Yes, this congress don't care.
This congress don't care about yours, mines or ours.
Why should this congress care?
Most of this congress are MILLIONAIRES.....
Even in tough times, it's good to be a lawmaker: According to a report released this week by the Center for Responsive Politics, there are 237 millionaires serving in Congress, according to 2008 figures.
That's a slight decline from the previous year, when there were 239 millionaires in the House and Senate. But it still reflects the fact that the average lawmaker is far wealthier than his or her typical constituent. While about one percent of Americans are millionaires, 44 percent of those serving in Congress can claim as much.
"The biggest takeaway from all of this is that even thought the collective wealth of members of congress appears to have declined, members of Congress are still so much more wealthy than the average American – and even more wealthy than a lot of wealthy Americans," CRP spokesman Dave Levinthal told Hotsheet.
How can a millionaire even care about 10% unemployment, technically 9.7%, but not going down anytime soon? Shit, their bank accounts are full, their needs met at a fucking snap, why should they care?
Why should these individuals care about millions of Americans unable to pay rent, mortgage, utility bills, health insurance, car insurance....??? These millionaires have someone PAYING this for them while they run around D.C. to the various cocktail parties or making sure they are on TV
looking like they are doing something!!
Why should these individuals be swayed by their own constituents, AMERICANS, unable to purchase food, sustain, etc.? Food?? For these millionaires??? PUHLEAZE...that is not even a THOUGHT for them....
This congress has repeatedly showed the ability to be the most unsympathetic congress in a very long time.
These individuals are playing with people's LIVES HERE. We, Americans, constituents are nothing but political football, being kicked around to see who wins the game. This is not right.
And it does not help anyone when we have a Democrat who states the following:"We've had four straight months of job growth," said Rep. Jason Altmire (D-Pa.) after the House approved its version of the bill in May. "At some point you have to take a step back and look at the relative value of unemployment benefits versus people looking for jobs."
Are you kidding me? 4 straight months of job growth?
Did he read the report that most of May job growth was PART TIME, TEMPORARY, CENSUS JOBS that are OVER in September? Meaning, these folks are back at the unemployment office?
It is unbelievable that congress would actually play with folk, families, individuals lives out here. It is unbelievable that congress thinks there are JOBS out here? Well, HELLO, there are not.
The days of just getting a job is over. Hell, you can't even get jobs for minimum wage at McDonald's, Duncan Donuts, Burger King, etc. In my neck of the woods, Illinois, many of these establishments have "NO HIRING" before you can even ask.
For the record, Illinois' unemployment rate is 10.8%.And the congressman, the Democrat from Pennsylvania? The unemployment in his neck of the woods is
8.7% and CLIMBING. And this gasbag has the nerve to even attempt to make a reference that maybe people are not looking for jobs? At least, it reads that way to me.
This is why people are sick of congress. And these idiots in office are OUR FAULT. Instead of electing individuals that will do what we tell them to do, they get in office and get caught up on bullshit and take their eye off the ball, us, their constituents.
For anyone in congress to believe that their are jobs out there, they are smoking some good shit and need to pass that blunt to ME, because I don't see it.
Lastly, I have many friends that have gotten their last check. One friend read to me what it stated in a letter sent to her, here in Illinois:
You have exhausted your entitlement to benefits. Legislation is pending that could make you eligible for further benefits. You will be notified if you are determined eligible for further benefits. Continue to certify every two weeks.
This coming with her having to pay her mortgage July 1, 2010. This coming that she has two kids. This coming with panic, stress and the asking of "What will happen to me, to my kids?"
This is what fucking congress is doing and it is not fucking funny.
Congress, don't give a MICKEY-FICK for what is happening to millions of Americans, but only care about the political points for November.
Well, congress, millions of these Americans vote and I hope to GOD that any one who was an obstructionist and is on the ballot, which is the Republicans and some spiny Democrats are voted the fuck out of congress.
And President Obama, we need your bully pulpit NOW, we need your anger at congress NOW, we need you, NOW.....not later...Update [2010-6-27 13:43:15 by icebergslim]:The obstructionists are the Republicans with some spiny Democrats that go along.
(this is stated in the diary) The point is that people are not going to be able to make it with their unemployment benefits squashed from a view of fat cats sitting in Washington, D.C. who believes that there are an abundance of jobs out here. This is a pure disconnect and a easy argument for the Democrats to make, NOW and use against the Republicans in November.
Update [2010-6-27 14:29:19 by icebergslim]:Contact your congress members,
here, I have already contacted mine's. Thanks to
ridemybike for the links.
Update [2010-6-27 14:29:19 by icebergslim]:And congress what is up with this? WTF?The current lapse in extended benefits is unprecedented: Data compiled by the National Employment Law Project show that since 1959, the government has never allowed extended unemployment benefits to expire when the national unemployment rate is still above 7.2 percent. The current rate stands at 9.7 percent.
Update [2010-6-27 15:15:37 by icebergslim]:This economy will be horrific for a very long time. As we saw the bump in housing was only due to the first time tax credit and slashes in prices.
Now we see the real deal in the housing market which is not good.KB Home (KBH) said Friday that its second-quarter orders tumbled 23%, knocking more than 7% off the stock price and providing further proof of a softening U.S. housing market that no longer offers a home-buyer tax credit.
KB Home has revamped its product line, dramatically shaving its square footage and prices, letting it compete with foreclosed houses and to focus on first-time buyers tapping the credit. But the offer expired on April 30, leading to a slowdown in that segment.
"We like this business model and generally its execution during four of the last six quarters; unfortunately, this quarter's results should send a big wake-up call," Stephen East, an analyst with Ticonderoga Securities, wrote in a client note. He expected orders to rise 19%.
The order drop comes as the home-building sector struggles to recover from its worst downturn in generations. Confidence has tumbled as buyer traffic grows sparse. The U.S. Commerce Department on Wednesday said new-home sales plunged in May to a record low, dragged down by a lackluster job market and the foreclosure crisis that has shaved values nationwide.
If people don't have jobs and are unemployed then who is out there to purchase ANY GOODS? Can someone answer this question because this is a faux, vicious circle that keeps swarming this economy? It has not recovered, there are no jobs, foreclosures still at a record high and no relief in sight. But the smart thing is to throw folks off unemployment, into the streets?
Cross-posted @ Daily KosHome Page