The President blasts Republicans in the Senate who are blocking unemployment insurance and small business tax breaks to create jobs, even as they push for permanent, massive tax cuts for the richest Americans.
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Saturday, July 17, 2010
President Obama's Weekly Address, Republicans obstructing progress (Video, Transcript)
Posted by icebergslim at 9:16 AM
Labels: barack obama, jobs, radio address, republicans, unemployment
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Who's afraid of Barack Obama?
Apparently, no one.
Not even Senate Leader Harry Reid who states that Obama is not firm enough with the other side. LOL!!! Not firm enough? This coming from a WEAK ASS SENATE LEADER, who does not have the fire to make the Senate stay in the Capitol and pass unemployment extension or a jobs bill? This from a senator who has juiced President Obama for fund-raising several times this year and the previous and let us not forget getting First Lady Michelle Obama out there to stump for him and even doing exercises for the kiddies!!
Harry Reid, what next? Another pass? It is okay to basically call POTUS weak? Because that is basically what he called Barack Obama.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said in an interview with a Las Vegas television station that President Obama has at times been insufficiently forceful in his dealings with the Republican party.
"On a few occasions, I think he should have been more firm with those on the other side of the aisle," the Demotic Nevada senator told KSNV. "He is a person who doesn't like confrontation. He's a peacemaker. And sometimes I think you have to be a little more forceful. And sometimes I don't think he is."
The White House declined to comment on Reid's statements.
The truth is that no one is afraid of President Obama. Why should anyone be afraid? President Obama has been focused on bi-partianship and does not believe that he needs anyone to be afraid of him. And Obama is wrong.
Even though George W. Bush was the one individual to bring down the Republicans, the one face of Republican demise, you did not see members of the Republican caucus on television talking about George W. Bush. Why? Those members were afraid of the Bush White House and repercussions. And this White House? No one is afraid.
President Obama's leadership style and tact is at question here. Why? The one question I continue to remember from Hillary Clinton during the campaign about Barack Obama was that he was not tough enough, he would not fight for you. President Obama's hit in the polls is also about leadership and maybe the public don't believe he is tough enough. This question needs to be asked because people don't believe he can fix the big things, especially the economy.
Public confidence in President Obama has hit a new low, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll. Four months before midterm elections that will define the second half of his term, nearly six in 10 voters say they lack faith in the president to make the right decisions for the country, and a clear majority once again disapproves of how he is dealing with the economy.
For me, that question is still out until after the mid-term elections, but to have your Democratic Senate Leader just say out loud on television that you are basically, "soft", is not a good thing.
Lastly, these poll numbers going south for President Obama should concern us all. Yes, after Labor Day is when we will see which direction the congress will fall, but if the numbers are still bad in October, don't expect much in November. I believe firmly that the public will not vote confidence for Republicans, but many that voted with us who are discouraged will just not show up. The enthusiasm gap which is not for our side is is real, REALITY BASED, not fake.
From The Ed Show:
Posted by icebergslim at 6:05 PM
Labels: 2010 midterm elections, barack obama, democrats, harry reid, republicans
Confidence drops for Obama
And this makes it hard for November. I don't know if the Democrats will hold onto the House of Representatives, but if President Obama's ratings are tanking it does not help the party.
It is not that the public embraces the Republican position, from every poll, the public does not. The Republicans have not been forgotten for putting this country in the position it is in while standing by and saying NO to everyone. The main problem here, for me, has been communication and messaging on this administration's positions and the about face on much from the campaign to voters. The Democrats need all those massive voters that came out in 2008, but the enthusiasm gap is real, they are not excited. That is a real issue.
As I have been writing, November is about the economy/jobs. The Obama Administration dropped the ball on that one. The perception of this administration not doing anything about job creation will be one taken all the way to the polls.
Public confidence in President Obama has hit a new low, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll. Four months before midterm elections that will define the second half of his term, nearly six in 10 voters say they lack faith in the president to make the right decisions for the country, and a clear majority once again disapproves of how he is dealing with the economy.
And the bottomline is this:
Recent economic developments -- a declining stock market, problems in the housing industry and an unemployment report showing only tepid job growth in the private sector -- may have bruised the president's ratings.
Lastly, the Obama White House needs total re-haul, TOTAL. New EVERYBODY, especially that political and communication team. The messaging on everything has been atrocious coming from the White House and for all the hand wringing, in the end, Barack Obama is head of the Democratic Party, whether he likes it or not. Not head of the Bi-Partisan Party but the Democratic Party and he needs to get that.
Full Washington Post/ABC Poll
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Posted by icebergslim at 9:08 AM
Labels: 2010 midterm elections, abc, barack obama, democrats, poll, republicans, washington post
Monday, July 12, 2010
GOP all about the rich, wealthy, listen to Sen. Jon Kyle of AZ (Video)
All about keeping the rich BUSH TAX CUTS, from 2001 and 2003. Remember, these tax cuts were NEVER PAID FOR, which is thrown in the pile of crap we have to deal with now with the recession and deficits. These politicians, all about the RICH, themselves.
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