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Posted by icebergslim at 8:42 AM
Labels: barack obama, easter celebration, radio address
Talk about stupid. I hope he loses A LOT OF BUSINESS.
A doctor who considers the national health-care overhaul to be bad medicine for the country posted a sign on his office door telling patients who voted for President Barack Obama to seek care "elsewhere."
"I'm not turning anybody away — that would be unethical," Dr. Jack Cassell, 56, a Mount Dora urologist and a registered Republican opposed to the health plan, told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday. "But if they read the sign and turn the other way, so be it."
The sign reads: "If you voted for Obama … seek urologic care elsewhere. Changes to your healthcare begin right now, not in four years."
Posted by icebergslim at 1:13 PM
Labels: barack obama, florida, healthcare
President Obama explains how reform will help control the costs of health care, one of the biggest burdens facing small businesses and middle-class families, at an event in Portland, ME.
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Posted by icebergslim at 11:44 AM
Labels: barack obama, healthcare, maine, town hall meeting, transcript
A start, but we need millions of new jobs created with the millions out of work. Remember, Secretary Treasurer Timothy Geithner said it will take a long time before the unemployment rate goes down. Also, a great insight and read on this from The Bonddad Blog.
After more than two years in which more than 8 million jobs were lost, the country’s nonfarm payrolls surged in March.
Employers added 162,000 jobs last month, and employment numbers in the previous two months were revised upward. Nationwide, the unemployment rate held steady at 9.7 percent.
To many ordinary, out-of-work Americans, the recovery may finally start to feel real.
“The key message from this report is that we’ve finally turned the corner,” said Nigel Gault, chief United States economist at IHS Global Insight. “Going forward, we should expect things to strengthen further over the rest of the year.”
Posted by icebergslim at 11:15 AM
Labels: jobs, Obama Administration, unemployment
Is anyone surprised at this? I am not. This is all about continuing to bring the Republicans into the fold, to work with them, etc. And it may work, because John McCain tweeted, "Drill Baby Drill, where is Pelosi and Reid on this?"
I hope President Obama gets Republican support, he wants it badly, but after the health care debacle which the Republicans were allowed last summer to destroy what the bill would do for the individual American, does anyone expect them to show good faith on ANYTHING going forward? I don't. And Obama, again, giving the Republicans their largest bone, "OFF SHORE DRILLING". Just as he gave them good cuts in the health insurance bill, but he still did not get ONE VOTE. just sayin'.....
President Obama will announce new plans to drill for oil and natural gas off America's coasts Wednesday but will rule out drilling off California, Oregon and Washington state through 2017, administration officials say.
Obama's plans will include opening new areas of coastal Virginia and other parts of the mid-Atlantic region, Alaska and the eastern Gulf of Mexico for drilling. But officials say the president will block drilling in Alaska's Bristol Bay, where the George W. Bush administration's drilling plans in 2007 angered environmentalists.
According to administration officials, the plan would:
* Eventually open two-thirds of the eastern Gulf's oil and gas resources for drilling.
* Proceed with drilling off Virginia, provided the project clears environmental and military reviews.
* Study the viability of drilling off the mid- and southern Atlantic coasts.
* Study the viability of drilling in Alaska's Beaufort and Chukchi seas -- areas hotly defended by environmentalists -- but issue no new drilling leases in either sea before 2013.
The eastern Gulf of Mexico leases hinge on Congress lifting a moratorium on drilling there. Even if that happens, administration officials said, Obama's plan included no drilling within 125 miles of the Florida coastline.
The announcement, scheduled for an energy security event at Joint Base Andrews Naval Air Facility, will be Obama's first major policy step into the politically charged area of offshore drilling.
The president's drilling plans run through 2017. The likely scope and details of the proposals represent compromises that risk angering energy companies and environmentalists alike. read more here....
Posted by icebergslim at 1:07 PM
Labels: barack obama, energy, environment, oil drilling
Posted by icebergslim at 10:03 PM
Labels: barack obama, france, nicholas sarkozy, transcript, white house
Health Care Law:
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Posted by icebergslim at 5:29 PM
Labels: afghanistan, barack obama, healthcare, matt lauer, obama family, tea party, today show
The banking industry is one of the most irresponsible industries out here right now, they NEVER should have gotten into the student loan game. Their interest rates on many students were and are outrageous, they were allowed to take over this industry totally, under the Bush Administration. That will be NO MORE. It has become those who have money, rich, wealthy are the ones who are allowed access to higher education. The middle class in this country have been constantly squeezed out. Now, if we can do something about college tuition and its continuing to escalate in cost, that would be mighty helpful to many families out here. Read more here on the student loan, pell grant program.
Dr. Jill Biden
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Posted by icebergslim at 1:20 PM
Labels: barack obama, congresswoman virginia fox, healthcare, jill biden, student loan, transcript
The President speaks to the troops at Bagram Air Force Base during a surprise trip to Afghanistan. March 28, 2010.
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Posted by icebergslim at 12:56 PM
Labels: afghanistan, barack obama, transcript, u.s. military