Yes, Strong Women Stood Tall for Barack Obama Watching these strong individual women was something to see on Sunday, along with the great Stevie Wonder to top it off. But, we were in for a shock, as the First Lady of California came on the stage and said that she is backing Barack Obama's candidacy. Yes, many had their mouths gaped open, including me. But it was Maria Shriver's speech that was riveting and to the heart of the matter. It was what she said about Barack, that I will never forget.
"The more I thought about it, I thought, if Barack Obama was a state, he'd be California. Diverse, open, smart, independent, bucks tradition, inspiring, dreamer, leader."
Those words are Barack Obama. He is truly what we need to transform and move this country, and asking us to help him along the way. When was the last time a president asked us to do anything, to participate anywhere, to care about something? This is the candidacy of Barack Obama.
"YES WE CAN!!!!" of the Black Eyed Peas has released a new celeb-studded music video in support of Barack Obama with appearances from Jesse Dylan, Scarlett Johansson, John Legend, Herbie Hancock, Kate Walsh, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Adam Rodriquez, Kelly Hu, Adam Rodriquez, Amber Valetta and Nick Cannon.
Obama and Clinton go nationwide with less face time, more air time
As police motorcycles raced along Sen. Barack Obama's motorcade here Sunday afternoon, three boys playing under a sunny southern sky gazed up with looks of amazement and uncertainty.
The motorcade was a blur. And for the next nine days, the presidential campaign will be too.
After months of toiling mostly in just four states, the Democratic nomination battle has gone national, now literally a coast-to-coast affair that will make the past town hall gatherings and one-on-one meetings seem like quaint and distant memories. more
February 4, 2008 - Stand for Change Rally with Michelle, Salt Lake City, UT February 4, 2008 - Stand for Change Rally with Barack, East Rutherford, NJ February 4, 2008 - Stand for Change Rally with Barack, Hartford, CT February 4, 2008 - Stand for Change Rally with Barack and Governor Patrick, Senators Kennedy and Kerry, Boston, MA
A reminder - seven years ago, a patriotic group of Americans had to make a choice between conventional experience and change they desperately needed. It wasn’t an easy decision. Both options were compelling in their own right, but when it was time to make a decision, the choice was clear. The New England Patriots started Tom Brady over Drew Bledsoe, and Brady went on to be the MVP of Super Bowl XXXVI. Now that’s change we can believe in.
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