Friday, February 20, 2009

Alan Keyes? Out of his damn mind, from Keith Olbermann (Video)

The GOP and Alan Keyes? This idiot delight is back with total misinformation? Who 'fer fecks sake is listening to him? Alan Keyes, the man who came to MY STATE, Illinois to challenge Barack Obama and he never laid his head on a pillow here? This idiot delight, who never WON AN ELECTION, gives anyone in the Republican Party, who is intelligent, a bad name.

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Why is it that anybody that disagrees with liberals is automatically labeled stupid, an idiot, etc? Are liberals that insecure that the mere mention of an opposing viewpoint scares them? I don't understand this. Jimmy Carter was a very ineffective President, but as a conservative I don't refer to him as an idiot. He was a very smart person, but smart people don't always make great leaders, great leaders need more than just high IQ.
Oh yeah, anything coming from Keith Olberman should be taken with a grain of salt, since he absolutely disagrees with anything Republican or conservative. He has no respect for the office of the President, unless it's his guy in there. I have never even seen him have a conservative on his show, he goes completely unopposed and his OPINION is the final word. Like I said, I am a conservative and I watch Fox more than anything else, but I am also living and working in Kuwait so I get the chance to watch Olberman/CNN/MSNBC, etc...even the morning shows are a mix of all of them, so I feel like I get opposing viewpoints all day long...back to O'Reilly...I know most liberals despise him, but he does have liberals/democrats on the show and they do debate's not just one sided. I like to hear both sides, but liberals don't seem tolerant of that.
1 reply · active 825 weeks ago
Denise Calhoun's avatar

Denise Calhoun · 825 weeks ago

I watch Fox more than anything else. That statement right there tells us all we need to know about your mentality. Contrary about what you say the msm are just mouth pieces for the rethug party. Thanks god for Keith and Rachel who at least bring us some balance.

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