cross-posted @ Daily Kos and One Million Strong
10K, bangor, maine, february 10, 2008
Obama is Winning by JedReport
Clean Sweep for Obama (Louisiana, Nebraska, Washington State and US Virgin Islands)
Yes, totally clean as rikyrah breaks it down. So, now what? Well, Maine today and the Potomac Primaries on Tuesday.
If all goes well for Obama on Tuesday, yes what next? These primaries don't mean anything? As the other side is trying to spin it. Last thing I heard about winning in politics is this, "a win is a win", and that is the truth.
No one can dispute that Obama has a broad appeal and building a coalition across this country based on movement. Movement for the average american to become engaged and participate in taking our country back.
I don't care if Obama wins a straw poll, caucus, or primary. A win is just that, a win. Hillary Clinton need to take heed and stop criticizing caucus goers. Why? Because if the shoe was on the other foot, she would have absolutely nothing to say. That is, if she was winning.
Congratulations, Obama Campaign and Obama Advocates/Supporters. Now it is time to continue to keep our eyes on the prize, ignore the tea leaves, keep working like we are 20 points down and remember we are the underdogs. Nothing more, nothing less.
michelle and barack, chicago, il, super tuesday draw
Blogs and Websites
One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; Brown Iowa; The Populista Report; Relentless Liberal; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama; Netroots for Obama; Economists for Obama; Why We Need Obama
Obama Had Bigger Iowa, National Payroll as He Battled Clinton
Candidates Look Forward to Potomac Primaries
Some Obama Supporters Would Like Second Michigan Primary
Japanese Town of Obama Has New Hero

10K in Omaha, Nebraska
Campaign Appearances
February 11, 2008 - Stand for Change with Barack, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
February 11, 2008 - Stand for Change with Barack, Baltimore, MD
February 12, 2008 - Stand for Change with Barack, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Texans for Obama by Kath25
Virginia's Jeff-Jack - a look back the morning after by teacherken
Free Your Mind with Mind Sorbet
Senate’s Long Losing Streak on Presidency Could Be Near an End

obama on capital hill wednesday
Governor Chet Culver (D-IA) Endorses Barack Obama; Governor Chris Gregoire (D-WA) Endorses Obama; Congressman Tim Walz (D-MN) Backs Obama; Congressman David Obay (D-WI) Endorses Obama; Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA) to Endorse Obama; Congressman John Yarmuth (D-KY) Endorses Obama; The Nation Endorses Obama; Baltimore Sun Endorses Obama; Chairman of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus Endorses Obama; Cleveland Plain Dealer Endorses Obama; Omaha Mayor Mike Fahey Backs Obama; SEIU Washington For Obama; Rhode Island Attorney General Patrick Lynch Endorses Obama; Honorable Patricia Wald Endorses Obama; Bangor Daily News Endorses Obama; Ben Cohen, Co-Founder of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Endorses Obama; Alexandria Times Endorses Obama; Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star Endorses Obama; Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown Joins 28 Legislators in Washington Endorsing Barack Obama; Raising Kaine Endorses Obama; Donna Edwards Backs Obama; Nebraska Native American and Superdelegate Frank LaMere Endorses Obama; Maryland Leaders Back Obama; San Antonio Express News Endorses Obama; El Paso Times Endorse Obama
60 minutes interview, feb 10, 2008
Obama Touts Green Jobs
Obama Lays Out Program to Rebuild New Orleans
Clinton Challenges Obama One Debate a Week
Newt Gingrich on Obama
Grassroots Edge to Obama

speaking to crowd outside, bangor, me, at sold out event
Upcoming Primaries and Caucuses
February 12
Virginia, Maryland, Washington, D.C.
February 19
Hawaii, Wisconsin
March 4
Ohio, Texas, Vermont, Rhode Island
Information at the Obama Action Center. Do something, Get Involved, We Need You!!!!
Obama No Clear Winner
Greatful Dead Concert for Obama
Barack Obama Wins Grammy!!!!
governor tim kaine (d-va), virginia jj dinner introducing obama
obama at the virginia jefferson-jackson dinner, feb 9, 2008
Washington Democrats Debate Electability vs. Inspiration, NPR Radio; Obama in Omaha, NE; Obama in New Orleans
Support Divided, Top Democrats Trade Victories
Despite some setbacks, Obama exceeds expectations
Obama Wins Big on Independents
Why Republicans Like Obama and What it Means
Democrats Choose Different Paths Toward Nomination
The Money is Pouring In!!!

obama and governor kaine, virginia jj dinner, feb 9, 2008
Clinton, Obama Brace for Battle After Tuesday Split
Senator Hillary Clinton won the biggest of the Super Tuesday primaries while Senator Barack Obama won more states, extending their struggle for the Democratic presidential nomination into next month and beyond.
Clinton, 60, won California, the largest prize in yesterday's voting. She scored victories in her own region, winning her home state of New York as well as New Jersey and Massachusetts on the biggest day of voting in the nomination race. She also took Arkansas, Oklahoma, Arizona and Tennessee.
Still, Obama, 46, prevailed in Connecticut, next door to Clinton's home base. He also won his own state of Illinois as well as Georgia, Delaware, Alabama, Kansas, North Dakota, Minnesota, Colorado, Idaho, Alaska, Utah and Missouri. The only race still undecided was New Mexico, where Obama held a 518-vote lead over Clinton with 92 percent of voting precincts reporting, according to the Associated Press. Thousands of provisional ballots remained to be counted. Bloomberg
Obama Opens Office in Stevens Point, Wisconsin
It's Got to be Obama by Cenk Uygur
Final Super Tuesday Projection, 2/5/08 by poblano
Obama and Clinton Compete for Texas Hispanic Vote
shoutouts: A Nomination Analysis: Why Obama Has the Upper Hand by BooMan23; Oh, Yes He Just Did by Nulwee; Wanted: You. by Elise; Why This Deaf Woman Supports Obama by slinkerwink; How Obama defied Reid and got real ethics reform passed by beachmom; Am I a Cult Member? by thereisnospoon; Went to See Obama, Saw a President Instead by exiledfromTN

obama and governor gregoire in seattle, wa, feb 8, 2008
icebergslim’s last word: path to the nomination
Obama Supporters and Advocates should be proud of themselves. Why? We are grunts. Yes, grunts.
We understand what needed and still need to be done to win the nomination. It takes dedication, hard work and money. Many of us have given and still are giving.
I am a grunt. Yes, I, icebergslim, a grunt.
I work a 40 hour gig to take care of my family. But then, I am a grunt for Obama. I work the phones, have maxed to the primary, been to Iowa politicking many weekends, converting many to Obama and write and compile this weekly Obama review.
When I first started ‘This Week’, I really did not know if there were other Obama supporters out here. I soon found out, there are many, like me.
For me, a grunt, this campaign has consumed some of my life, dealing with the good and bad of the campaign, but always looking for the rainbow at the end.
I was in Iowa when Barack won and it was exhilarating and straight up exhausting. It was then, we, grunts knew we were in for the long haul.
Through poll numbers, tea leaves, ups/downs, wins and losses, we never have taken the eye off the prize. We understood that we were up against The Clinton Machine. We understood that eventually it would get not nice, we knew that we had to fund our candidate to the max and we knew that we had to take the message to the people.
Now, that we have won Maine, that is number five for Team Obama, since Saturday and the split decision of Super Tuesday. We know what need to be done, next the Potomac Primaries on Tuesday.
Maryland and Virginia need phone calls to be made. All the information is here.
If you are in one of these upcoming states through March 4th, volunteer here.
And lastly, we would not be here without money and I am not shy to ask you to donate here.
Congratulations Team Obama, now back to work!!!

this is a photo from the virginia jefferson-jackson dinner in richmond, virginia on february 9, 2008. we survived super tuesday by a draw, and have won 5 contests since. now we march into tuesday's potomac primaries and after that wisconsin and hawaii. march 4th is around the corner where ohio, texas, rhode island and vermont weigh in. if you are in any of these upcoming states with primaries/caucuses please volunteer, phone bank and donate. lastly as always remember to focus on obama and not the drama....
contact me @