Barack arrives to LaCrosse, Wisconsin
It is about GOTV (Get Out The Vote)
There are a set of poll numbers out from Quinnipiac for Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. The numbers are a resounding rout against McCain. In fact, Obama is over 50% in all three states. This is wonderful, but proceed with caution.
We have 34 days until November 4th, but more importantly Ohio is early voting already, Florida starts early voting October 20-November 1st. Pennsylvania does not have early voting, only requesting absentee ballot.
At this point in the game it is time to hunker down. That means go the the ground. It is time to get these last minute people NOT registered to vote or need to change their voting location to do so NOW. It means sending around the information for folks to register to vote NOW.
The deadline for voter registration starts on October 4th. Half of the country the deadline is October 6th. If you know someone who needs to register, let's help them along. They can download the form from their state and mail it in.
Next, we need to move from behind our computers and start volunteering to GOTV. For any early states and on November 4th.
This election is won by votes. By the most votes per state, that will then be a win in the electoral college for Obama.
This is far from over and no one should become complacent because of poll numbers.
Barack in Reno, Nevada
The Senate Takes Charge of the "Bailout Mess"
After the failure of the House of Representatives to pass the government’s $700 bailout package earlier this week, the Senate will consider a new version of the bill today. The Times’s Carl Hulse and Robert Pear note that the latest version includes several key changes:
Top lawmakers said the Senate proposal, worked out after a day of behind the scenes maneuvering, would include tax breaks for businesses and alternative energy and higher government insurance for bank deposits.
And, if passed in the Senate today, there are indications that the re-tooled plan might meet a better outcome among House members who sent the original proposal back to the drawing board with their 228-205 vote against it on Monday:
House Republican leaders, who said they had been advised about the Senate plan, said the new elements would appeal to their rank-and-file, which voted strongly against the legislation Monday. A spokesman for Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, the Republican leader, said that “Mr. Boehner was consulted and gave the green light.” continue
Vice Presidential Debate History
U.S. general wants help in Afghanistan now
The economy changes the campaign
Bruce, Billy and Barack
Obama: Middle Class Needs Wall Street Rescue
Does Anyone Think John McCain Will Get 15% Of The Black Vote In Ohio?
Palin Is Destroying McCain
PAC funds anti-Obama TV ad in California
TIMELINE: Mich. Vote Caging Scheme Exemplifies Mounting Dirty Tricks Operations
Obama Evening Wrap Up
The Polls
Campaign Appearances
go to the campaign website front page, for more information
La Crosse, Wisconsin
President Clinton
Orlando, Florida; Fort Pierce, Florida
Kansas City, Missouri; Boulder, Colorado
Thursday, October 2nd
East Lansing, Michigan; Grand Rapids, Michigan
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MUBARAK ALI PATEL · 860 weeks ago
broken Main Street. And on Main Street President Bush has
finished everything. We cannot "wind-up" Main Street and make
citizens beggars. We have to "Build" and "Maintain" the Main Street
again in the interest of people, in the interest of economy and in
the interest of America. God Bless America. America requires
"CHANGE" very badly. American Voters should take cognizance
of above before voting on November 4. Vote for Change. Vote
Barack Obama as President of America.