obama speaking @ rancho high school, las vegas, nevada
January 21, 2008, Myrtle Beach, SC, CBC Debate, CNN
January 31, 2008, Kodak Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, CNN
Obama Wins NEVADA!!!
Yes, he did, technically. Hillary Clinton won the populous vote, whatever it is, but Obama won the vote that matters, the delegate vote. As Chris Bowers break it down:
Until the national media declares that Al Gore won the 2000 presidential election because he won the popular vote, I will continue to assert that Barack Obama won the Democratic caucuses in Nevada. To agree with one statement without agreeing to both statements is to be caught in a logical contradiction. If delegates to the national convention don't determine who won a state in a nomination campaign, then the Electoral College doesn't determine who wins the Presidency in a general election. We all know, of course, that both of those propositions are false.
So, what happened yesterday? Hillary Clinton won the beauty contest, Obama took home the prize, the delegates. Yep, he won yesterday.
Remember, the path to the nomination, starts with the delegate count.

michelle in south carolina
Hillary, Barack, Experience
With all the sniping from the Clinton camp about whether Barack Obama has enough experience to make a strong president, consider another presidential candidate who was far more of a novice. He had the gall to run for president even though he had served a single undistinguished term in the House of Representatives, before being hounded back to his district.
That was Abraham Lincoln.
Another successful president scorned any need for years of apprenticeship in Washington, declaring, “The same old experience is not relevant.” He suggested that the most useful training comes not from hanging around the White House and Congress but rather from experience “rooted in the real lives of real people” so that “it will bring real results if we have the courage to change.”
That was Bill Clinton running in 1992 against George H. W. Bush, who was then trumpeting his own experience over the callow youth of Mr. Clinton. That year Mr. Bush aired a television commercial urging voters to keep America “in the hands of experience.” NYT

Barack Obama's Text Speech of "The Great Need of the Hour"
Obama Pledges Animal Rights
Obama's Kenyan Uncle Trapped by Violence
Frameshop: The Pragmatic President by Jeffrey Feldman
Obama Gains on Clinton Nationally
obama in oakland
Atlanta Constitution Journal Endorses Obama; Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) Endorses Obama; Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) Backs Obama; Assemblyman Mo Denis, NV, Endorses Obama; Congressman Peter Welch (D-VT) Endorses Obama; Three Florida Newspapers Endorse Obama; Former Senator Jean Carnahan (D-MO) Endorses Obama; Ads run in New Mexico; Stephen King Endorses Obama; Latino politicians, Los Angeles, Endorse Obama; Kansas Democrats Endorse Obama; Reno Gazette-Journal Endorse Obama; Colorado Endorsements; Elko Daily Free Press Endorses Obama; Congresswoman Linda Sanchez (D-CA) is for Obama; Nevada Community Leaders Endorse Obama; Sacramento Bee Endorses Obama; Maria Elena Durazo Endorses Obama; Santa Barbara Independent for Obama; Georgetown Voice Endorses Obama
Obama's Thin, but Varied Record
Obama Dominates Offline Organizing
Race and Politics

video of obama's speech at ebenezer baptist church, atlanta, ga (real player required)
Michelle Obama Invokes MLK's Dream in Trumpet Speech
Barack Obama and Technology by kid oakland
Obama Republicans by theotherside
Obama Reaches Out to Women
Govenors Campaigning for Obama in South Carolina
Blogs and Websites
One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; Brown Iowa; The Populista Report; Relentless Liberal; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama; Netroots for Obama; Economists for Obama; Why We Need Obama
Why I Support Barack Obama for President by kid oakland
I Knew Reagan. Sen. Obama, You're No Reagan by wmtriallawyer
Super Tuesday Preview, with Delegate Projections (1/15) by poblano
Vying for the Black Vote
In Fight for Nomination, Old Dominion's a Key Battleground

las vegas, nevada debate jan 15, 2008, video and transcript
Obama on Good Morning America
Barack Obama will be on ABC’s Good Morning America, Monday, January 21, 2008.
I am writing about this because he will primarily address the distortion of former President Bill Clinton about his record. As poblano writes, “It’s about time.”
The negativity, distortion, and yes, straight up lies from the Clinton Campaign and its surrogates has turned the Democratic Party upside down. And the injector of race by the Clintons, has establishment Democrats warn them almost to the point to pick up a microphone and possibly, endorse. For real.
When the former president called Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat gave Clinton an earful, telling him that he bore some blame for the injection of race into the contest. In any event, both Hillary and Obama made peace on the race issue at the Las Vegas debate. The Clinton camp now fears that Kennedy is leaning toward Obama, according to the Clinton source, though Kennedy's office says he is making no endorsement "at this time."
The Clintons need to wake up. The country does not like this, it is hurting out party, they are decidedly “disrespecting” a segment, and Bill Clinton need to go somewhere quietly, sit down, and not say another word.
students for obama, boston
Obama Seeks to Lower Temperature, Clinton Follows
Seeking the high ground in a Democratic primary battle that turned especially nasty over the weekend, Sen. Barack Obama told reporters this afternoon that he wants to lower the temperature of the debate.
"I've been a little concerned about the tenor of the campaign," Obama said during a hastily called news conference. "I thought that it would be useful for me to just air this out a little bit."
Obama said he does not want the issues to be lost in a battle over personalities and statements about matters tangential to the race, a tone that Sen. Hillary Clinton quickly took as well in a statement issued by her campaign.
"We've got too much at stake at this time in our history to be engaging in this kind of silliness," Obama said. "I suspect that other candidates may feel the same way." Chicago Tribune
icebergslim's last word: nevada and rolling the real dice
Let’s look at things realistically. Nevada.
Much went on in Nevada surrounding the endorsement of the Culinary Union, which spawned a lawsuit by a Teachers’ Union who were surrogates of The Clintons.
Well, the lawsuit was dismissed, as it should have been. But, why it was even brought forward in the first place!! When this mandate of at-large precincts was agreed by The Nevada Democratic Party and all unions and players at the table, last summer. Again a bogus lawsuit.
But the worst thing was seeing Bill Clinton whine and complain about the Culinary Union endorsement and defend the Teachers’ Union lawsuit. In the end, he looked pathetic. And here is this word again associated with The Clintons, disenfranchisement. We saw this in their whining about students voting in Iowa, which was legal and now this. Next, the word dirty politics will be associated with The Clintons. Oh, but let us not forget that per Bill Clinton, Barack Obama is now the Establishment Candidate. Oh, brother, how far does that nose stretch?
Through all this noise, Barack continued to speak to massive crowds throughout Nevada; many had to have overflow rooms. People were patient and eager to hear what Obama had to say.
In the end, Nevada was won by both Clinton and Obama. Clinton for the beauty contest, Obama for what you need to win, the delegates.
How did this happen? Simple. Obama won enough in Clark County, which is Las Vegas Proper, and won the rest of the state. It is that simple.
Many have written that Nevada is a swing state, it is. Saturday was proof if you can win across the state and not just in a major urban city. Obama proved that. Clinton won Clark County, but was destroyed outside of Las Vegas. This tells you that her appeal across the board is limited.
To win in November, we must have a candidate that is appealing across the board, meaning that Independents and Republicans will vote for him. Obama has proven that.
When you talk about rolling the dice, that roll would be to have a candidate in which 50% of the country will not vote for, who is polarizing, and unappealing outside of the Democratic base.
That is the real roll of the dice to possibly, losing.
shoutouts: bonddad; obama: it's the economy stupid! by populista; eco-diary rescue by meteor blades; votevets.org sends one across the bow by by brandon friedman; black kos; nyceve; say goodbye to howard dean by thereisnospoon; wh admits it destroyed email records by smileysam
Obama addresses Email Smear
The Bay Area Could Be the Clinton-Obama Decider
Democrats Shift Focus to Management
Who is the More Electable Democrat?
The Obama of Dreams
Ministers Meeting in Brooklyn to Back Obama
A must see Meet the Press Video who take the Clintons to task for running a negative campaign. Again, a must see. Here is the transcript.
Obama's San Franciso Chronicle Editorial Board Review. A fascinating interview.
If you appreciate the weekly Obama Roundup, then Tip My Obama Jar!! Minimum five dollars. This contribution goes directly to the Obama Campaign. We are in the beginning of the caucuses and primaries, with our eye on the Tsunami Tuesday of February 5th with 22 states voting. If you have not made your contribution, do so today.

hillary clinton went to harlem, sunday, january 20, 2008, to get her endorsement from rev. calvin butts of the abyssinian baptist church, the good reverend may endorse clinton, but harlem is for OBAMA. much has happened this past week again, especially the surprising developments that obama did win nevada, technically. so, as we move to south carolina, remember as always to focus on obama and not the drama......
contact me @ icebergslim1047@hotmail.com
This Week With Barack Obama