Friday, June 26, 2009

Maureen Orth is one bitter pill, truly she is, from morning joe (Video)

For a woman who lost her husband a bit over a year ago tragically by a heart attack, her venom on Michael Jackson is stunning. NBC/MSNBC cried on television for over a WEEK in remembrance of her husband Tim Russert, yet she was all over television yesterday and today like she knew Michael Jackson, personally, when in reality SHE DID NOT.

Second hand information can be a bitch. Unless you are there, in the room, heard it from the horse's mouth that information is speculative. Next, people change and do have things that change in their life. So, for Orth to spew her venom since yesterday is just not only ungracious but she looks and sounds like a bitter bitch. Sorry, calling it the way it looks.

Michael Jackson, as all of us, had issues in his life. The main fact is that he never had a life. He was in front of the cameras since the age of five, never went to school, never had close friends growing up, always under the scrutiny. That in itself is not normal, that in itself will alter any human, that in itself makes one very suspect of anyone that is in their life.

Maureen Orth needs to go somewhere and STFU, because she comes across as one bitter pill. In the end, the public will remember Jackson as a genius and brilliant performer. The one who broke barriers. The one who made MTV put minority music on its channel. The one who changed the music industry.

Finally, John Ridley did set the record straight on the Maureen Orth's bullshit.


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How strange and eccentric to be able to make lucrative deals to your benefit. Geez. Michael Jackson had his foibles. So do us all. Anyone who would have lived his childhood, and still have the unprecedented success that he had is amazing. Easy to see how he wouldn't be very trusting of people -- the man hasn't even been dead for 24 hours and you are ripping him apart, Ms. Orth. He was obviously trying to shield himself from people who claim to know everything about him, without know much at all.

Jackson was and is an icon. As John Mayer said, "we lost a strand of our cultural DNA"

I hope that Mr. Jackson can now have the peace that seemed to elude him his entire life.
What a hateful B. Mrs. Orth didn't know him and didn't grow up in his house. She should be ashamed of herself. She made me sick during the entire interview. She spewed nothing but hate.

MJ you will be missed. God Bless.
Someone needs to tell this bitter woman that he is dead and she can't hurt him anymore. Whatever her problem is, she needs to find somebody else to offend.

RIP Mike (no more of people like this will ever heart you)
And she is still doing this. She is sick.
joe miller's avatar

joe miller · 811 weeks ago

Want a bitch!!! Want sssssshe Know?
joe miller's avatar

joe miller · 811 weeks ago

What A Bitch!!!People like that don't deserve to be seen!!!!!!!
Maureen Orth wrote very detailed and well researched articles and not one has been proven wrong. Sometimes the truth hurts. MJ was a great entertainer and the King of Pop; may he rest in peace. There will be years ahead to discuss the "warts".
1 reply · active 787 weeks ago
I've read all she's written & found so many discrepancies she's written on MJ. she witheld info & slanted situations for her own biased venom against MJ,
Ms. Orth was very biased in her reporting. Mr. Jackson was acquitted of any wrongdoing. I found her comments malicious and cruel. From the coverage of Mr. Jackson it was made apparently clear that he was a very loving man, who because of his troubled childhood, he had some issues. And that he would NEVER do what he was accused of. As his attorney, Thomas Messerau, put it, he never fully recovered from the trial. THe lies need to stop.

RIP MJ( no more people like Ms. Orth will hurt you)
An observer 's avatar

An observer · 804 weeks ago

There is a time and a place for every thing.Michael Jackson should be allowed to rest in peace and continued prayer for his family.Not only is Maureen Orth bitter with her comments regarding the legacy of Michael' life but she shows how hypocritical she is in claiming to be a devout Catholic and I would also venture to say a racist that in showing her white superiority over people of color.The African American community does not need her approval and I doubt very seriously if the people of Columbia in her condensing manner.
Maureen Orth has plenty of work to do within the Catholic Church given the history of child molestation cases that have been reported to the public.Michael was acquitted in both cases so your perception of reality is flawed.
MJ is the King's avatar

MJ is the King · 794 weeks ago

Well said. I don't understand why people hate on Michael so much. How stupid can you be to believe every little thing that is written about him? It's important to remember how much he has changed not only music but popular culture and enormous amount of charity he has done. Everyone who has met him in person has said what a polite and sweet man he is and we can see that in his interviews. It is obvious he had a genuine concern for humanity. And it is even more obvious that he was very different from all of us. He didn't experience a normal life at all ever since he was a young child. People need to realise that there are people out there who will go to incredible lengths for money and power. I suggest everyone read the MJ article in GQ magazine. It's a real eye opener. I really can't imagine how much inner strength that man must have had to have gone through the hurt and pain he went through. I don't think anyone will be stupid enough to believe what this woman says and what she has done has only jeopardised her image.
1 reply · active 771 weeks ago
Gosh I do wonder how much Maureen has profited from disembowelling Michael Jackson. I find it hard to comprehend that she could have as cold and cynical a heart as she must have to have written what comes across as so much dross. Unfortunately I don't think anyone would have the inner strength you credit Michael Jackson with and that the sad truth is that it takes a lot to kill a person. I don't doubt that MJ was tormented everyday of his last 10 years and often welcomed the idea of not facing another day of pitying the likes of Maureen Orth.

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