Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mother of 8, Octuplets, Nadya Suleman launches website for donations

This is a story that won't go away.

The reality is that the mother of 14 needs money and from reports the donations from corporate are not pouring in, due to the backstory of this story.

Octuplet mom Nadya Suleman has launched a website asking for donations for her family of 14 children.

The site features pictures of the eight newborns, with their names and birth weights, drawings of a rainbow, bottle and pacifier, and has two options to donate.

She is accepting monetary donations payable by credit card (MasterCard, Visa, AmEx and Discover taken) and she also given an address to which one can send goods.

The website also contains a section to leave a comment and the following message:

"We thank you for the love and good wishes sent to us from around the world. The octuplets arrived on 1-26-09. They are all healthy and growing stronger by the day."

Suleman no doubt needs help. She has no income, is $50,000 in debt. She also receives $490 a month in food stamps and receives about $600 in disability payments a month for each of the three of her older six children with disabilities. One has ADHD, one had a speech impediment and one has autism, according to NBC's "Dateline" special.


Anyway, here is the link.

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This is so hard to touch. On the one hand, i think what this woman did was absolutely irresponsible. On the other hand - should the children suffer because of her irresponsibility? SIgh. It's just a sad, sad tale.
1 reply · active 840 weeks ago
She already receives $1100/month from the tax payers! I'll gladly pay to have her committed to a mental health facility. Then I would like for us to use the idiotic doctor's assets to provide a good home for all of these children. It might not be 'even distribution' but it would help make those practicing in fertility think twice about treating anyone off the street!
This story is so sad , it really breaks my heart thinking on how will she raise all these children.I wonder what she willl answer later when they ask 'where is my father?".I think that the babies should be taken away from her and give them in adoption for the reason that she prove herself and everybody of her irresponsibility and negligence by putting on risk so many lives including her.
Donations for what? to have plastic surgery to look like Angelina Jolie? they should take the children away from her and give them to people like me, looking for babies without success. She is selfish and deserves NO HELP
If she loves these children and want whats best for them more than she wants the income and publicity they bring her, then she needs to put the children up for adoption so that loving families can give focus love and support to each of these angels. She can still have some contact with these children as their biological mother, but each of these premature babies will have a better chance living in a family that can provide support and attention needed for these intense needs of a baby, especially a premie.

It's really disgusting/criminal that she and her fertility doctor created these children knowing that she couldn't handle the ones she already has. Where is the personal accountability in this country? is everyone looking to Wall Street and the banks as examples of how to live life overextended and greedy?
Another hand out !! She is getting 3 free checks every month and will be getting 8 more for these babies. Social Service should go after her for not providing room for these children to live in. What a big increase she will get in Food Stamps !! Hey then all that free W.I.C Items ! The Children should go to someone who can handle them and not have there hand out for Free stuff!! Children are a blessing Not a way to make moeny!!
I too, think she needs to be sent to a Mental Hosp., her children need to be put up for adoption. And she shouldn't be allowed any of the tax payers money that is unless it's to have her tubes tied to prevent yet another child coming into this world for welfare to have to provide for and us taxpayers to keep up..... The middle class people are the ones keeping her up and I sure don't make the money she gets!!!

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