cross-posted @ Daily Kos and One Million Strong
obama at university of texas-pan american, edinburg, tx, with secret service in tow
February 26, 2008 - Cleveland State, Cleveland, OH - MSNBC

It is that time again....
Time to pick up the telephone, time to volunteer, time to canvass, time to donate, time to do whatever it takes to move Senator Barack Obama closer to become the Democratic Nominee.
We know we can phone bank from home, here. We know that if you are in one of the early state above, you can volunteer here. We know that you can donate here. We know that it was never to be easy. We know that this task was monumental. But we also know that we are almost 50% there. So, while we continue to write our diaries and comments, remember, we must continue to do more to finish this primary season off, so we are ready for the general.
Pssssst. Our goal is to make 1M phone calls by March 4th.
YES.WE.CAN. Let's get busy!!!
Official Appearances
February 25, 2008 - Keeping America's Promise Rally with Barack Obama, Cincinnati, OH
February 25, 2008 - Keeping America's Promise Rally with Barack Obama, Dayton, OH
February 25, 2008 - Stand for Change Rally with Michelle Obama, Beaumont, TX
February 25, 2008 - Stand for Change Rally with Michelle Obama, Galveston, TX
February 25, 2008 - Caroline Kennedy in Austin, Austin, TX
February 25, 2008 - Community Gathering with Caroline Kennedy, San Antonio, TX
February 27, 2008 - Stand for Change Rally, San Marcos, TX
February 28, 2008 - Stand for Change Rally, Ft. Worth, TX
February 29, 2008 - Stand for Change Rally, San Antonio, TX
Clinton or Obama? Gender less important to young voters.
Obama Vows to Repair Mexico Relations
Wins Put Nomination Within Obama's Grasp
Obama Learned Politics Helping the Poor

houston, texas, 19K+ strong
Clinton Trying to Stop Obama's Momemtum
Obama Seek to Turn the Tables in Ohio and Texas
The Obama Express
2008: Our Moment is Now by kid oakland
Obama Works to Appeal to
Ohio's Working Class
Obama and McCain Sparring Over Pakistan

obama with the texas longhorn coach and players
Teamsters Union Endorse Obama; Prominent Indians Backing Obama; Wooed Superdelegate Backs Obama; ACORN for Obama; Mayor Mark Mallory (D-Cincinnati) Endorses Obama; Ohio Treasurer Richard Cordray Endorses Barack Obama; Canton Repostitory Endorse Obama; Dayton Daily Endorse Obama; Spike Lee for Obama; UWUA Endorses Obama
¡Viva Obama! the translation is here
Obama Rumored on Track to Raise 50M for the Month of February
Superdelegates Jump to Obama
Hawaiians Stressing Importance of Caucusing
Obama's Rise After SEIU Endorsement
Ben & Jerry &, Obama
Why College Women Support Obama

debate, feb 21, 2008, @ university of texas-austin, video here and transcript here
The Audacity of Hoplessness by Frank Rich
WHEN people one day look back at the remarkable implosion of the Hillary Clinton campaign, they may notice that it both began and ended in the long dark shadow of Iraq.
It’s not just that her candidacy’s central premise — the priceless value of “experience” — was fatally poisoned from the start by her still ill-explained vote to authorize the fiasco. Senator Clinton then compounded that 2002 misjudgment by pursuing a 2008 campaign strategy that uncannily mimicked the disastrous Bush Iraq war plan. After promising a cakewalk to the nomination — “It will be me,” Mrs. Clinton told Katie Couric in November — she was routed by an insurgency.
The Clinton camp was certain that its moneyed arsenal of political shock-and-awe would take out Barack Hussein Obama in a flash. The race would “be over by Feb. 5,” Mrs. Clinton assured George Stephanopoulos just before New Year’s. But once the Obama forces outwitted her, leaving her mission unaccomplished on Super Tuesday, there was no contingency plan. She had neither the boots on the ground nor the money to recoup. continue here
Fine Words and Economic Reality
How to Woo a Super Delegate-Patience, Persistence and Personal Touch
I found the BEEF by Helenann
Si Se Puede Cambiar
shoutouts: cenk uyger; dday; kath25; FishOutofWater; kid oakland; bonddad; Mr Populist; Bob Johnson; wmtriallawyer; Nuisance Industry; thereisnospoon; hekebolos; Steve Novick; clammyc; maureen

obama after memorial service with father of a fallen student from niu shooting in dekalb, il on feb 24, 2008
Obama's Borrowed Lines Don't Amount to Plagiarism, Experts Say
University of Texas-Austin Grand Opening Obama Headquarters
Clinton attacks major Obama asset - his oratory
Trade is the issue that sets Clinton, Obama apart
obama's winning speech in houston, feb 19th, pt 1
obama's winning speech in houston, febeb 19th, pt 2
icebergslim’s last word: one’s desperate state, brings desperate measures
Much has been written about the stability of the Clinton Campaign this week. But Frank Rich hit the nail on the head with his The Audacity of Hopelessness.
I know I have weighed in, primarily on the financial stability and comparing the two campaigns. Not just for the money aspect, but the management, vision, and judgment of how funds at the 100M+ were spent and on what.
After the debate on Thursday night, I said Hillary gave the best closing statement I had heard in a very long time. I respected that and all of us should have been proud. It was seeing the two of them, Clinton and Obama, on stage and witnessing this that propelled the standing ovation.
It was a class act by Hillary Clinton.
Over the weekend that was tossed to the wind and the “Shame on you Barack Obama...” crap was spilled all over the television. I had folk calling me this weekend laughing and confused about this rant. I just simply said, “In desperate times, desperate measures are taken.”
Now, the Clinton Campaign is rumored to have pushed a photo of Obama in Africa, as kos wrote about. I am going to take the Clinton Campaign at their word, that they had nothing to do with it. But, I am also not going to state, "I whole heartedly believe them." Sorry, they have been bad in the "trust and honesty department."
This is very suspect, that a photo with Obama having African garb on while visiting in Africa with his family, is not meant to be nice since Drudge (god forbid) said it came from the Clinton Camp.
We would hope a fellow democrat would not try to tip-toe and pull some Rovian Tactics on another democrat, only to subtly push the Obama is a Muslim meme. We would only hope that is not what is going on here. Pretty soon we will see on March 4th, what the good citizens of Texas, Rhode Island, Ohio, and Vermont have to say. To see if they finally send Hillary Clinton & Crew back home for good. (Here is Obama's response to this mess supposedly made by the Clinton Crew.)
But who knows? Now Clinton is stating, this:
I’d love to carry Texas, but it’s usually not in the electoral calculation for the Democratic nominee. Florida and Michigan are.
So, here we go again. Switching up states, again, basically because she can't win them. Pssst, this is the big secret that is out in the open that everyone is talking about.
Folks, let's end this on March 4th, so we can look ahead to the convention and the general election. I think we all have had enough of Hillary Clinton & Crew.
We all are tired of deperate tactics, by desperate candidates.

early voting is on fire in texas
Obama Making Headway With Women and Hispanics
Obama Wins Wisconsin
Obama Defends Wife on Matter of Pride for America
Obama Wins Hawaii in a Landslide
Obama Wins Democrats Abroad Primary

obama sold out in toledo, oh, feb 24, 2008
Returning Fire, Obama Emphasizes Contrasts
“Today Senator Clinton told us that there is a choice in this race, and I couldn’t agree with her more, but contrary to what she’s been saying, its not a choice between speeches and solutions, it’s a choice between a politics that offers more of the same divisions and distractions that didn’t work in South Carolina, and didn’t work in Wisconsin, and will not work in Texas,” Obama said.
On a conference call with reporters, campaign manager David Plouffe said he was anticipating negative advertisements by the Clinton campaign in both Texas and Ohio.
“If her speech last night and this morning is any indication, they will run a negative campaign,” Plouffe said.
“There were even reports this morning that there could be a 527 kicking up to the tune of $10 million dollars to run against Obama in Ohio and Texas.” continue here

well, vermonters got it goin' on, with the obamamobile!!! wow, i would love to drive that just once through my neighborhood!!!! ummm, much is going on, we are all busy. barack has won 11 in a row, counting the democrats abroad. things are looking up for our guy. march 4th is almost here and things are looking good. hopefully, this will be over soon, but if not we must continue on. keep doing what you have been doing, and always remember to focus on obama, and not the drama...
contact me @
icebergslim1047 (at) hotmail (dot) com