Well, what else is new?
Again, politicians need to stop the preaching of family values, if their own family is screwed up. for real. Like this from Ensign:
Marriage is an extremely important institution in this country and protecting it is, in my mind, worth the extraordinary step of amending our constitution.
Some protection of his own marriage, by having an extramarital affair with a campaign staffer who was married to an employee in his senate office. Talk about creepin' and back stabbin', this man is one of the worst. Again, calling the pot.....calling the kettle..... Sheesh....
Sources in Washington and Nevada say Republican Sen. John Ensign, a rising star in the Republican Party considering a 2012 presidential bid will hold a press conference later today in which he will acknowledge an extramarital affair.
Ensign, a member of the Senate GOP leadership, flew back to his native Las Vegas today in anticipation of the public announcement, sources said, missing a vote considered key to the Nevada tourist industry.
Two senior GOP political strategists, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter, said the announcement was imminent. They declined to say with whom Ensign had the affair.
In February 2002, Ensign took an unexplained two week leave of absence from the Senate citing "personal reasons."
UPDATE, 5:55 p.m.: Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) has acknowledged an extramarital affair with a campaign staffer in a statement released by his office. "I deeply regret and am very sorry for my actions," said Ensign. He is expected to announce the affair at a press conference at 6:30 pm tonight. The affair, which was with a woman who worked for both Ensign's re-election campaign and his Battle Born leadership political action committee, began in December 2007 and ended in August 2008. Ensign's wife, Darlene, said that the couple's "marriage has become stronger" and added: "I love my husband." read more here....
Why is it that the wives stand by these jerks? I know, I know, every marriage is different, but in political marriages the wives stand there while all their embarrassing dirty laundry is scattered for everyone to take a wiff. It is just sad. I guess the perks, outweigh the anger in the end.
Looks like Ensign was possibly blackmailed and he came clean.
Sometime later, a Nevada source said, Ensign met with the husband of the woman involved and had what this source described as a positive encounter. Sources said that the man subsequently asked Ensign for a substantial sum of money – at which point Ensign decided to make the affair public. In his Las Vegas press conference, Ensign declined to give specifics about the woman involved but did say she and “her husband were close friends and both of them worked for me.”
Additional information here.
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