45,000 for Barack in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Photo Blogs
The Hunt for Blue October: GOTV Ohio! by JulieUnplugged; Barack does Denver, 100,000+, No Joke (Pictures) by icebergslim; Obama Rally - Leesburg, VA - Photo Blowout! by nsfbr; Michelle Obama in Ohio by jmknapp; Obama in Reno....If You Vote For Me Nevada....Change! by Parisgnome; 35,000 Hoosiers gives Obama a send off to Hawaii, October 23, 2008 by icebergslim; 100k People in Denver For Obama w/pics! by acsguitar; 50,000 in Orlando, Florida for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and Obama in Tampa, Too (Pictures) by icebergslim; Michelle Obama incites 10,000+ FL hopemongers! Pics & Video! by Bob Sackamento
Economic strife drives Latino vote
Republican fears of historic Obama landslide unleash civil war for the future of the party
Anchorage Daily News Endorse Obama for President
Obama picks iconic Chicago park for election night
Obama To Deliver Closing Argument Speech
Obama, McCain fight for Western Swing States
McCain downplays smaller audiences
Newspaper Endorsements for Obama

Barack and Michelle in Miami, Florida
The Making (and Remaking) of McCain
On the morning of Wednesday, Sept. 24, John McCain convened a meeting in his suite at the Hilton hotel in Midtown Manhattan. Among the handful of campaign officials in attendance were McCain’s chief campaign strategist, Steve Schmidt, and his other two top advisers: Rick Davis, the campaign manager; and Mark Salter, McCain’s longtime speechwriter. The senator’s ears were already throbbing with bad news from economic advisers and from House Republican leaders who had told him that only a small handful in their ranks were willing to support the $700 billion bailout of the banking industry proposed by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. The meeting was to focus on how McCain should respond to the crisis — but also, as one participant later told me, “to try to see this as a big-picture, leadership thing.”
As this participant recalled: “We presented McCain with three options. Continue offering principles from afar. A middle ground of engaging while still campaigning. Then the third option, of going all in. The consensus was that we could stay out or go in — but that if we’re going in, we should go in all the way. So the thinking was, do you man up and try to affect the outcome, or do you hold it at arm’s length? And no, it was not an easy call.”
Discussion carried on into the afternoon at the Morgan Library and Museum as McCain prepared for the first presidential debate. Schmidt pushed for going all in: suspending the campaign, recommending that the first debate be postponed, parachuting into Washington and forging a legislative solution to the financial crisis for which McCain could then claim credit. Exactly how McCain could convincingly play a sober bipartisan problem-solver after spending the previous few weeks garbed as a populist truth teller was anything but clear. But Schmidt and others convinced McCain that it was worth the gamble. continue
White support for Obama at historic high
Palin allies report rising camp tension
Obama says goodbye to 'Toot,' heads back to presidential campaign
The Polls May Be Screwy But Barack Obama's Lead Is Real Because He's Strong Among White Voters
Candidates should seek votes of Muslim-Americans
Students Charged in Dead Bear/Obama Sign Incident
Polls see rising tide for Dems
As Election Day Nears, Poll Shows Obama Leads McCain
Sorry, Senator. Let's Salvage What We Can.
Um, not yet.
You must understand that I am like Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde. My one mind says, “We got this”, but my other mind says, “Uh, no we don’t.”
See, I get that all fuzzy, warm feeling seeing all these picture diaries with record breaking crowds. I love putting them up. Then I start to think, “Will these people actually vote Obama?” I then remember Obama doing his 11 state tours during the primaries after Super Tuesday, the crowds were unbelievable!! He got them all fired up and they ran to the polls and caucuses in record breaking numbers. Wonderful. Then I remember Hillary telling Obama stop with the speeches and big rallies and then Obama, well got kicked around the second half of the primary season.
I know my scientific mind is telling me that with all the information, i.e. polls, metrics, analysis that Obama will win. But, my other mind says, “What is the vote total?”
We are in uncharted waters here, democrats. It is called, the “L” word. No one wants to say it, we don’t want to believe it, but it just may happen. When was the last time we were in “L” land? Was it Jimmy Carter, when the country rebuked the Republican Party and Nixon? Was it FDR, who was swept into office because of the Stock Market Crash? Whenever it was, it was a long time ago, that now we may just be looking at history on November 4th and we may just witness the “L” word in process, all evening.
I am humble, not cocky. I can’t be with two minds working simultaneously, but I must write again that “We ain’t got this.” We have 9 days left, for politics it is an eternity, but still 9 days left. Each one of us should be working extra hard to ensure victory on November 4th. Until the votes are counted, we must not assume anything.
I hope you all understand and work to the end. To the bloody end.

Joe in Martinsville, Virginia
Meet the Press, October 26, 2008; Obama Ad, "New Subject"; In S.D., Native Americans Face Voting Roadblocks; Ohio's Election Ground Game; Internet Grass Roots Changing Political Machine; Joe Biden Speech in Danville, VA; Joe Biden Destroys Right Winged TV Anchor in Orlando, FL; Obama Ad, "Defining Moment"; Andy, Opie and Fonzie for Obama; Voter Uncertainty Clouds Tossup State Indiana; Obama Ad, "Erratic"; Obama Speech in Miami, Florida; Obama on CBS Early Show; Obama on Good Morning America; What's Next In The Presidential Race?
Obama Rallies Supporters In Colorado
Obama launches anti-robocall site
Michelle Obama fills in for husband in swing state Ohio
Democrats Show In Early Voting
Africans mull what an Obama presidency may mean for continent
Sarah Palin's make-up artist earned $22,800 for two weeks' work
Obamacans: Prominent Republicans Line Up Behind Obama
‘No Drama Obama’ and the art of looking presidential
Weekly Review.....
Shoutouts, Stuff You Should Read....
Obama for America, en español; Charles Stuart, Susan Smith, Ashley Todd And Reflections On Leadership… Again by Jack Turner; Presidential Transitions & the Arc of History by Maureen; Time Machine: Don't Say I Didn't Tell You by BooMan23; TV ad spending: 10/13-19 by kos; Early Voting Summary by brownsox; Missouri GOP distributing Obama $100 bills: "In Ahla we trust" by itsnotbutter; Today in Albuquerque: Obama Draws 45,000+ by kubla000; Obama draws 50K in Fort Collins, CO by pointsoflight; Frank Rich: "In Defense of White Americans" by Nuisance Industry; Lynch Mob by Meteor Blades; McCain Advisor endorses OBAMA by batchelorjc; The GOP's Death List, in all its glory by kos; WV Woman Quits Job Over anti-Obama Calls by wv voice of reason; Sarah Palin, freeloader. by Kagro X
Early-voting trends appear to favor Barack Obama
McCain's Warning: Perils Of One-Party Rule
Counting on Colorado
Obama's Transition: Orderly, Quiet, With A Few Early Decisions Made
Palin's 'going rogue,' McCain aide says
Obama targeting McCain's own state?
What is happening to GOP electoral tactics?

well, that is michelle and a cutie pie being sent over to her at the miami rally. i have been busy with family and obama stuff, but back on track. i hope all of you are working this final week, like you have never worked before. this campaign is truly in our hands and gotv is not a hope, but mandatory for november 4th. as always, focus on obama and not "mccain's" drama.....
Campaign Apperances
go to barackobama.com, click on states to find times and rsvp info
Tomorrow, October 27th
Barack: Pittsburgh, PA; Canton, OH
Joe: Greensboro, NC; Grenville, NC; New Port Richey, FL
Michelle: Las Vegas, NV
Barack: Chester, PA; Harrisonburg, VA; Norfolk, VA
Joe: Melbourne, FL; Ocala, FL
Michelle: Las Vegas, NM; Colorado Springs, CO
Hillary: Manchester, NH; Pelham, NH
Joe: Jupiter, FL
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For Inspiration: Yes.We.Can!!!
icebergslim1047 (at) gmail (dot) com
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