Thursday, May 15, 2008

Democrats, It Is Strategy Time: Don't Let the Bush Statements Fool You


I am not getting upset over these stupid Bush comments and I will tell you why.

The Republicans are shaking in their shoes after the third straight special election loss.

Why are the Republicans shaking? Because these special elections are a premise to how the electorate feels about you. The electorate sent the GOP a resounding answer, "we want the Democrat."

So, what does this have to do with the crazy statement of Bush about Obama's appeasement to terror groups? It gives the McCain Campaign a chance to respond and down the road distance themselves from George W. Bush, along with the rest of the Republicans who are running towards the fake John McCain "maverick" and "independent" label.

Democrats, expect not only this but more of this. This loss has awakened the Republican Party. They now realize, which I believe is "too little, too late", that George W. Bush and the Bush Administration is the sinking anchor around their necks. So, they are running and running to John McCain.

Democrats, the GOP are also trying to figure out how to run against Obama. Don't fool yourself that the Louisiana seat win nor the recent Mississippi seat win was not a test for how the GOP plan to run against Obama in the fall.

Prominent Republicans, from Mike Huckabee to Dick Cheney (apparently, they thought it would help) visited the district.

The NRCC, despite being strapped for cash, pumped in $1.1-million, mostly for television advertising.

Some of that advertising served as a test run for the upcoming Republican campaign. The attack ads linked Mr. Childers, a conservative Democrat who loves guns and hates abortion, with Mr. Obama and, of all things, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Losing this seat by running attack ads and linking Obama and Reverend Wright has just showed them, that tactic just won't do.

Democrats, the GOP have already started their viral email campaign against Michelle Obama. Now they are pointing the guns at her in Tennessee.
To welcome Mrs. Obama to Nashville and Tennessee, we asked a few Tennesseans to take a few moments to tell her what makes them proud of their country. Viewers will find their statements stand in stark contrast to two incidents in February when Mrs. Obama announced that for “the first time in my adult life” she was proud of America.

And while Mrs. Obama has trouble being proud of the country where she earned degrees from Princeton University and Harvard Law School and then became a multi-millionaire, her husband makes statements that belittle average Americans’ response to the difficulties of life, including his recent statement that, in tough times, “it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

While all the above is inaccurate, what else does the GOP have to validate their position?

They surely were complicit with the Bush Administration in destroying this country and backing the illegal War in Iraq. They surely stood on the sidelines while citizens of this country were dying in American streets, with no food/water from Katrina. They surely backed Bush in the illegal wiretaps. They backed bush voting NO for SCHIP. And the list is endless.

In other words, they have been cowards since Bush came into office in 2001. So, now they are afraid of the wrath of the American public in November and don't know what to do.

This is the Democratic Party. We are not going to allow Barack, Michelle, Sasha, Melia, or anyone in this party to become swiftboat victims.

Those days are OVER. They want to attack us on wedge issues, bullshit issues, try it. But in the end, Republicans, it is YOU, yes YOU that have to answer for the atrocities of the Bush Administration and why you stood by and said and did nothing.

Republicans, you have to defend The Bush Administration Record.

The Democrats Don't.