cross-posted @ Daily Kos and One Million Strong
"The Happiest Day of my Life"
Democratic Debate
April 16, 2008 - Philadelphia, PA, ABC
walking through claudio's specialty foods in philadelphia, pa
Voting Registration Deadlines for the Following States
North Carolina: Deadline April 11th. Form must be received on or by April 11th. Download form in English, here. Download form in Spanish, here. Registration form must be postmarked, faxed or hand delivered to your county office by April 11th. Here is the list of county offices to mail or hand deliver your registration form to here.
Kentucky: Deadline April 21st. All registration forms should be submitted to your county and received by April 21st. Download registration form here. List of counties to mail form here.
West Virginia: Deadline April 22nd. All registration forms must be submitted on and received by April 22nd. Download the registration form here. Forms must be mailed or hand delivered to your local county office, list of county offices here.
Oregon: Deadline April 29th. Registration form must be received by April 29th, the downloadable form and where to mail to your county is available here.
Montana: Deadline May 5th. Registration form must be received by May 5th. Registration form and your county address is available here. Additional information is here.
South Dakota: Deadline May 19th. Downloadable form here. Fill out the form on-line, print and send here. List of counties to mail your form is here.

Michelle and Teresa Heinz Kerry at Carnegie Mellon University
The United States of Torture by Maureen; Dear Senator Clinton by Meteor Blades; The Promised Land by DHinMI; The Bush Boom Was a Complete Bust by bonddad; The 'stumble' by Jerome a Paris; Eco-Diary Rescue 4.5 by Meteor Blades; Hillary: I started criticizing the war in Iraq before he did by First Amendment; McCain Waits 25 Years to Apologize for Voting Against the MLK Bill by Congressman John Conyers; Economy Loses 80,000 Jobs, Biggest Loss in Five Years by bink; I've been to the mountaintop by teacherken; Body armor: BILLIONS in contracts awarded improperly by occams hatchet; I've been waiting forty years by Audio Guy; Black Kos, Week In Review by Black Kos; He Can't Win by wmtriallawyer; Iraq Is Hurting The Economy by Chris Bowers; How We Changed a Delegate Slot from Clinton to Obama (check the math!) by howardpark
Democratic Super Delegate Tracker
Fascinating New Obama Ancecdote-Use It! by maxnyc
I Shook Hands with the Next President Today by not a cent
Obama "Fellows" will Organize Regardless of Nominee by Steven R
Barack Obama = Party Builder; Hillary Clinton = ??? by Jonathan Singer

at wilbur chocolate in lititz, pa
It is Over....
It is simple as that.
We are recognizing the slow pattern of drip-drip-drip or the slow creaking of a door closing. That is the Hillary Clinton Campaign.
The hill that Hillary Rodham Clinton must climb to beat Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination will grow a little steeper on Monday, as it has most days lately.
Margaret Campbell, a Montana state legislator, plans to declare her support for Senator Obama, of Illinois. She becomes the 69th superdelegate he has picked up since the Feb. 5 coast-to-coast string of primary elections and caucus votes.
This is the slow dripping that Clinton is feeling. The slow departure of the superdelegates to Barack Obama.

The American Prospect
Yet Mrs. Clinton’s once formidable lead among superdelegates who have announced preferences has shrunk to 34 by the Obama campaign count. The pool of remaining uncommitted superdelegates for her to draw from has dwindled to around 330, fewer than half the overall total of 795 superdelegates.
Mrs. Clinton tried again this weekend to stem the erosion, speaking to Ms. Campbell on a campaign swing through Montana. But Ms. Campbell declined to hold out any longer, saying, “Senator Obama reminds me of why I’m a Democrat.”
Clinton is behind by more than 160 delegates. The number of superdelegates are moving towards Obama. This means that unless the superdelegates overturn what folks voted for in the states Obama won, mathematically Hillary Clinton can not and will not win the Democratic Nomination.
What next? Well, not up to us, but up to Hillary Clinton. She has every right to continue her campaign but as she does for many, she becomes more irrelevant as the days go on. Sad, but true.
Time to look at McCain, that is what we all need to be doing from this point onward. It is time to look towards November, 2008.
obama on the today show
Blogs and Websites; Obama Cycle; One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; Brown Iowa; The Populista Report; Relentless Liberal; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama; Netroots for Obama; Economists for Obama; Why We Need Obama

obama @ m&m's cafe in butte, mt
More Than 442,000 Donors Help Obama Raise Over $40 Million in March
Obama Media Center
Dave Matthews Band in Bloomington, Indiana for Obama
Obama, McCain seen as more trustworthy than Clinton
Carter Hints at Support for Obama

obama @ thaddeus stevens college, lancaster, pa
To Reach Pennsylvania's Blue Collar, Obama Loosens Up
Barack Obama hit the bowling lanes and walked the factory floor, hoisted the local brew and even nursed a calf as he introduced himself over the weekend to the working-class residents of hardscrabble towns in the valleys and mountains of southern Pennsylvania.
In the first days of a bus tour that marks the opening of Obama's campaign in the Pennsylvania primary, a candidate who has done best among the young, the well-educated and African-Americans devoted much of his time to well-publicized visits to habitues of blue-collar America. continue
Clinton-backer Rudd to call Obama
Old-School Politician Mentored Obama
Obama 'flooding' Pennsylvania with TV ads
The Blueprint for Change
Democrats Will Be Unified Behind Nominee, Obama Says

obama @ North Dakota Democratic Convention
PA: Three Mayors Endorse Obama by dmsdbo; Wyoming Governor Endorses Obama by icebergslim; Another Montana Superdelegate for Obama - John Melcher by BoBo2020; Lee Hamilton Endorses Obama; Mayor of Missoula, MT Endorses Obama; Pa. Jewish Leaders for Obama; Pennsylvania AFSCME affiliate breaks with National Union to Endorse Obama; Obama Picks Up 26 Endorsements in Oregon
obama on hardball with chris matthews
Superdelegates turn increasingly to Obama
Clinton and Obama Fight for N.D. Votes -- Again
Louisville for Obama: Kentucky HQ Opening
Obama’s S.E.I.U. Boost in Pennsylvania
Road to Change Slideshow; Obama's Basketball Family; Wallinford, PA Town Hall Meeting; AFL-CIO Convention Speech in Philadelphia; obama at the Mansfield-Metcalf Dinner, Butte, MT; Forget Bowling: How About Some Hoops?; NPR - In Kenya, Obama Enjoys Enthusiastic Support; NPR - Swing Voters in the Heart of Pennsylvania; Michelle Obama @ CMU; Audio of the Mansfield-Metcalf Dinner in Montana
Holding down the Obama family fort
he is the linchpin of Barack Obama's presidential campaign, and yet she does not raise money, plot strategy, lead conference calls, or carry a BlackBerry, which, in her day, was an unassuming fruit that grew on bushes.
Marian Robinson does, though, carry an exalted title in this race: mother-in-law. And from that perch, she makes the whole thing run.
A steely 70-year-old matriarch with a raspy voice and seen-it-all laugh, Robinson manages the family while Obama and his wife, Michelle, venture to the far reaches of the campaign trail. Amid the daily chaos of the marathon primary campaign, it often falls to Michelle's mother to keep the Obamas' two daughters - Malia, 9, and Sasha, 6 - grounded, not to mention fed, bathed, and in bed by 8:30 p.m. continue
remarks in Ft. Wayne, IN on Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr
Obama found a home in his church
Obama focuses on McCain, not Clinton
Obama looking ahead to November
Obama and the 'L' Word

obama at sold out arena in missoula, mt
Barack Obama: I'd Hire Al Gore
McCain eyes battle with Obama
Obama vows to support unions
Obama a ray of hope in dark political times
Get the Facts Correct on Barack Obama
Clintons -- a last stand that lacks class
AS HER ham-handed handlers insult entire states, and her self-absorbed husband indulges in red-faced, finger-wagging outbursts, Sen. Hillary Clinton soldiers on.
It is a joyless campaign, with stump speeches that carry tales of woe and get delivered in a booming voice that could open a wall safe.
A full three months after the Iowa caucuses, nearly two months after Washington's caucuses, the Clintons seem bent on turning the Democrats' fertile ground into scorched earth. continue
icebergslim's last word: pennsylvania
nuff said....
Campaign Apperances
April 8, 2008 - Rally with Michelle Obama, Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem, NC
April 8, 2008 - Rally with Michelle Obama, Reynolds Coliseum, Raleigh, NC

here is obama, all over the country. no matter what you may think about him, he has never cherry picked any states. we have pennsylvania coming up april 22nd and then north carolina and indiana on may 6th. we still have much work to do. it starts with volunteering, canvassing, phonebanking and all the information is here. and as always, your donations to the best run, people-powered campaign out there right now, is the obama campaign. continue to donate. thanks.
This Week With Barack Obama
icebergslim1047 (at) hotmail (dot) com