cross-posted @ daily kos
obama, washington park, nyc, sept 27, 24,000 strong
Debate Schedule
October 30, 2007 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
November 15, 2007 - Las Vegas, Nevada
December 10, 2007 - Los Angeles, California
January 6, 2008 - Johnson County, Iowa
January 15, 2008 - Las Vegas, Nevada
January 31, 2008 - California
dartmouth debate, sept 26
Over 500,000 Donations; Over 350,000 Individual Donors
We are coming together, we are mobilizing, to take our country back. It is not too late and every dollar count. I have been providing This Week With Barack Obama, since July, 2007. If you have not donated to The Obama Campaign, then Tip my Obama Jar!! Five dollar, minimum. Quarter Three ends September 30th, tonight, midnight, your time zone, so if you have not donated, do it now!!
Post Debate Well for Obama
Obama Apperances\Campaign Events
October 2, 2007 - Foreign Policy Speech, Des Moines, IA
October 2, 2007 - Foreign Policy Speech, Coralville, IA
October 3, 2007 - Foreign Policy Town Hall, Iowa City, IA
October 3, 2007 - Town Hall, Washington, IA
October 4, 2007 - Town Hall, Waterloo, IA
October 6, 2007 - Peterborough, NH Office Opening with Congressman Paul Hodes
October 6, 2007 - Minnesota Caucus Convention, St. Paul, MN
October 10, 2007 - Countdown to Change with Barack, Prince Georges County, MD
October 15, 2007 - Countdown to Change, Madison, WI
Campaigning as Obama's Cousin
Obama Wins the Mashup
Obama Would Meet with Iranian President
Democrat Barack Obama says he probably wouldn't have invited Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak at Columbia University but would be willing as president to meet with the Iranian leader as a way to protect U.S. interests.
"The hateful lies that he may utter about Israel, the Holocaust — the answer is for us to promote the truth and show the world the values and ideals that we hold dear," Obama said Monday. "One of the values we believe in is the value of academic freedom. He has a right to speak." more
Obama Presses Bush on Blackwater
Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has proposed clarifying that private contractors accused of misconduct can be tried under U.S. law and urging the Pentagon to pursue such civilian prosecution. Following a Sept. 16 shooting that infuriated the Iraqi government and got the contracting firm Blackwater USA briefly barred from the country, Senate aides are working on adding parts of Obama’s plan to the defense authorization bill.
Obama told Bush in a Monday letter that he should pin down information immediately on offenses committed by contractors.
“It is our government’s obligation to ensure that security contractors in Iraq are subject to adequate and transparent oversight and that their actions do not have a negative impact on our military’s efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan,” Obama wrote. more
Political Stardom Profitable for Obama
Gettin' on the Maryland Train

concord, nh
Obama and Poker
Obama and the Youth Vote
Bill Clinton and Barack is not “Experienced Enough”
Well, Bill Clinton is evoking his “two cents” about Barack Obama not being “experienced enough”. Why? Obama has over 12 years of legislative experience, combining state and federal. While Clinton has only been a US Senator for six years. While for some this may be an issue, for many it is not. Remember, all these candidates touting experience, surely can not answer to their "judgement call" on Iraq. Now can they?
Bill Clinton might not be running for president again, but he keeps popping up in this Democratic primary race.
Latest case in point: This morning, when Barack Obama – with some ceremony and a bit of mystery – delivered the latest of his ongoing riffs rebutting the suggestion, by Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Mr. Clinton, that he does not have the experience to be president.
Standing in a park here, Mr. Obama announced that he was going to quote what another former candidate running for president who had been criticized for not having enough experience had said in response to the charge.
“He said, ‘The same old experience is not relevant: You can have the right kind of experience and the wrong kind of experience,’ ’’ Mr. Obama said. He than paused for a dramatic moment to answer the question for anyone in the audience who had not figured it out.
“Well, that candidate was Bill Clinton,” he said. “And I think he was absolutely right.” more, UPI, DemDog
And lastly, let’s listen to Bill Clinton about the “experience” meme.
Bush Endorses Clinton For the Democratic Nominee
Obama and the Black Vote
Students Support Obama
Greenwood, SC
Correction Officers; Iowa, Gordon Fischer; Becky Carroll; Mike Dorsey
The Money Race, Sigh, Yes, Again

portland, me, 2000+
Websites and Blogs
This Week With Barack Obama; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama L.A.
Obama's Challenge Poll Numbers
But Look At These Iowa Poll Numbers!!!

howard university convocation
Believe in America, Again, Interview with Yahoo, NYC Rally Speech, NH Ad "Do You Believe?", September 26th Dartmouth Debate
Clinton Will Be Business As Usual, And She Will
Both Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., and her husband, former President Clinton, have criticized Obama for his lack of political experience.
Obama said he understands their argument.
"They want to make the argument that Sen. Clinton is just an extension of the Bill Clinton presidency," Obama said in an interview with The Associated Press. "They've been the dominant political family in the Democratic Party for the last 20 years now. So it's not surprising that they want to focus on their longevity.
But, Obama said: "My belief is that the American people are looking for a fundamental break from the way we've been doing business." more
SEIU Endorsment Delayed

columbia, sc
shoutouts: do you understand where you are?; mydd weekly Obama frontpager, psericks; paul hogarth; FishOutofWater; Burma, messed up; employment discrimination, good read by rserven; ending the war vs. "pretending" to end the war, by clammyc; greenspan, iraq all about the oil; gop senators, scurred; 35% of iraq population: dead, maimed or refugee; state dept blocks blackwater files; edwards and public financing; dems need straight talk on iraq
Register to Vote, Here, All 50 States
10 Reasons Why I Support Barack Obama
Turn the Page In Iraq
citizen ad, by lovingj
Michelle Obama and Iowa
Much ado about NOTHING with Michelle Obama stating Barack need to win Iowa. Well, guess what? So, do the rest. Yes, if you look at strategy some not as much as others, but is that written in stone? The point being all these candidates have to poise themselves to do well. And from the recent Newsweek Iowa polling, Obama's time in Iowa is starting to pay off. So, as everyone try to spin words, just make sure your groudtroops are ready to spin the folks to the caucus. Ok?
icebergslim’s last word: obama and movement
This week was an interesting one, for various reasons. Obama was on the move, busy, as usual, but then something else happened.
In NYC, Washington Park, over 24,000 came together for a rally to hear Barack Obama.
So, what? You say. Is it a big deal? Yes, and here is why.
This event was put together in less than 10 days. Yes. 10 days. So, what, again? Well, what rally do you know or better yet, persons do you know who can put together a huge event like this in less than 10 days? Even Oprah had three months, for her event.
What does this mean? A lot. And I will tell you why. The Obama Campaign since conception has challenged us. Yes. They have challenged us. First through supporting the movement, then getting from behind the computer to “Walk for Change”, then provides us tools to engage and meet up with each other, also our own fundraising tools, had us call New Yorkers to come to the rally, and now these various events. This is a challenge for the grassroots movement, a test. To get engaged, get people out to one place. And the final test will be getting folk to the polls.
This is crucial, because it shows the commitment, depth, and breath of this campaign. It means if we can get together in Conway, SC, Atlanta, GA, Portland, OR, Portland, ME, and NYC then we will get the vote out.
Yes, this campaign has tested us. Even when it comes to bringing new people to this campaign and donating money, they have tested us. And NYC was a big test.
The conclusion of this means that we will be fired up and ready to go, come election day. And if we can pass these tests, we can pass the big one on election day. Yes. We will.

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