psericks
AdamB on Obama's Domestic Violence Plan
Obama and the Flag Photo

obama in wapello, ia
Obama's Red State Appeal
Dave Filipi, a 48-year-old family doctor, made his way to the back room of McKenna's Blues Bar near the University of Nebraska's Omaha campus. Nervously smoothing his suit, he lingered in the doorway. "To be honest, I'm a Republican," Filipi sheepishly said as two dozen curious faces swinging around toward him.
"Trust me, you're not the only one here," Solomon Kleinsmith, the head of the group "Nebraskans for Obama" and himself a lifelong Republican, replied with a chuckle. "Come, sit down."
Political organizing for Democrats in red states like Nebraska can often feel a bit like leading AA meetings. But that hasn't deterred more than 300 Nebraskans from forming a dozen groups for Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign, and they aren't the only ones. On Monday, the Obama campaign announced that over 300 Iowa and New Hampshire Republicans had decided to cross party lines to support Obama. At Obama events in Oklahoma, Kentucky, Virginia and Georgia, a good 20% of audiences routinely raise their hands when emcees ask for Republicans in the crowd. A "Republicans for Obama" website has 11 state chapters with 146 members. An August University of Iowa even found Obama running third in the state among Republican candidates, behind Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani but ahead of both Fred Thompson and John McCain. And a national Gallup poll this month also found that nearly as many Republicans like Obama - 39% - than the 43% that dislike him, compared with the 78% of Republicans who held an unfavorable opinion of Hillary Clinton. Time
Obama Outlines Nevada Rural Plan
Hodes Tells Why He Believes Obama Can Make A Difference
Innocence vs. Experience
Whites Great Hope?
Democrats court IOWA; Presidential Economic Advisors Debate, real player required; Interview Series with Christian Broadcast Network; Questions in Iowa about Clean Coal Technology; NPR on Clinton and Obama; Radio Ad in South Carolina, "Difference"; Obama Walking Into JJ Dinner
Obama Shows off Organizational Strength
Obama's Tax Cut for the Middle Class
Obama Focuses on Baby Boomers
Full Text of Obama's Jefferson Jackson Dinner Speech
Obama Surgin'
iowa ad, 'high and dry'
shoutouts: if you misses last week's obama roundup, here; if only you were gay, by rserven; clinton, lowering iowa expectations?; clinton camp admits "planting questions" in the audience for her; the mark penn follies: poisonous toys edition by geekesque; clinton hits a rough patch; judge nixes michigan's january 15th primary; jeffrey feldman; bonddad; roland s. martin; u.s. dollar lost 1/3 of its value; black kos; must read by dengre; true democracy fed by justice, by nuisance industry
Reviews are in for Obama's Performance at the Jefferson Jackson Dinner
Barack Obama's speech at tonight's Jefferson-Jackson dinner in Iowa took him back to the roots of his stardom. Crucially, the setting was similar to that of the 2004 Democratic national convention, where Obama's keynote speech changed his destiny: Obama appeared onstage alone, before a roaring auditorium crowd, delivering an oratorically ambitious speech. It was a far cry from the candidate debates, with their silly questions and Mike Gravels, which have diminished Obama--or his sometimes lackluster town hall meetings with voters. Instead, Obama showed off his star power again and, for me at least, refreshed the logic of his call for "change that we can believe in."
And from David Yepsen:
It was one of the best of his campaign. The passion he showed should help him close the gap on Hillary Clinton by tipping some undecided caucus-goers his way. His oratory was moving and he successfully contrasted himself with the others - especially Clinton - without being snide or nasty about it. [...]
A candidate who does well at a JJ is quickly in the political buzz around Iowa. A candidate who does poorly can be quickly written off by some important players in the party. Candidates also know the event provides them with an opportunity to sound new themes, launch new attacks or mount a defense of their weaknesses. Local and national observers show up to chronicle the changes.
Obama was particularly impressive Saturday night. Should he win the Iowa caucuses, Saturday’s dinner will be remembered as one of the turning points in his campaign in here, a point where he laid down the marker and began closing on Clinton, the national frontrunner. [...]
While the Democratic candidates all had a good night, Obama clearly had the best.
If you appreciate the weekly Obama Roundup, then Tip My Obama Jar!! Minimum five dollars. This contribution goes directly to the Obama Campaign. We are in the last stretch of fundraising, Quarter 4, it ends December 31st. Remember to make your contribution.

obama in knoxville, ia, november 8th
icebergslim's last word: is the tide turning?
This has been a whirlwind week for Obama, at the expense of Hillary Clinton.
Since the debate in Philadelphia, the reviews of Clinton’s performance was disastrous. Really. Many who are political junkies have been complaining about Clinton for some time now, wondering why the MSM was not picking up on her non-answer stance. That all changed, after Philadelphia.
Many have been touting, relying, sleeping with poll numbers. Many had written Obama off, especially in the netroots, but now the tide is turning.
For any real progressive, to honestly embrace Clinton as the change candidate, had to step back after Philadelphia’s debate. You had to. Her weaknesses of answering questions and lack of candor was exposed and it is becoming evident by the latest NH Poll numbers. What is the most interesting tidbit is the public’s perception on Hillary Clinton and her trustworthiness. The numbers stink and anyone who has been part of a campaign, right now you are thinking, “Houston, we got a problem”.
Yes, they do. People don’t vote for a candidate they do not trust. They don’t.
The Jefferson Jackson Dinner was televised on c-span, last night live. The top three candidates were interestingly, different. Edwards was passionate, from beginning to end. Obama, closed it last night. His passion, energy and commitment sealed the deal for some. It was one of, if not, his best speech given on the campaign trail. Clinton. Her whole delivery was slow, melodic, and did not seem real for many. Yes, she is the front runner, but something was missing from her. Something that she needs to find, fast, if she plans on winning this.
I have been stating from the beginning this nomination will be won by how the voters feel about these candidates. Do they trust them? Are they honest? Can they bring real change? And now the last one, can he/she win?
All this starts in Iowa. It does. And the recent polling, is what it is, indicates that Democratic Voters are now starting to pay attention here. And if anyone wants to win this, you will have to bring some honesty to the table. If you don’t, the tide will continue to erode.
Truth. Honesty. Sincerity. Barack Obama.
Lastly, a must read diary from worldtrippers, who was at the Jefferson Jackson Dinner in Des Moines, Iowa last night. A great diary on Obama, and the diarist take on his possible turning point, last night.

well, fall is here to stay for a while, as the precinct captains are getting ready, so are we. ready for change and ready to move this country away from where it is, to where we want it to be. Together. As always remember to focus on Obama, and not the drama....
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This Week With Barack Obama