barack and michelle in honolulu
Obama new ads
nevada "backyard" ad
"hands" ad
And Ohio radio ad on DHL here
I supported Barack and John Edwards equally until I was convinced that Obama could raise the amount of money to battle Hillary Clinton. Yes, I did.
So, this infidelity of Edwards makes one pause.
I remember when the National Enquirer broke the story before the caucus and I stated that I believed it, over at Daily Kos. Well, I was rebuffed and called "many names", but I just had a gut feeling it was true.
Well, look at the pickle about Edwards. It ended up true, though he is not admitting the baby is his, but why should we believe anything that comes out of his mouth? He lied through all this. And yes, I believe he is the father and if you are going to tell part of the truth, tell it all.
So, we, the democrats can move on.
Lastly, I feel badly for Elizabeth and their children. But for Elizabeth only so far. She knew about this affair in 2006, but still pushed for her husband to run for this office with this bombshell waiting to drop. What if Edwards was the nominee? It would have been disastrous, not for the Republicans because McCain will never touch it after sexing his current wife while married with children to his former wife, but disastrous as in public trust, which would have turned on him.
See, it is stuff like this that makes the public very cynical about politicians, especially about telling the truth.
So, John Edwards, narcissistic character can just go away into a hole until this election is over. And quite frankly, I could care less if I ever hear from him again.
Video and transcript of ABC interview, here.
Obama's Radio Address on the economy
Listen to it, here.
Hawaii pictures here and here..............
Olympic Opening Ceremony pictures here............................
Hillary on the stump for Obama in Nevada...................
Dems move to distance themselves from Edwards...............
Edwards finance chair pays mistress............
'this week' will be up tomorrow evening.....
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Saturday, August 9, 2008
Catching Up...Obamas in Hawaii...Obama Radio Address
Posted by icebergslim at 10:08 AM
Labels: barack obama, economy, hawaii, john edwards, michelle obama, radio address
Friday, August 8, 2008
Obama Family in Hawaii Pictures
Posted by icebergslim at 10:11 PM
Labels: hawaii, obama family, pictures
Hillary on the stump for Obama in Henderson, Nevada Pictures
hillary in henderson, nevada
as soon as the video is available, will post
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Posted by icebergslim at 5:39 PM
Labels: barack obama, hillary clinton, nevada, pictures
New Ohio "Hard Hitting" Radio Ad Against McCain and DHL Dealings
This is about DHL Express lobbying McCain and his campaign manager, Rick Davis in the loss of this hub resulting in over 8,000 jobs.
When Republican presidential candidate John McCain meets Thursday with citizens and officials in Wilmington, Ohio, he won't need a playbook to understand why they're worried about deep job losses at the local freight airport.
Little known to those citizens, McCain and his campaign manager, Rick Davis, played roles in the fate of DHL Express and its Ohio air park as far back as 2003. Back then, however, their actions that helped DHL and its German owner, Deutsche Post World Net, acquire the Wilmington operations resulted in expansion, not retraction. continue
This radio ad is hard hitting. Again, watch Ohio. This state has been hit hard with job loss.
Listen to the ad, here.
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Posted by icebergslim at 12:34 PM
Labels: barack obama, john mccain, ohio
Obama's Olympic Ad...Another Negative Obama "Celebrity" Ad by McCain
Posted by icebergslim at 10:11 AM
Labels: 527 ads, barack obama, john mccain
Off Topic: Olympic Opening Ceremony Pictures
judo team
baseball team
basketball team
boxing team
diving team
field hockey
shooting team
ladies softball team
men's volleyball team
remember, it's china......
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Posted by icebergslim at 9:14 AM
Labels: 2008 Olympics, George W. Bush, off topic, pictures
Morning Brew.....Obamas Aloha!!!!
obamas leaving for hawaii
Bill Clinton to speak at the Democratic Convention
Thank Goodness, Bill Clinton speaks on Wednesday night of the Democratic Convention, same night that the Vice-Presidential pick speaks. He will speak before the VP Pick.
Party officials say former President Clinton will deliver a speech on the third night of the Democratic National Convention before an address by the as-yet-to-be-named running mate for Barack Obama.
Exactly what role the former president would play at the gathering in Denver Aug. 25-28 has been the subject of speculation since his wife, New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, ended her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in early June and endorsed Obama.
The officials spoke Thursday on condition of anonymity before the details were formally announced. continue
Thank Goodness.
And Hillary is flying solo, that is campaigning for Obama in Las Vegas. Will post all info as it comes in.
The Obama Family in Hawaii Today
There will be one public event today, a rally at Keehi Lagoon Beach Park, 1PM HST. So, if you are trying to figure out the time table, look here.
Obama's trip will be a homecoming. He was born in Hawaii and spent a good part of his boyhood there. His 85-year-old grandmother, who helped raise him, still lives on Oahu, as does his half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng.
Part of Obama's vacation will be a family reunion. He said he tries to see his grandmother every year, but put off a trip in 2007 while he battled his Democratic rivals. "So it's been about 19 months since I saw her," Obama said. "She's at an age where it's really important for me to see her."
Then there's the rest of his family: two daughters and wife Michelle, who has voiced worries about her husband's safety on the campaign trail. "Those little girls need a little love," Obama said. "And so does Michelle, I think. So we're going to take the time." continue
So, hopefully the press will give the family a break, as I suspect the secret service will be on top of that one. Another caveat, Obama will headline a huge fundraiser on Tuesday and tune in here to watch his speech today live.
McCain seeks to define himself and Obama
John McCain's efforts to define Barack Obama have been well cataloged in recent days, from the substantive (calling Obama a tax raiser slow to offer an energy plan) to the silly (comparing the Illinois senator to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.)
What's less apparent are McCain's efforts to define himself.
The GOP presidential hopeful has adopted a new campaign slogan, "Country First," a paean to his years in the military and decades in Congress. He's begun speaking more openly about his years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. And despite his wealth and elite legacy as the scion of admirals, McCain has tried to cast himself the embodiment of middle-class, middle-American values. continue
White supremacists hope Obama win prompts backlash...................
Man held for "alleged" Obama Assassination......................
McCain campaign to return 50K in donations.................
After shake-up, McCain ground game revs up....................
Obama's Grandmother, No `Typical' Woman, Broke Her Own Barriers..................
John McCain releases a web ad against Obama, if you have not seen it, here and the Dems react...............
chuck todd, first read
Michelle Obama, First Lady in Training, Mom in Chief................
Detroit Mayor "Yaw'z Boy" in jail.......
Evening Wrap Up, here.....................
Obama takes questions on plane yesterday from Minneapolis to Chicago on energy
hawaii pics up when available and enjoy the olympics.....this is down time.....
Olympic Opening Ceremony Pictures Here
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Posted by icebergslim at 8:07 AM
Labels: barack obama, bill clinton, hawaii, hillary clinton, keith olbermann, msnbc, obama family
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Evening Wrap Up....Still the Clintons, Unsatisfied....Obamas cover of LHJ....
The Clintons are taking this very hard, that is leaving the stage
Everyone wants to hold hands, we want to sing kumbaya, we want to be united, but as long as the Clintons continue to allow their boat to be leaked it won't help.
Meaning, we would not even be talking about or discussing the Clintons, unless, they did not want this information to be leaked out.
Bill Clinton statement and Hillary's remarks do take one to pause. Bill Clinton cannot get over his behavior and the perception that the African-American community saw in the primaries. He needs someone to blame, so turn to Barack Obama and point the finger that "I am not a racist.” If Bill Clinton was really concerned about his stature in this community, he needs to go to that community and LISTEN. His whole demeanor will change and maybe this community will forgive him, because that is what he wants "forgiveness" or he would not be making these statements. Hillary Clinton needs to realize that she did lose. She was a formidable candidate, who was a better candidate than her campaign served the candidate. Unfortunately, she had a bunch of folks that a) did not understand how the democratic nomination was won by delegates and b) continued to not understand how the democratic nomination is won.
All that above is B.S. And it is continued B.S.
Yes, the Clintons also are angry about Hillary's debt, but my take is this, "She continues to rave about her 18 million supporters, voters tell them to pony up $2.50 each and the debt is cleared." Why she would expect Obama to wave his magic wand on that one is really sitting in la-la land? In other words, "Can we move on yet?"
That national stage encompasses world power and view and for those, like the Clintons, to move on and off is tough and hard. But move on and off, they must.
Lastly, I don't know Barack Obama but one thing I have observed is this, when you try to push him or his campaign into doing anything they become stubborn, concrete, stiff, and immoveable. So, if Hillary or Bill Clinton wants anything from them, my mother always said, "Honey is sweeter than vinegar."
Below is a segment that is factual from Hardball, a must view.
Barack and Michelle Obama on the cover of Ladies Home Journal
interview here
mccain web ad, new
dnc ad, "john mccain, maverick no more"
Clinton committed to helping Obama........
Detroit Mayor, "Yaw Boy", Sent to Jail.......
More on McCain Fund-Raiser.................
Obama Looks To Make Fla. Inroads.........................
McCain attacks Obama on energy, here.....................
Obama weighs in on Tennessee House Seat................
Obama Assassination Rumor...................
and Morning Break, read here.................................
reminder, the obamas are on vacation in hawaii, starting
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Posted by icebergslim at 4:52 PM
Labels: barack obama, bill clinton, hillary clinton, john mccain, michelle obama
Morning Break....More Clinton Drama.....
obama in portage, indiana
More Clinton Drama......
First, we have Bill Clinton and his ABC interview. Which was more of a "whine fest".
Then you have Hillary on video off message, talking about nominating her during the convention. Oy!!! If she does and Obama does not win, she can forget it for 2012. Truly, she can.
Let's be clear. The Clintons don't believe that Barack Obama is the best choice for this nomination, they believe the Democratic Party is making a huge mistake and they believe that they should have won.
That is what they believe.
Sure, Hillary is doing all the things she should, but she also is working the backend to make sure all her demands are met, which could possibly mean her name is placed for nomination in Denver.
Let's be clear, again. Having Hillary's name mentioned in Denver is suicide. It is. She knows it and Obama knows it.
Of course a joint statement by Clinton and Obama was released, but at this point, to me, so what.
Whatever Obama needs to do, DO IT, make the peace.
Let the Clintons have their moment in the sun and then win this in November.
My take on the Clintons. They are angry, bitter, shocked, all about me, and the sooner Barack wins, the better for everyone concerned. The Clintons can then go back into the sunset, probably for good.
Obama is in Chicago today, down time...................
Evening Break, here................
CBS Poll: Obama 45, McCain 39...................
Obama needs to hit McCain HARD.........
chuck todd, first read
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Posted by icebergslim at 9:01 AM
Labels: barack obama, bill clinton, DNC, hillary clinton, msnbc, today show
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Evening Wrap Up...Obama out of Indiana, in Minnesota...Iraq record oil profits.....
obama in portage, indiana
Obama in Indiana Pictures
Why are we still rebuilding Iraq when they are sitting on about 80B in oil profits?
That is the question, which the Bush Administration can not answer, but I can.
Simple, their cronies have harbored all those contracts in Iraq (i.e., Blackwater, Haliburton, KBR, etc.) and have made record profit off the backs of our taxes, our money.
That is why.
And Iraqi Authorities have been smart. Why should they shell over any money to rebuild anything, when it was the United States of America who entered this country illegally, anyway?
So, in the end it is the American public stuck with the tax bag, again. And it brings us back to the first question, why are we still paying to rebuild a country while they are sitting on a sack of money?
The Iraqi government could end the year with as much as a $79 billion budget surplus as ever-increasing oil revenues pile on top of leftover income the Iraqis still haven't spent on their national rebuilding effort, congressional auditors say.
A report by the Government Accountability Office made public Tuesday prompted renewed calls from senators that Baghdad pay more of the bill for its own reconstruction, which has been heavily supported with U.S. funds.
The projected Iraq surplus, including unspent money from 2005 through 2008, has been building because of rising world oil prices, increasing Iraqi oil production, the government's inability to execute budgets for spending its money and persistent violence in the country, the GAO said. continue

michelle in norfolk, virginia
Obama's Speech, Elkhart, Indiana
Time Magazine National
Obama 46, McCain 41
Battleground State News
Obama Hits McCain MUCH HARDER Just Now ............
WOW! SMOKIN' HOT Anti-McCain E-mail!.......worth a read........
Tense Times with the Clintons and Obama.......
WOW??? McCain agrees with Obama on inflating tires????..................
The Obama Fade, O-Hawk, see it here.........
McCain, still following the leader....purchased Olympic Ad Buy, too.....
Landrieu Keeping Some Distance From Obama................
Missed Morning Break? Read it here

obama arrives minneapolis-st. paul international airport, today
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Posted by icebergslim at 6:54 PM
Labels: barack obama, evan bayh, Indiana, iraq, michelle obama, minnesota, msnbc, virginia
Obama Speech, Elkhart, Indiana, August 6, 2008
Posted by icebergslim at 5:39 PM
Labels: barack obama, Indiana
Obama in Indiana Pictures, August 6, 2008
photos updated throughout the day, check back
obama after senator evan bayh introduces him in elkhart, indiana at concord high school
campaign slideshow, elkhart, indiana
obama and bayh outside of Schoop's Diner, portage, indiana
obama leaving gary, indiana airport
arriving minneapolis-st. paul, minnesota airport
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