Thursday, August 14, 2008

Evening WrapUp...Won't Be Swiftboated..Unfit for Publication...and YES, Obama Bodysurfs...

obama bodysurfs......hawai'i

Obama Hawai'i Pictures, August 14, 2008

Obama Bodysurfing Pictures, August 14, 2008


Unfit for Publication that Scurrilous Jerome Corsi Book

h/t turneresq

Barack Obama will not be swiftboated, ya' heard???? And Amen to that one.

All you have to do is watch Corsi's performance from Larry King last night. The man was shot down. If you don't know what I am talking about it is the book, "Obama Nation", from the same inaccurate author who wrote the totally misinformed book on John Kerry in 2004.

The mo-fo 527 leeches are coming out early and expect, from now on, often. This man is being blasted by the book community and in all realms. The Obama Campaign will have a response person up on every media event, as they should.

The Obama Campaign have a 41 page rebuttal of this book. Read it all, here.

Get involved with the Obama Action Wire, here.

Obama Campaign Mapping Out Aggressive Counter-Attack Against Swift-Boating

How Obama's Campaign Is Confronting Corsi


The PUMAs either Republicans or just Racists

Sorry, that is what I think, after seeing their performance on Hardball, and YES, they were shot down.

And Hillary's name will be placed for nomination, here is the Clinton/Obama joint statement


Here is the DNC Web Ad on Social Security by FDRs Great-Grandson



New Obama DHL teevee ad, coming to Ohio....................

If money talks, the troops are saying, ‘Vote Obama’........................

Obama set to accept endorsement from firefighters..........................

Obama Campaign running biographical informercials.........yes, it is true............

Hope you got your hotel, all set for Denver..............

Missed Late Morning? Read, here.........................

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