cross-posted @ Daily Kos & One Million Strong
The Iowa Winners: The Obamas
What America and the World saw Friday morning, January 4, 2008
New Hampshire Primary Watch Parties
New Hampshire Home Page
January 15, 2008, Las Vegas, NV, NBC/MSNBC, Brian Williams & Tim Russert
January 31, 2008, Kodak Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, CNN
on the road to change: new hampshire
Obama Apperances and Campaign Events
January 7, 2008 - Change We Can Believe in with Barack, Claremont, NH
January 7, 2008 - Meet the Candidate with Barack, Lebanon, NH
January 7, 2008 - Change We Can Believe in with Barack, Rochester, NH
January 8, 2008 - Primary Night Rally, Nashua, NH
The Iowa Aftermath Analysis
An Earthquake in the Midwest
Two Black Men by teacherken

breaking poll news, cnn/wmur nh poll, today has obama 10 pts over clinton
Well, much has happened since the last 'This Week'. For one, Barack Obama won the Iowa Caucuses and not narrowly, but by 8 points over John Edwards and 9 points over Hillary Clinton. If this is not the voice of the public on the CHANGE MARCH, I don't know what else this means. Iowans came out in a record breaker of 239,000. Republicans and Independents crossed their party line to stand for Barack that Thursday evening. If this is not a movement, then tell me what it is. Finally, the record breaking crowds the last 2 weeks in Iowa was a strong indicator that the turnout would be record, then the Des Moines Register Poll had called this caucus spot on.
Now the movement trumpet is beating in New Hampshire with record breaking crowds. If you are the other guy in this race, I would be biting my fingernails now. I would.
Obama's Closing Message to Iowans
Obama Credits the Youth Vote
How Obama's Message Found Its Mark
On the Ground in New Hampshire by PsiFighter37
Obama Says Time For Change Has Come
Barack Obama, the clear victor in the Democratic caucuses in Iowa, declared tonight that "our time for change has come" and that voters are "choosing hope over fear."
"They said this day would never come, they said our sights were set too high, they said his country was too divided, too disillusioned to come together for a common purpose," he told screaming supporters. "But on this January night, at this defining moment in history you have done what the cynics said we couldn't do." Boston Globe

3000+ strong in nashua, nh
Blogs and Websites
One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; Brown Iowa; The Populista Report; Relentless Liberal; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama; Netroots for Obama; Economists for Obama
barack obama: iowa caucus victory speech, jan 3
NY Obama Supporters Couldn't Be Happier
Can Obama Go The Distance?
Obama's Victory Upends His Party's Politics
Endorsements & Announcements
Former Senator Bill Bradley, D-NJ, Endorses Obama; Govenor Jim Doyle, D-WI, Backs Obama; Ex-South Carolina Govenor Jim Hodges (D) Endorses Obama
obama: one voice
Keep up with the polls here. And USA/Gallup NH Poll, Obama up 13.
Iowans Pick Huckabee, Obama, Endorsing CHANGE
Obama Lights Up the 100 Club by MissLaura
obama, 100 dinner speech, new hampshire, january 4, 2008
The Obama Phenomenom
The historians can put aside their reference material. This is new. America has never seen anything like the Barack Obama phenomenon.
I was surprised all day Thursday, before the results of the Iowa caucuses were in, by the apparent serenity of the Obama forces here in New Hampshire. The stakes were enormous, but the campaign staff members and volunteers seemed as cool as the candidate.
The students, veterans, middle-aged moms, retirees and others working steadily to make Barack Obama president seemed to accept as fact that the country is ready for profound change and that their job is to help make it happen. NY Times
Oh-ba-ma Fires It Up
Something beautiful: Reaction from Obama's Kenyan family by anna
Why America Needs Obama Govenor Deval Patrick

Obama Rocks The Political World
Obama Statement on Fernley Levee Break
"Early this Saturday morning, a 30-foot section of the Truckee Canal levee broke, sending waves of water into the town of Fernley and trapping nearly 4,000 people in their homes. Michelle and I send our thoughts and prayers to the victims of this sudden disaster, and we honor the swift and heroic response from rescue organizations, including the Fallon Naval Air Station. I have asked my staff and supporters in the area to take time out from campaigning this weekend to assist in the relief efforts."
Obama's Victory Proves That Young People Aren't So Apathetic After All
Iowa Women Turn the Tide
The Debate Winner from Saturday Night, Obama

obama poses for a picture with a local family during an impromptu stop at Moulton's Market in amherst, nh
Obama's Historic Victory
Barack Obama's first words after winning the Iowa caucus were intended for history and they were gorgeous: "They said this day would never come." Perhaps he was thinking small. Perhaps he was thinking about the long days in July and August and September when he trudged along the trail, well behind Hillary Clinton — who seemed a juggernaut at that point. Perhaps he was thinking back to his childhood, to the father who barely knew him and the mother who let her parents do most of the child rearing. But I suspect he was thinking bigger, back to Martin Luther King — and King's dream that someday his children would not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Time
Patrick Celebrates Obama Victory in Iowa
Obama Draws New Breeds of Voters - and lots of them
Hawaii Supporters Cheer Obama On
icebergslim’s last word: thank you
Iowa, Thank You.
Not for just caucusing and standing with Barack, but for embracing change.
I worked out of the Cedar Rapids office from December 27-January 4th. I had the pleasure of working with some of the nicest Obama Staff, Volunteers and Iowa Supporters, I have ever met.
Their work ethic was focused, precise and thoughts pragmatic. Did we worry about polls, etc? Of course, but we KNEW that it was all about getting your supporters to the caucus. Period.
The Obama Campaign’s GOTC was the best of any campaigns in that state. Many of these field organizers have been in Iowa since March and KNEW the community. A big difference from Clinton importing thousands at the last minute to perform the duties the Obama Staff Members have been doing for months.
And it showed. Clinton, third place and Edwards, second place.
Now the momentum and movement for change is in New Hampshire.
As, Iowa which Barack had RECORD CROWDS, New Hampshire is the same. Folks are driving in from others states to see, hear, shake hands and photograph Barack Obama, but more importantly they are going to VOTE FOR HIM.
Above are all the latest polls from CNN/WMUR daily tracking and USA/Gallup Poll today. Both have Obama up 10-13 points. This is great, but means nothing if folks don’t go to the polls. And in my gut, I believe they will. They want change and they want to be part of history in process.
So, New Hampshire is showing up in record crowds in: Salem, Manchester, Milford, Exeter and Derry.
What does this tell you or indicate? Change.
What is more important though is the eradication of the “Obama Can Not Win” meme. For any candidate growing the party, firing up the young in this country, having Independents and Republicans to cross the line and vote for you, sorry neysayers Barack Obama can win. And the Republicans know this.
If Barack Obama wins New Hampshire, he is on his way to be our Democratic Nominee. No candidate on either side can fire up or light the passion in the public as Obama. No one.
American change is coming and the change candidate is Barack Obama.
Thank You, Iowa, for starting the movement for change.
If you appreciate the weekly Obama Roundup, then Tip My Obama Jar!! Minimum five dollars. This contribution goes directly to the Obama Campaign. We are in the beginning of the caucuses and primaries, with our eye on the Tsunami Tuesday of February 5th with 22 states voting. If you have not made your contribution, do so today.

the above photo is from the 100 dinner in new hampshire, on saturday. as this photo caught my eye, i just sat back and thought about the thousands of obama supporters out there knocking on doors, calling folks, getting ready to pick people up for the polls on tuesday. folks, this is not only a movement but history in the making. i am damn proud to be a part of it, as you should be too. pretty soon, others will drop out of the race and we, as obama supporters will welcome them to our fold. the blogs can be heated and as always, "focus on obama and not the drama...."
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This Week With Barack Obama