The highlight today are the speeches of Obama and McCain at the NALEO Latino Leadership Conference.
Below video of heckler during McCain speech.
To view the full video of McCain, click here. To view the full video of Obama, click here. Via C-Span.
Obama announces Middle East/European Tour
more information on this tour from psericks @ One Million Strong
I am going to a Unite for Change meeting later in my neighborhood, are you?
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Slo Mo Saturday....
Posted by icebergslim at 2:11 PM
Labels: barack obama, europe, john mccain, middle east
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Afternoon Break...Reunited and It Feels So Good...
first up, hillary
next, barack
and read my diary on Daily Kos, about unity
There are over 4,000 parties/get togethers nationwide setup, don't wait find one and join us.
Or is unity asking too much?
I know this is supposed to be a marriage, but behind the scenes, it feels more like a divorce.
There's a lot of sadness and hurt between the Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton camps, with both sides fighting over money and loyalty.
Before the unity fest to began here in Unity, N.H., I was on the phone with some top Clinton supporters who attended a big gathering of major donors in Washington, D.C. last night.
It was hosted by Clinton's team, and to many in attendance, it didn't feel like a reunion. It felt like the arrival of a repo man.
"Hillary was sad, even pitiful I have to say," said one of her top donors.
"It was like, this guy is coming to take my family away."
But most of the right things were said.
Obama expressed a determination to help with Clinton's whopping campaign debt. continue
But what about this??

this guy promises to raise 10M for obama
mccain campaign running in the wrong direction
And folks mad that McCain is taking Saturdays and Sundays off????
david plouffe, obama campaign manager, on state of the race
Hiring former Clinton Staff
The Obamas maxed out to Hillary and the Clintons max out to Obama.
Evan Bayh, wants the VP slot
my take, YES...
chuck todd on the la times/bloomberg poll
lieberman must go

Posted by icebergslim at 3:39 PM
Labels: barack obama, evan bayh, hillary clinton, Indiana, morning joe, new hampshire
Barack Obama's Cover on Rolling Stone.
cross-posted @ Daily Kos
Here are excepts from the Rolling Stone article:
The first thing I notice about the plane is how low-key it is, all coach seating from back (the press) to front (the candidate). There is no separate compartment for this potential president; he just holds down the second row for himself and his newspapers. There are no more than 10 staffers on the plane, and a dozen or more rows are empty, separating the senator from the Secret Service contingent and two dozen members of the traveling press corps. It's not a big day or a big event: The primaries are done, and none of the media big names are along.
The thing that is remarkable is that for a politician, Obama has graced the Rolling Stone cover twice within a year, but this time NO TYPE over the picture, just him.
Audio Clips from the Jann Wenner interview with Barack, here.
What is on his ipod?
“If I had one musical hero, it would have to be Stevie Wonder,” says Obama, who grew up on Seventies R&B and rock staples including Earth, Wind and Fire, Elton John and the Rolling Stones. “When I was at that point where you start getting involved in music, Stevie had that run with Music of My Mind, Talking Book, Fulfillingness’ First Finale and Innervisions, and then Songs in the Key of Life. Those are as brilliant a set of five albums as we’ve ever seen.”
Wonder shares room on Obama’s iPod with “everything from Howlin’ Wolf to Yo-Yo Ma to Sheryl Crow,” he says. “And I have probably 30 Dylan songs on my iPod.” Though he’s partial to 1975’s Blood on the Tracks, “Maggie’s Farm” is “one of my favorites during the political season,” says Obama. “It speaks to me as I listen to some of the political rhetoric.”
and a slide show...yeah, in that slide show mood...
Posted by icebergslim at 11:29 AM
Labels: 2008 Election, barack obama, Democrat, President, rolling stone
Morning Break...Obama has coattails for the Republicans....and on the Rolling Stone cover, again....
This video is from Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR), yes riding on Obama's coattails in Oregon. As Al G. from The Field has said, "this is a once in a lifetime election."
It has been a long time since I have seen somthing like this, but the Obama Campaign has set the record STRAIGHT.
"Barack Obama has a long record of bipartisan accomplishment and we appreciate that it is respected by his Democratic and Republican colleagues in the Senate. But in this race, Oregonians should know that Barack Obama supports Jeff Merkley for Senate. Merkley will help Obama bring about the fundamental change we need in Washington," said Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton.
I guess Gordon Smith knows which way the wind is blowing and it is for Obama, at least in his state.
Obama, look forward to you cutting an ad for Merkley, soon.
Race Track wiki: OR-SEN
obama in las vegas, nv, june 24, 2008
Barack Obama was in Hollywood, yesterday and walked away 5M richer.
Since, Obama is NOT accepting public financing for this election, expect more fundraisers from the Obamas.
Although Obama's staff declined to give exact numbers, organizers estimated that the event raised more than $5 million, which will be divided between the Democratic National Committee and his presidential campaign. (The money included about 200 seats at a VIP dinner that cost $28,500 per couple. An additional 700 people paid as much as $2,300 each to attend the reception.)
And the Clinton supporters will/are coming home.
"In the primary, you fight hard and then you have to come together," said producer Lawrence Bender, one of Obama's early Hollywood supporters. "This was a real unifying event."
"The Hillary supporters may have blustered a little, but they're not going to vote for McCain," said actress and writer Heather Thomas, who attended the event with her husband, entertainment lawyer Skip Brittenham. "There's no way."
Political strategist Chad Griffin, a Clinton fundraiser, said: "There were many people in the room tonight who supported other candidates in the primary. But everyone was unified with the goal of defeating John McCain."
Celebrities and bigwigs, galore...
Among the celebrities in attendance were actors Dennis Quaid, Samuel L. Jackson, Don Cheadle, retired boxer Sugar Ray Leonard and Jennifer Beals. Also there were former Paramount Pictures chief Sherry Lansing and her husband, director William Friedkin; "Lost" producer J.J. Abrams and his wife, Katie McGrath; producer Mike Medavoy and his wife, Irena, an early Obama supporter; and Motown greats Berry Gordy and Clarence Avant, both former Clinton supporters. Quaid introduced Seal. "He's here tonight to sing for the superman for everyone -- Barack Obama," Quaid told the crowd.
Seal, dressed in a black suit, sang two songs. The first was his ballad "Kiss From a Rose." The second was "A Change Is Gonna Come." (He and David Foster have recorded the song, which they hope Obama will use in the campaign.)
"At last, someone has come along that is restoring my faith," Seal told the crowd.
Yep, it is time for us to come together as Democrats, united.
California Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown told reporters outside that Obama had spoken earlier to about 300 people, including some prominent Clinton supporters.
Among them, Brown said, were Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who led Clinton's efforts to court Latino voters, and John Emerson, a White House aide to President Clinton and one of Hillary Clinton's biggest California fundraisers.
Cheadle, who was watching from the balcony, said of Obama: "He's my candidate, and I think you have to put your money where your mouth is."
Also watching from the balcony was, producer of the popular online "Yes We Can" video tribute to Obama. He was dressed in a white suit.
Obama, he said, made it "over the hill" by winning the Democratic nomination. "Now we're in a valley, and we got a bigger hill to climb."
For his part, Obama recognized that the gathering included many Clinton supporters. The months of primaries and caucuses, he said, "I know caused some heartburn and some frustration." Obama added that he and Clinton "were allies then and we're allies now."
Make sure you donate to the Obama Campaign, the donation widget to the left.

United for Unity on Friday....
No one cared much about Unity — the town or the ideal — back when more than a dozen candidates were competing in the New Hampshire primary.
"We've had state senators and congressmen and people like that who've walked in our Old Home Day parade when they were campaigning, but I don't remember having any presidential candidates here in my time," said Roberta Callum, who has lived in the tiny western New Hampshire town for all but 12 of her 84 years.
That will change on Friday, when former rivals Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign together for the first time since he won enough delegates to secure the Democratic presidential nomination. As they try to ease tensions and bring their party together, they are seizing upon both the town's symbolism and symmetry — each received 107 Democratic votes in Unity on Jan. 8, plus one write-in vote apiece from Republicans. continue
Unity Rally information here.
Michelle Obama and former Governor Jeanne Shaheen speak on Women's Issues in Manchester, NH on Thursday, June 26, 2008
Information here.

UNITE FOR above for the house party near you....
Influencing local races, that is the coattails Obama just may have....
Barack Obama will focus his resources largely in 14 states George W. Bush won in 2004, his chief field operative said Tuesday, hoping to score upsets in places like Virginia, Indiana, and Georgia.
But winning the White House won’t be his only goal, deputy campaign manager Hildebrand told Politico: In an unusual move, Obama’s campaign will also devote some resources to states it’s unlikely to win, with the goal of influencing specific local contests in places like Texas and Wyoming.
“Texas is a great example where we might not be able to win the state, but we want to pay a lot of attention to it,” Hildebrand said. “It’s one of the most important redistricting opportunities in the country.”
Texas Democrats are five seats away in each chamber from control of the state legislature, which will redraw congressional districts after the 2010 census.
In Wyoming, Democrat Gary Trauner, running for the state’s sole congressional seat, lost narrowly against an incumbent in 2006 and is now seeking an open seat.
“If we can register more Democrats, if we can increase the Democratic performance and turnout, maybe we can pick up a congressional seat,” Hildebrand said. continue
Obama on the Rolling Stone cover, AGAIN

obama on the rolling stone cover
And if you have not watched this "rip off" video of Barack Obama, sit back, watch and laugh....really that is about all you can do.
And how is your day going?

Posted by icebergslim at 8:30 AM
Labels: barack obama, california, Democrat, fundraiser, gordon smith, oregon, Republican
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Evening Wrap Up....the bounce is real, confirmed by the LA Times/Bloomberg Poll
barack in las vegas, nevada, today
The LA Times/Bloomberg Poll has shut many UP. How is that? Well, many of the cable desk clerks were chirping away that the Newsweek Poll was a outlier. I remember distinctly that Howard Fineman of Newsweek made a statement that "the Newsweek Poll has a distinct way of showing movement..." Well, Mr. Fineman was not wrong. The LA Times/Bloomberg Poll has just confirmed the movement.
In a two-man race between the major party candidates, registered voters chose Obama over McCain by 49% to 37% in the national poll conducted last weekend.
But not so fast. The numbers for Obama improves to +15 if you mix in Bob Barr and Ralph Nader. I see Barr a problem for the Republicans this cycle, as Ross Perot was for the Republicans in 1992.
On a four-man ballot including independent candidate Ralph Nader and Libertarian Bob Barr, voters chose Obama over McCain by an even larger margin, 48% to 33%.
And what has catapulted Obama over McCain? The economy, period. I can not type this enough, and I hope my brother in far away St. Paul, Minnesota reads this, as he is skeptical Obama can win in November. When we are approaching five dollar gas, jobs are being lost with no new ones created, food prices soaring and yes, look at the flooding, none of the goods are moving in this country, kids are not able to afford college, the environment needs to be addressed, the Iraq War is sucking this country dry, infrastructure in this country can not be trusted, will you vote Republican in November to continue this?
This election cycle is about our pocketbooks and in the end who gives a ratsass what color a person is? In the end, you want who did this to you OUT OF OFFICE and that is the Republicans.
This is why Clinton will not be the VP Pick:
But the great majority of Clinton voters have transferred their allegiance to Obama, the poll found. Only 11% of Clinton voters have defected to McCain.
That drama is fini.
The Democrats don't have an issue with Obama, or many across the board don't either, but McCain is another story:
McCain is not capturing the full extent of the conservative base the way President Bush did in 2000 and 2004," said Susan Pinkus, director of the Times Poll. "Among conservatives, evangelicals and voters who identify themselves as part of the religious right, he is polling less than 60%.
Meanwhile, Obama is doing well among a broad range of voters," she said. "He's running ahead among women, black voters and other minorities. He's running roughly even among white voters and independents.
This is good news, but we got 4 months to go, we still need to work like we are 20 points down, because we all know that that negative advertising is coming and expect that heavy in October. In the meantime, yes, be happy.
More Polls:
New Mexico: Obama 49, McCain 46
Indiana: Obama 48, McCain 47....Indiana is a BATTLEGROUND STATE.....
Help Pay Off Hillary's Debt
Obama Campaign will help her pay off her vendor debt, NOT HER PERSONAL LOAN DEBT, and Hillary has indicated herself, only the vendor debt, not her personal debt. Story is here.
Huge Fundraiser Tonight in Los Angeles for Obama; And Obama and Clinton with Unity on Friday in New Hampshire
Sen. Barack Obama's gala fund-raiser today will attract the mandatory lineup of big-screen talent and boldface names - actors Samuel L. Jackson and Dennis Quaid, model Cindy Crawford and boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard - and reconfirm that the entertainment industry remains one of the most reliable and abundant sources of Democratic campaign cash.
The party's 2008 presidential contenders pocketed $8 of every $10 coming from movie, TV and music businesses, and Sen. Hillary Clinton's withdrawal from the race all but guarantees a Hollywood windfall for Obama as the party begins to unite around its presumed nominee.
The glitzy gathering will be an early test of the Illinois Democrat's ability to enlist Clinton's financial backers, many of whom are still nursing some pain from the grueling primary contest.
Obama is to meet with Clinton and her top fund-raisers Thursday in Washington and the two are to campaign together for the first time on Friday in New Hampshire.
The two will stage their show of unity in the small town of Unity.
The location, announced yesterday, was chosen not only for the symbolism of its name, but because each candidate received exactly 107 votes there in the Jan. 8 Democratic primary. continue
Well everyone is talking about McCain's senior advisor, Charlie Black and his total admittance of stating that another terror attack will help McCain.
Why is this not surprising to me? I mean, what else do the Republicans have to offer? They have totally messed this country up, with the exception of the ultra rich in this country so bad that their own constituents don't want them back. Yeah, Republicans are hurting in this country, too.
Black is just being, well, honest. Something that most politicians have an issue with. Remember when the Bush Administration released that Osama bin Laden tape the weekend before the election in November, 2004? It was that tape that pushed many undecideds into Bush's column.
This is 2008. Different game now. The Bush Administration has been exposed for liars and frauds, from everything of handling Katrina, the Iraq War, the Plame debacle, the US Attorney mess, and the list is endless.
Charlie Black should not have stated what he did, which is true in Republican circles, but he said it and we will just see what happens.
attack on the u.s. helps mccain
President George W. Bush and his sterotyping.
This is what Bush said to the President of the Phillipines:
PRESIDENT BUSH: Madam President, it is a pleasure to welcome you back to the Oval Office. We have just had a very constructive dialogue. First, I want to tell you how proud I am to be the President of a nation that -- in which there's a lot of Philippine-Americans. They love America and they love their heritage. And I reminded the President that I am reminded of the great talent of the -- of our Philippine-Americans when I eat dinner at the White House. (Laughter.)
PRESIDENT BUSH: And the chef is a great person and a really good cook, by the way, Madam President.
Yes, that was said. Transcript is here.
clinton's debt low on the totem pole...
Obama: Dobson "Making Stuff Up"
Now we have James Dobson who is not supporting McCain, now going after Barack Obama. The attacks on his interpretation of the bible, about Obama. Now Obama says this:
Barack Obama said Tuesday evangelical leader James Dobson was "making stuff up" when he accused the presumed Democratic presidential nominee of distorting the Bible.
Dobson used his Focus on the Family radio program to highlight excerpts of a speech Obama gave in June 2006 to the liberal Christian group Call to Renewal.
Speaking to reporters on his campaign plane before landing in Los Angeles, Obama said the speech made the argument that people of faith, like himself, "try to translate some of our concerns in a universal language so that we can have an open and vigorous debate rather than having religion divide us."
Obama added, "I think you'll see that he was just making stuff up, maybe for his own purposes." continue
Matthew 25 Network responds.
Lipstick on a pig...the FISA Bill.....
and Karl Rove got nerve...Obama at a Country Club?????
So how was your day?????

Posted by icebergslim at 7:10 PM
Labels: 2008 Election, barack obama, FISA, George W. Bush, hardball, hillary clinton, john mccain, keith olbermann, msnbc, polls
Monday, June 23, 2008
Afternoon Break.
obama with senator bill nelson enroute to miami
Well, rumor is that Obama and Clinton will be campaigning Friday in Pennsylvania. Stay Tuned. Ooopsy....they will be in Unity, New Hampshire.
McCain offers 300M for an automobile battery
That is if he is president.
The presumed Republican nominee is proposing a $300 million government prize to whoever can develop an automobile battery that far surpasses existing technology. The bounty would equate to $1 for every man, woman and child in the country, "a small price to pay for helping to break the back of our oil dependency," McCain said in remarks prepared for delivery Monday at Fresno State University in California.
McCain said such a device should deliver power at 30 percent of current costs and have "the size, capacity, cost and power to leapfrog the commercially available plug-in hybrids or electric cars."
The Arizona senator is also proposing stiffer fines for automakers who skirt existing fuel-efficiency standards, as well as incentives to increase use of domestic and foreign alcohol-based fuels such as ethanol.
In addition, a so-called Clean Car Challenge would provide U.S. automakers with a $5,000 tax credit for every zero-carbon emissions car they develop and sell.
Ummm, I see our future teckkies falling for this.....
enthusiasm gap is for obama, not mccain
and newsweek meacham on the newsweek poll
and fineman from newsweek on the state of the presidential race
:: putting Obama on the hot spot.
It is all about this statement of Obama's:
It does, however, grant retroactive immunity, and I will work in the Senate to remove this provision so that we can seek full accountability for past offenses.
This is all about making the telecom community RESPONSIBLE for the illegal spying program of the Bush Administration. This is going to be a stickler, here.
My take, they should get NO IMMUNITY, period. Moveon will put the pressure on Obama. Now we will see what happens. Read it here.
Obama camp closely linked with ethanol
When VeraSun Energy inaugurated a new ethanol processing plant last summer in Charles City, Iowa, some of that industry’s most prominent boosters showed up. Leaders of the National Corn Growers Association and the Renewable Fuels Association, for instance, came to help cut the ribbon — and so did Senator Barack Obama .
Then running far behind Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in name recognition and in the polls, Mr. Obama was in the midst of a campaign swing through the state where he would eventually register his first caucus victory. And as befits a senator from Illinois, the country’s second largest corn-producing state, he delivered a ringing endorsement of ethanol as an alternative fuel.
Mr. Obama is running as a reformer who is seeking to reduce the influence of special interests. But like any other politician, he has powerful constituencies that help shape his views. And when it comes to domestic ethanol, almost all of which is made from corn, he also has advisers and prominent supporters with close ties to the industry at a time when energy policy is a point of sharp contrast between the parties and their presidential candidates. continue here
closing the enron loophole
Reporters Claim that the Networks are putting Iraq on the Backburner
I agree with this. How? Well, it costs money to cover wars, period. Name the correspondent from the major networks over there? More importantly, how many are over there?
The next president will have major, huge problems. Many not seen or recognized by the general public. Iraq is worse than many of us can imagine, but the failure of the mainstream media to cover it only tells you what the importance is. MONEY. It costs to cover this war, just as it cost money to cover this presidential race, which is easier because it is on our soil.
Iraq is worse than is being reported, don't believe anything different.
Read the article, here.
Obama is reintroducing himself to the country.
As he must. Remember, we know the Obamas, most of the country does not. And if they know anything is just clips of Reverend Wright, if they were paying attention.
Having this money to fund your own campaign allows you to define yourself, positions, family to the voters. Don't think the McCain Campaign is not worried about this, they are.
In the opening weeks of the general-election campaign, Sen. Barack Obama has moved aggressively to shape his campaign and offered a clear road map for the kind of candidate he is likely to become in the months ahead: an ambitious gamer of the electoral map, a ruthless fundraiser and a scrupulous manager of his own biography in the face of persistent concerns about how he is perceived.
Obama's early maneuvers suggest a clear understanding within the campaign of his strengths and weaknesses. He bought air time in 18 states, a sure sign that he hopes to expand Democrats' traditional electoral map. He opted out of the public campaign-financing system -- revealing his determination to press his financial advantage, even at the cost of handing his Republican opponent the opportunity to raise questions about the sincerity of his rhetoric on reform.
And with a first ad that delves into his biography, Obama acknowledged ongoing concerns among his advisers that voters do not know whether he shares the values and beliefs of ordinary Americans, a potentially critical vulnerability. The ad speaks to the reality that enough questions were raised about Obama through the long nomination battle that he needs to address them. The campaign's concerns include both taking on misinformation -- such as the persistent claim that he is Muslim when he is in fact a Christian -- and framing a biography unlike that of any nominee in the modern era. continue
And if you missed 'This Week With Barack Obama' read it here.
Also read kos's state of the race, interesting, here.
Finally, donate 30.00 and get this cool organic Obama T-Shirt, here.

Posted by icebergslim at 11:44 AM
Labels: barack obama, economy, florida, hillary clinton, iraq, john mccain, new hampshire, newsweek, pennsylvania
Sunday, June 22, 2008
This Week With Barack Obama, The Presumptive Democratic Nominee, June 16-21, 2008
cross-posted @ Daily Kos
barack and al, detroit, michigan
al gore's endorsement for barack obama, detroit, michigan
"When a disaster strikes — a Katrina, a shooting, or a six-alarm blaze — its city hall we lean on, its city hall we call first, and city hall we depend on to get us through tough times. Because whether its a small town or a big city, the government that people count on most is the one thats closest to the people." — Democratic Sen. Barack Obama
This was part of a statement that Barack Obama made to the United States Conference of Mayors in Miami, Florida.
It was ironic that John McCain chose to visit Iowa, when the Governor of Iowa asked him not to.
But what was more ironic is that as the folks in the ravaged midwest come to terms of what happened, it will be this that will anger many:
"I know that Sen. McCain felt as strongly as I did," Obama said, "feeling enormous sympathy for the victims of the recent flooding. I'm sure they appreciated the sentiment, but they probably would have appreciated it even more if Sen. McCain hadn't opposed legislation to fund levees and flood control programs, which he considers pork."
This is politics folks. Pure and simple. McCain voted against this bill that would have sent federal dollars for restoration of dams and levees. Maybe, McCain forgot that he did not vote to fund this bill, but showed up for the photo-op anyway.
The bill funded hundreds of projects — such as dams, sewage plants and beach restoration — that are important to local communities and their representatives. It also included money for the hurricane-hit Gulf Coast and for Florida Everglades restoration efforts.
I don't know about you, but I am tired of this government not spending the appropriate money for something called, maintenance and repair on the infrastructure of this country. Ask these folks flooded out how they feel about it, or the folks in Minnesota when a bridge just up and collasped on them, or Katrina victims STILL trying to get their lives back in order.
This country sure knows how to send money to Iraq in a snap, but for just the ordinary things like maintenance and repair, the Bush Administration will call it pork barrel spending in a minute, with McCain going right along with Bush.
A shame.

michelle, the dress, on the view
Rasmussen: Obama pulls ahead in Virginia; Nevada Poll; Kansas Poll; Ohio PPP Poll; ABC/Washington Post Poll; SUSA Minnesota Poll; Mason-Dixon Virginia Poll; Rasmussen Oregon Poll; SUSA Kentucky Poll; Pope Institute North Carolina Poll; Reuters National Poll; Quinnipiac OH, FL and PA Poll; Alaska Rasmussen Poll; PPP Virginia Poll; Rasmussen Ohio Poll; ARG Florida Poll; SUSA Wisconsin Poll; Rasmussen Florida Poll; Georgia Insider Advantage Poll; Newsweek National Poll; Rasmussen New Hampshire Poll; Obama best Democratic Candidate in years, per
Bill, Jim, Caroline? Readers Pick Obama VP
Obama’s Decision Threatens Public Financing System
Obama returns Chicago to center stage
Axelrod Visits Senate Democrats
GOP Recycles Hillary Attacks On Obama Again -- This Time On Campaign Finance
With money, Obama to try to widen the battleground
barack's announcement to forego public financing
Without public funding, sky's the limit for Obama
AP-Ipsos poll: Most say US on wrong track
Obama gets AFSCME endorsement
Obama e-mail list makes Dems salivate
Obama Revives Kennedy-Era Excitement for Democrats Mikva, Minow

obama's economic roundtable with governors
National Push by Obama on Ads and Turnout
Senator Barack Obama is drawing up plans for extensive advertising and voter-turnout drives across the nation, hoping to capitalize on his expected fund-raising advantage over Senator John McCain to force Republicans to compete in states they have not had to defend in decades.
With his decision to give up public financing and the spending limits that go with it, Mr. Obama has added several seasoned hands to his advertising team, a harbinger of a multifaceted television campaign that people inside and outside Obama headquarters said would grow well beyond its already large presence in 18 states.
Future commercials could run on big national showcases like the Olympics in August and smaller cable networks like MTV and Black Entertainment Television that appeal to specific demographic and interest groups.
He is also dispatching paid staff members to all states, an unusual move by the standards of modern presidential campaigns where the fight is often contained to contested territories. New York Times
Ready to Attack Obama, But Geez...NO MONEY by icebergslim
Obama opts out of public financing by kos
Obama Calls Muslim Women Barred from Stage by Valhalla
Obama's First General Election Ad by dansac
Obama & Kerry deal Halliburton major blow; Prez OKs closing KBR tax loophole by beachmom
An Epic Primary Season for Democrats by Maureen

obama at the united states conference of mayors in miami, florida
Barack on Jimmy Kimmel; Michelle on The View; Barack at Foreign Policy Summit; Barack with nation's governors for an Economic Conference; Obama on Pop Culture; Obama on Offshore Drilling; Obama Expresses 'Deep Disappointment' in McCain's Silence on Wife Attacks; Polls Try to Frame Ever-Changing Political Landscape; Why the Obama Campaign Has Six Pollsters; Dissecting McCain's Vulnerabilities in the Fall; Obama Pins Hopes on Fundraising Power; Obama Puts Early Focus on Michigan; Week in Review: Campaign Finance, Wiretapping
Obama, Clinton to join forces at fundraiser
'Straight Talk Express' often reverses course
Huckabee Says Demonizing Obama `Fatal Mistake' for Republicans
Obama meets with national security advisers

barack with anna burger, the chairwoman of "change to win," and john sweeney, president of the afl-cio
Barack Obama: Lay Off My Family
Obama Campaigns on Capitol Hill
Obama Announces Senior Working Group on National Security
Obama’s Campaign Tightens Control of Image and Access
Obama camp sketches new electoral path
Women voters lining up behind Obama
Why the Christian right fears Obama

barack and chairman howard dean, dnc
Amtrak Has Too Few Usable Train Cars Left by bink; What's for Dinner: the Great Barbecue Edition by Asinus Asinum Fricat; This is a bus... by JeffLieber; What conservative bloggers taught me about flood relief by desmoinesdem; Obama To Opt Out Of Public Financing by slinkerwink; WaPo: General Accuses WH of War Crimes by abundance; How to Transform the US From a Debt to an Equity Economy by bonddad; Obama Responds to McCain Campaign Charge that he has "A September 10th Mindset" by TomP; "McCain Democrat" leader outed as racist by kat68; I got your back Barack! by Deoliver47; You Are Falling for the Right Wing's Trap. by kath25
Obama, McCain see purple in Minnesota
Obama to visit Iraq, Afghanistan
Barack Obama on Economics: 'We're Going Through a Big Shift'
Obama rebukes McCain camp on terrorism criticism
Senator Barack Obama Says He Wants to Make College Affordable
McCain Disses Bush -- But Mac Isn't as Green As He Says
Obama criticizes McCain on offshore drilling

icebergslim’s last word: barack obama
While many are up in arms over FISA, something else happened this week, “Barack Declared Independence.”
Barack Obama opted out of public financing. A first for any major candidate.
This decision is important on many levels. First, there will be grumbling from the other side of flip/flopping and Barack did, but for a good cause, to run a campaign independent of the shackles on your feet with public financing. I don’t expect this to stick because most of the general public is not interested in how campaigns are financed. They just don’t care. Maybe in another year or years to come, but not this year with the economy crumbling and gas prices looking at folks to hit five dollars a gallon, soon, it is a non-issue.
But what this does mean? It means that not only is Barack independent, but the Democratic Party, as a whole, is independent. We are free to raise the amount of money needed to fund all 50 states through November, along with helping to raise money for all the congressional and senate races riding this independent wave, as well.
I hope you fully understand what is at stake here. While some are complaining about FISA, we need to raise massive amounts of money for Barack, the DNC Convention, and the whole Democratic Party. This burden is not only on Barack, but all of us.
Along with this, Barack and Michelle Obama must fundraise, Barack has to go overseas, Barack has to go to Iraq and Afghanistan, Barack has to run the Democratic Convention, Barack has to complete a platform, all in about two months. One word, "Wow."
A good friend told me today that she did not like that Barack only raised 22M for May, for her a huge drop off. That is worrisome to her. I told her it did not bother me, but now I have to sit back and look at all I just wrote above and completely state, “this is a lot of stuff to complete on a promise of ordinary voters to fund.” It is.
So, while you are angry, you need to sit back and look at what we need to do and complete as a party. I will be the first to state that having the primary go to the end did not help us with timing. Many just became tired of it and disconnected, well it is time to reconnect and that starts with donating to the Obama for America Campaign.
See, I understand the current beef about FISA, warranted and duly noted, but the large picture is too big and the stakes too high to stop now. There are many reading this that have a son or daughter or loved one in Iraq; somebody has lost their job; a family is wondering how to save their home; someone may not have gas money to go to work tomorrow; many are skimping on food because of costs; some teenager is crying right now because they cannot go to college, even though they had good grades; folks got the credit card companies calling constantly because they can’t afford the payments and this list is endless. Yes, endless because I know some people who are affected on this list. So, see FISA right now is not an issue, but change and new direction in this country is.
We need to stand together, not apart now. I am hoping this bill is shoved until after November when it can be readdressed, but no matter what happens we need to move forward, together.
Folks, we have a laundry list of items to accomplish and time is not on our side.
It starts here. Donate to Obama for America. Because if we don’t get him elected in November and increase Democrats in congress, there will be more than whining for the next four years, but some serious weeping as well.
well another week has flown by and michelle obama was the star, no doubt. i don't know why the press is giving her a bum rap, but the woman is not only accomplished and lovely but puts her family first. al rodgers got me hooked on the slideshows, but he is numero uno in that department. a true, inspiration. as the summer is coming along, many of us are busy with families, getting ready for vacations, or just coping with LIFE. remember, we came from absolutely nothing and look where we are. keep involved, focus, donate and remember to focus on obama and not the drama...
Tip the Obama Jar, Here
Get Involved Here
For Inspiration: Yes.We.Can!!!
icebergslim1047 (at) gmail (dot) com

Posted by icebergslim at 8:03 PM
Labels: 2008 Election, al gore, barack obama, Democrat, DNC, florida, George W. Bush, howard dean, iowa, john mccain, michelle obama, michigan, President, this week with barack obama