Monday, September 8, 2008

Obama Morning Break...Handwringing? Do Something.


Polls and Handwringing

There is a recent poll out by USA Today/Gallup Poll.

The handwringers are out HEAVY. And if you don't know what handwringing is, read the following:

wring your hands - to show that you are very sad or anxious about a situation but do nothing to improve it

The reason for handwringing is that for registered voters it is 50-46, McCain up by 4. For likely voters, 54-44, McCain up by 10.

Obviously, folks don't understand the ebb and flow of polls. Did people think McCain would not get a bounce from his convention? Hell, he stepped on Obama the NEXT DAY AFTER HIS CONVENTION with the announcement of Palin. He did that because he had too. Picking Palin was a political move for his base, nothing else. He needed shock treatment and he got that with the Palin pick.

National polls mean NOTHING 7 weeks out of the election. Folks need to pay attention to state polls, period. National polling comes into play 10 days before an election.

For those handwringing, some of it is concern trolling by the other side, but the other is Obama supporters who can't seem to get from behind their computer and DO SOMETHING.

Did people think this would be easy? That Obama would just walk into the presidency? No, this election is about each and everyone of us, and we need to start doing out part, share instead of the continuous complaining on blogs and listservs.

We need the positive energy to win, that means getting off your duffs and working this campaign. All the tools to get started are at Barack's website. Instead of whining and complaining, do something to help this campaign win.

Lastly, here is an excellent writeup by Joe Trippi. Former strategist of John Edwards and Howard Dean. This write up states EVERYTHING of what this campaign is coming down to. The unknown.

The unknown are cell phone users, the continuous under polling of minorities, and new voters. This element was in Iowa and it is nationwide.

Read the article and then get f*cking busy to win in November.


NBC are cowards. Matthews and Olbermann are out.

NBC kowtowed to the Republicans. Now David Gregory, who is the worst moderator on television will be the prime anchor person for any upcoming debates, election night. Can NBC see? Gregory is a biased Republican, period. NBC would be disastrous to even think Gregory can fill Tim Russert's shoes, for Meet the Press replacement. Russert is missed. Anyway, this is my opinion, everyone has one but I am done with these cable desk clerks.

Yes, David Gregory sucks.

Read it here.


The Government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is serious. At least 50 percent of home mortgages are through these organizations. This is another indicator of the economy and the spiral downfall we are in. With the unemployment numbers at the highest in five years, for anyone to think the Republicans will fix this, while they have been in charge, keep whistling dixie. The Republicans are out of touch.

Read bonddad on the Fannie/Freddie situation.


When you are handwringing, look at this video



Obama, McCain must set priorities on energy plans

Palin's first interview will be with Charles Gibson, ABC

ZOMG. SYFPH. by Elise

Obama needs better ads

New McCain/Palin ad, "The Original Mavericks"

and "This Week With Barack Obama", here

biden enroute and in montana

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The last thing we need is a maverick and yet another WAR president in the White House. John McCain is reckless, makes gut decisions, and has the wrong temperament and the wrong policies to be POTUS.

I would love the see an ad that weaves the says the word 'ENOUGH' over and over again. Enough tax cuts for the wealthy, enough ignoring the need for health care for all Americans, enough denying climate change, enough of this endless occupation in Iraq, ENOUGH, ietc

Barack and Joe should be saying ENOUGH at every rally. When Barack said ENOUGH during his acceptance speech, it gave me chills. That says it all. ENOUGH OF THIS MADNESS......AMERICA YOU CAN END THIS.....IT'S IN YOUR HANDS.
John McCain tells lies about Barack's record and actually makes things up. How can you be a straight talker while telling lies?? McCain is dishonest and a fraud. John McCain has major character flaws that need to be exposed.

He was jealous of Baracks popularity, so he mocked him as a celebrity.
He was jealous of the 75,000 who attended the Democratic Convention so he mocked the columns stagecraft.
He was jealous of all of the grassroots activity created by Barack, so he condemned community organizers.
He was jealous of Barack's amazing oratory skills so he mocked his speeches.
He can't talk about the issues, so he makes his campaign about culture wars and personality.
He's the maverick that heads the Republican Party, but he was told who to pick for his VP.

MUBARAK ALI PATEL · 863 weeks ago

Grandpa John Mccain is in Washington for more then 2 decades. He is
still the part of the present President Bush and Vice-President Dick
Cheney's Government and main adviser with his outdated and
irrelevant experience which cannot work in "modern changing world".
What "CHANGE" grandpa John McCain will bring to "Washington" ?
America has already touch "rockbottom" . Please donot finish .
Please keep for future generation of America grandpa ? Please retire
and we all will be glad to serve you as Senior citizen in the interest of
national service.
Hey don't knock those that sit back absorbing what passes through the list serves. They have been very helpful to some of us active supporters also on getting word out to those the corrupted media doesn't have full control over yet. The e-mails have been effective in gaining support for Barack. And at times when your overwhelmed and just wanna come in from a break it's nice to sit back and do your research, you wouldn't want a bunch of misinformed supporters out there canvassing would you. I like touching up on my expertise through the internet in order to persuade future voters Obama is the best choice. Or if your a single mother like me with small children a full load of classes and a fulltime job somedays sitting at the computer late at night is the better than doing nothing at all. I love sitting in front of my screen it has helped me and Obama.

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