Thursday, June 11, 2009

King Rush's new spin: Holocaust Museum shooter, von Brunn is a "leftist". From Hardball (Video)

Throwing that bulls**t on the left? Please. He is Mr. Hater, 24/7.

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First, thanks for posting the clip icebergslim. I tried to find the Limbaugh clip for quite some time.

Second, Von Braun is clearly a right leaning extremist. Every piece of "evidence" Limbaugh tries to use is COMPLETELY false. Third, in Von Braun’s writing, it states he hates the Bushes, McCain and neo-conservatives because they are not strict and proactive enough in their right wing beliefs. Similarly, Von Braun's hatred of Jewish and Black Americans is more closely related to conservative right wing than to progressive liberal ideology. Von Braun is also anti-big government. This is a hallmark of conservative ideology. Gun rights, faith based politics....the list goes on and on.

It’s very simple...this nutcase was right wing and extreme. Limbaugh is in a panic because the scare and hate tactics of the conservatives in this country are responsible for two assassinations in less than a month; a doctor and a security officer; innocent people who were gunned down in places of worship and remembrance. The extreme right wingers of this country are nearly as insane as the extreme right wingers of the Islamic faith (yes I’m comparing them... they are both ideologies based on faith, conservatism and backwardness.)

Nuff said

Pissed in RI
This Von Braun dude was a loon no matter what political side he is on. It sounds to me that he was pissed at everyone across the board.

As alin pointed out, there will always be kooks on the right and left. Those that are extreme never represent the mainstream. Hatred of Jewish and Black Americans is more closely related to rasism - not conservative idiology. On the side of history, conservatives (sometimes that means Republicans) have been on the side of minorities. Stretching back to Lincoln and the Civil War to the 64 Civil Rights bill vote to the makeup of the political landscape (remember Robert Byrd and ties to KKK?, I think that it is obvious you're remarks are empty.

I think it is more like the left is running scared. Going to the well time after time to quote Rush, Cheney, etc. seems old and tired. Makes for good headlines though - and anything that can revive MSNBC and their dismal ratings must be a good thing in their mind.
2 replies · active 823 weeks ago
Not empty remarks.

Lincoln gets the credit for standing against slavery, it was a bold move at that time, but we are not in those times.

As long as the Republican Party continues to let the likes of divisive off the chart negative and bigoted folks from their party speak for the party, you will continue to have issues. This country is a huge melting pot, one that the Republican Party has not embraced. Just looking at the 2 different conventions last year says a lot. RNC old white males, very little minorites or women. DNC a huge melting pot ranging in every race, creed, religion, young and old. Vast difference. And remember, it was a DEMOCRATIC congress that pushed legislation that is still effective to this day in this country, whether a Republican or Democratic president signed it.

The left is moving forward, got back to your wilderness and get it together, you guys lost big time in 2 election cycles. The public has not forgotten what Bush/Cheney did to this country. Obama has a lot of clean up to do from Bush's f*ck up.
Sorry Rob

When Lincoln was President, the Republican Party was the progessive party. Well into the twentieth century the Democratic Party consisted of "Dixiecrats" were the most conservative and racist people in the history of our country. Conservatism does not necessarily mean "Republican" or "Democrat;" both parties have claimed conservative ideology at some point in time. Conservative simply means a philosophy which hopes to CONSERVE the status quo. In the late 19th century it was the Democrats who wanted to CONSERVE the institution of slavery and state rights. The more modern manifestation of Republican conservatism stems from the desire to CONSERVE the status quo and halt the largely successful Progressivism that dominated the 50's, 60's and 70's. This is the legacy of current conservatives.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but conservatives have always been anti-progress; whether it is in issues of science (except weapons of course), economics or social justice. They will ALWAYS be an anchor slowing our great nations progress.

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