Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fiorina: Palin or McCain not qualified to run a company but qualified to run the U.S.!!! (Audio/Video)

Seems like Fiorina has a "staying on message" problem.

h/t wandering i


I don't think John McCain could run a major corporation. I don't think Barack Obama could run a major corporation. I don't think Joe Biden could. But it is not the same as being the president or vice president of the United States. It is a fallacy to suggest that the country is like a company, so of course, to run a business, you have to have a lifetime of experience in business, but that's not what Sarah Palin, John McCain, Barack Obama or Joe Biden are doing.

Obama Campaign Response
If John McCain’s top economic advisor doesn’t think he can run a corporation, how on Earth can he run the largest economy in the world in the midst of a financial crisis? Apparently even the people who run his campaign agree that the economy is an issue John McCain doesn’t understand as well as he should.

Fiorina: Palin Lacks Experience to Run a Company

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