Republican Weekly Radio Address, Audio
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A continuous roundup of information on President Barack Obama. The 44th President of the United States of America.
Posted by icebergslim at 12:15 PM
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Comments by IntenseDebate
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ctuck622 2p · 840 weeks ago
Speaking of openness, accountability, and transparency in government, this might seem like a small thing to some, but it IS reflective of President Obama's policy thus far, which I find greatly disturbing, disappointing, and downright evasive.
President Obama has removed from the White House website AND has forwarded to, so the same This-Email-Address-Is-No-Longer-Monitored message is bounced back to citizens, forcing Americans to contact the White House solely via webforms which only allow 500 characters, to avoid returning Read E-Mail Receipts to citizens AND prevent citizens from receiving Deleted-Without-Being-Read E-mail Receipts,which proves messages aren't read by White House staff and certainly not by the President--and in the current economic crisis, it is irresponsible to expect citizens struggling to survive to spend what little funds they have available on certified mail, which yet again is slated for another postage increase.
This is NOT what President Obama promised, and I have never received any acknowledgment or thoughtful response whatsoever from President Obama's webforms, nor has anyone else I know, except the occasional roboresponse. Citizens have a right to be provided with proof that their messages to President Obama are at least being opened, which can only be accomplished through the return of Read E-Mail Receipts.
The Dept. of Justice, as well, refuses to post Eric Holder's e-mail address on the DOJ website, and yields nothing but roboresponses, so "business-as-usual" with the DOJ. No surprise there.
When I called the White House, the switchboard operator unprofessionally transferred me multiple times to the Comments line, without even initially answering, forcing me to call back several times, and when the operator finally answered, he was unnecessarily rude and abrupt. The same was true when I called the Dept. of Justice. Among the millions of Americans unemployed, I am sure President Obama can find some citizens out there who can teach government employees who are currently on the payroll, how to answer phones and speak to citizens in a respectful, professional manner.
The one time I did speak to the Comments line, I requested a call-back but never received one. The message I left with the Office of Public Liaison was never returned, as was the message I left with the Appointment Scheduler.
I know you can do better than this, President Obama, and so can your staff. You now govern a country full of fed-up, frustrated citizens in need of housing, healthcare, food, clean air and water, and most of all, to be refreshingly treated with respect by their government--by ALL employees of their government, be they City, County, State, or Federal employees.
Carol Tucker, MA
Court Reform-NOW
ctuck622 2p · 840 weeks ago
Over the past two years alone, I have received Deleted-Without-Being-Read E-Mail Receipts from the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions, Hillary Clinton, numerous Florida government agencies & politicians, et al., and the worst incident of all is when in 2005, a US Senator from my home state, whom I voted for, Senator Bill Nelson, actually had the unmitigated gall to threaten to have me arrested by Capitol Police if I ever phoned or e-mailed his office again, this after sending him thank-you letters for food stamps assistance provided by his staff, and after engaging in a conference call with one of his aides and the student health insurance company with whom I had requested the Senator's assistance, this issue and that of price-gouging and failure to disclose names of their Board of Directors by Capital Regional Medical Center, these issues which were suddenly dropped without a by-your-leave, obviously for "political" reasons, and in spite of many letters subsequently written to Senator Nelson on my behalf by my friends and supporters, he has never had the common decency to acknowledge the faux pas and apologize.
I am a native Floridian and lifelong Democrat, until 2005 when the Democrats in Tallahassee and Democratic Party chose to treat me like something to be scraped off the bottom of their shoe, at which time I registered as an Independent. I voted for President Obama and celebrate this most historic of Presidencies, and still hope and pray that he will come through for us and save this country from its current free-fall into oblivion, brought about by its own arrogance, greed, corruption, power-lust, fear, and shortsightedness.
I am one of many Americans whose lives and (two) careers have been destroyed, blackballed from State of Florida full-time employment due to my medical history and past Blue Cross/Blue Shield State of Florida Self-Insured health insurance claims, in addition to many other abuses of power and injustices, the stress of all which, eventually took its toll on my health, and I am now living on a meager Social Security Disability and Florida Retirement System income, which frankly "isn't enough to keep a bird alive."
I have been forced to seek justice in whatever way I can and have been forced to represent myself pro se for the past three years in a disability discrimination employment case against a Florida community college, which has been awaiting decision for the past four months following submission of the final Briefs, by three First District Court of Appeal judges, whose names I am not permitted to have disclosed to me until Decision is rendered, a case which, if I lose, I will have to appeal to the FL Supreme Court, whose rudeness I have already encountered, and then to the US Supreme Court, which will guarantee for me more unnecessary physical pain and financial and housing hardship.
I have suffered homelessness as a direct result of a PIP-scam which Florida politicians, the Florida Bar, Leon County Courts & Clerk of Court involved, and so-called "enforcement agencies" would do absolutely NOTHING about, and actually violated Florida Statutes and my civil and Constitutional rights themselves, and now I am in danger of homelessness again, since the condo I'm renting may be foreclosed upon, as the owner, who has been an exceptionally kind and understanding landlord, is in the car business, and his businesses have suffered to the point where he can no longer afford the mortgages on his investment properties.
I don't think it is too much to ask, therefore, to be treated with respect rather than disdain, professionalism rather than rudeness and blow-me-off abruptness, and caring and compassion rather than coldheartedness and abuse.
I hope and pray that when President Obama addresses foreclosure next week, he will remember the millions of tenants renting investment properties who face homelessness as a direct result of foreclosures, as well as resident homeowners.
I hope and pray President Obama gives citizens such as myself an opportunity for our voices to be heard, acknowledged, and thoughtfully and respectfully responded to by him and his staff, rather than "cry to heaven" throughout the "blogosphere" of cyberspace for truth and justice, and our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Carol Tucker, MA
Court Reform-NOW