cross-posted @ One Million Strong
barack in cedar rapids, ia this morning
December 1, 2007 - Des Moines, IA, Brown & Black Forum
December 1, 2007 - Des Moines, IA, Heartland Presidential Forum
December 4, 2007 - Des Moines, IA, NPR News/Iowa Public Radio Debate
December 10, 2007 - Los Angeles, California, CBS
December 13, 2007 - Johnston, Iowa, Des Moines Register Democratic Debate
January 15, 2008 - Las Vegas, Nevada
January 31, 2008 - California
obama, jefferson jackson dinner, des moines, ia
Obama Goes for the Capillaries
Hillary Clinton Suddenly Vulnerable as Bruises Start to Show
Obama Stands Out in Night of Speeches
In the space of an hour this weekend, Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois, using some of their most pointed and forceful rhetoric of the campaign, framed the choice for Democrats deciding their party's presidential nomination.
Clinton gave a strong speech at the Jefferson-Jackson dinner late Saturday. But Obama, criticized for occasional lackluster performances, delivered one of his most focused and powerful addresses.
In the view of many watching, he emerged as the oratorical winner at the biggest Democratic political event in Iowa before the state's January caucuses.
His candidacy, Obama said, could produce a new Democratic majority capable of breaking the gridlock and polarization that have plagued Washington for a decade or more.
"The same old Washington textbook campaigns just won't do it in this election," he said. Seattle Times

las vegas debate, november 15th
Obama Apperances and Campaign Events
November 19, 2007 - Meet the Candidate, Barack Obama, Clarion, IA
November 19, 2007 - Town Hall Meeting with Barack, Fort Dodge, IA
November 20, 2007 - Meet the Candidate, Barack Obama, Alton, NH
November 20, 2007 - Meet the Candidate, Barack Obama, Conway, NH
November 20, 2007 - Meet the Candidate, Barack Obama, Laconia, NH
November 20, 2007 - Michelle Obama, Orangeburg, SC
November 20, 2007 - Michelle Obama, Columbia, SC
November 30, 2007 - Barack Obama and Former Sec of Navy, Richard Danzig, Washington, D.C.
December 2, 2007 - Countdown to Change, Boston, MA
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Why It's Barack Obama
Obama Shows Off Organizational Strength at JJ Dinner
Transcript of Obama Apperance on Meet the Press

obama on meet the press with tim russert, november 11, 2007, des moines, ia
Obama on Meet the Press; Get to Know Barack; Las Vegas Democratic Debate, here; Audio Analysis Here; Michelle Obama on Morning Joe
In Iowa, Party Rivals Sharpen Jabs at Clinton
It is all about Iowa
google interview, pt 1
google interview, pt 2
Obama as the Red-Blue Uniter
Obama Stirs Up San Francisco Crowd
Republicans Crossin' Over
Lessig Endorses Obama: Why You Should Care by AdamB
Obama Sister Hit the Campaign Trail
Obama: Tax More Income for Social Security
Democrat Barack Obama said Sunday that if elected he will push to increase the amount of income that is taxed to provide monthly Social Security benefits.
Obama and other Democratic presidential candidates previously have signaled support for this idea.
But during an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," Obama said subjecting more of a person's income to the payroll tax is the option he would push for if elected president.
He objected to benefit cuts or a higher retirement age.
"I think the best way to approach this is to adjust the cap on the payroll tax so that people like myself are paying a little bit more and people who are in need are protected," the Illinois senator said.
"That is the option that I will be pushing forward."
Currently, only the first $97,500 of a person's annual income is taxed. The amount is scheduled to rise to $102,000 next year. more
Democratic Caucus Goers Pick Obama, Edwards as JJ Winners
Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Scott Brennan called it "the most successful Jefferson Jackson Dinner in history," but it was more successful for some candidates than for others.
After discussions with party insiders and people in attendance, the early consensus seemed to be that the candidates who have generally polled in the top three -- Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama -- all did well, with Edwards and Obama excelling in particular. Among the other three candidates -- Joe Biden, Chris Dodd and Bill Richardson -- the crowd seemed to be moved the most by Dodd and Biden, but not enough to significantly affect their chances in January, interviews Saturday night suggested. Candace Opstvedt of Story City was an undecided caucus-goer, but not any longer.
"I am definitely leaning toward Barack after tonight," she said after the long night of speeches and Democratic fundraising, including an auction. Undecided caucus-goer Jordan Oster, a Drake University student and a Des Moines native, thought Obama and Edwards made a definite impression on the crowd.
"It is yet to be seen if tonight can be considered a moment of shakeup, but I think it really goes to show that Edwards and Obama cemented their importance in the race," he said. "Neither made direct reference to Senator Clinton, but without mistake many references were aimed her way."
Oster said he thought Biden, Dodd and Richardson did well, but didn't stand out.
Can Obama Rock the Nomination?
What kind of question is THIS??? One word, yes. He showed it last Saturday night, at the JJ Dinner. The debate performance is now past and will forever be plagued with innuendo. He is stronger than ever in Iowa. And if people are fed UP, with partisian politics, gridlock, the same old thing. Then you know for sure, what time it is. It is change time.
youtube interview
Will Obama Turn Out Young Voters in Iowa
All Tied Up in Iowa
Obama Photo Blog Lebanon, NH
Obama on Net Neutrality
UAW Region 4, Endorses Obama
UAW Region 4 Delegates Throw Support to Obama’s Campaign for PresidentDUBUQUE - Delegates of United Auto Workers Region 4, which includes 30,000 members and retirees in Iowa, voted today to support Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. The group announced its overwhelming support at the close of a weeklong conference where seven of the major Democratic presidential candidates addressed the group earlier this week.
“There are many talented Democrats in the presidential field this year, but Barack Obama is the leader who will bring the kind of change to Washington that America’s working men and women can believe in,” said UAW Local 442 (Webster City, IA) President Paul Erickson. “For the last two decades, working families have been able to count on Barack Obama to stand up for us and our values. We are supporting him, because we know he’ll do the same thing in the White House.” Time, DemDog
kos, on Obama's Plan for Open Government
Stoller Leaning Obama
Chris Bowers, Ok, it is Still a Close Campaign
Barack Obama and the Illinois Death Penalty by AdamB

obama @ google
Blogs and Websites
One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama L.A.; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama
Clinton Camp, Sure Do Not Care About Nor Believe in the Youth Vote
Yep. The Clinton Campaign has to be one of the more out of touch campaigns running. For the Clinton Campaign to tout the inevitability meme, this campaign does not understand what drives the youth. And to totally dis' them as unimportant is even more laughable. I am sure no dissin' will be going on in an Iowa barn on January 3rd, if these Facebook Caucus Goers decide to show up. Respect the youth. Respect the ones who are disenfranchised. Respect the lost Democratic Voters who want in again. Just respect the voters. Ok?

obama in austin, tx
Obama to Clinton, Don't 'swift boat' Me"
Clinton Must Spend More Time in Iowa
Obama, Durbin Targets VA Care
shoutouts: food prices up, by bink; i am starting to detest hillary clinton, the british observer; read, dengre; why an edwards fan thinks obama took jefferson-jackson; dl's take on democrats preferring dems on iran; update on marlboro marine; foreclosures record high
icebergslim’s last word: obama and his
'It will only serve to steel our resolve'.
That describes us.
This week has been, ummm, quirky.
It has.
Barack came from the Iowa JJ Dinner, with a speech that people are still talking about.
Then the debate.
Well, it was a sham. My opinion, as I do not speak or write for Obama
Then Bob Johnson, comes on the scene. You really don’t know what to expect with him, but he ripped Steny Hoyer a new one with this diary, Hey, Steny... Butt out. I don’t know who Bob supports, but he was absolutely correct in this assessment of Hoyer going after Obama:
Oh, no. Steny thought it best to single out a candidate who he felt was bashing the current frontrunner:“I've been disappointed,'' Hoyer, 68, said in an interview on Bloomberg television's ``Political Capital with Al Hunt,'' scheduled to air tonight. ``I think it will hurt the party.''
He took particular exception to Illinois Senator Barack Obama's assertion in a Las Vegas debate yesterday that Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton hadn't given ``straight answers'' on ``a host of issues.'' Hoyer said that comment is ``likely to get used by Republicans'' in the general election.
What is this you ask? It is what politicians refer to as, “calling your chits in.” The old, “I helped you, raised money for you, now you need to help me.” In other words, the Clinton Camp needs to dirty up Barack Obama. The Clinton Camp need to reinforce that Obama is inexperienced, not ready. Obama should not challenge, nor question anything on Hillary Clinton. The GOP could use this against her. As if “girlfriend” has already been anointed and appointed.
Then your keepin it real voice of icebergslim, rolls into a Saturday with an aw, hell naw diary on our best friends at CNN. I don’t like to write on the weekends because I am usually compiling ‘This Week’, but when you get articles from NYT and L.A. Times sent to you about the debate, but more importantly how it is all connected up? What are you to do? I had to do what I do best. Clinton News Network = CNN.
Of course, Obama
"The item did not identify these 'agents,' nor did it reveal the nature of the charge. It was devoid of facts, but heavy on innuendo and insinuation of the sort to which we've become all too accustomed in our politics these past two decades. If the purpose of this shameless item was to daunt or discourage me or supporters of our campaign from challenging and changing the politics of Washington, it will fail. In fact, it will only serve to steel our resolve.
That paragraph, for me, said it all about Barack Obama.
It will only serve to steel our resolve.
That is what the other campaigns don’t get. But they will, starting in Iowa.
Yes, we are supporters of Barack Obama, but you are correct in your assessment, we are his ADVOCATES, first.

michelle in dewitt, ia
If you appreciate the weekly Obama Roundup, then Tip My Obama Jar!! Minimum five dollars. This contribution goes directly to the Obama Campaign. We are in the last stretch of fundraising, Quarter 4, it ends December 31st. Remember to make your contribution.
Lastly, a magnificent diary by femlaw titled, "Obama's Field of Dreams (California & Iowa Edition)" This is a must read for all. If you don't understand strategy and Obama's passion for building from ground up, peep this. After the read, you will get it.

well, barack was in austin, texas telling them to get ready for change. and i am here to ask you, are you ready for it? always, remember to focus on obama, and not the drama....
contact me @
This Week With Barack Obama