Obama's Motorcade in Chicago
The economy is falling off the cliff. The Dow under 8000 points.
The bad news of the economy keeps on rolling. We have the dictators of the Auto Industry on Capitol Hill, with their hands out.
We want bailout money, too!!!
We hear grumblings from major cities across this country, we need money too!!
What about the American Public, who are scrimping to get by? Bailout? No?
I have a love/hate feeling with the auto industry. All of my cars in the past 10 years have been foreign with the exception of a Pontiac. We are in the hunt for a new car next year, and we are not looking at the American Car Industry.
What happened to them? The auto industry, that is. Were they so short-sighted and in bed with the petro dictators of this country, that they could not see the forest before the trees?
Part of me says, let 'em die. They deserve it. All I see on television is Hummer, Cadillac Escalade commercials. Gas guzzling cars so expensive, who is buying these cars?
Then the other part of me, understand the whole picture. If we let the auto industry die, go bankrupt, then we are talking about millions of jobs. Jobs which expands past the auto industry, but are adjacent to the industry, the suppliers, dealerships, etc. And let us not forget the pensions that many Americans are tied too, that will just belly-up as well.
The auto industry is in a hard place. No one is purchasing these cars. These cars are too expensive, energy insufficient and with no buyers. What will happen next? Who is next? After the selfish bailout of Wall Street, of all places, there still exists no oversight. These banks and financial institutions have gotten the money and are not sharing the wealth.
Lawmakers need to have strict guidelines when giving out our money. Congress gets bit in the "you know what", continuously because there is no one monitoring the piggy bank.
Lastly, the Dow Jones dipped under 8000 points today. This is a very bad sign.
NEW YORK — Wall Street hit levels not seen since 2003 on Wednesday, with the Dow Jones industrial average plunging below the 8,000 mark amid a dour economic outlook from the Federal Reserve and worries over the fate of Detroit's three automakers.
A cascade of selling occurred in the final minutes of the session as investors yanked money out of the market. For many, the real fear is that the recession might be even more protracted if Capitol Hill is unable to bail out the troubled auto industry.
Investors also scoured economic data that included minutes from the last meeting of the Federal Reserve in which policymakers lowered projections for economic activity this year and next. Economic worries caused across-the-board selling, with financial stocks particularly hard hit. continue
New Obama Appointments
Former Senator Tom Daschle, Secretary of Health and Human Services
His job will primarily be to push Healthcare Reform in this country, and his wife quits her lobbying job.
Eric Holden, Attorney General
Huge job to clean that department up, after the failure of Alberto Gonzales and the Bush Administration.
David Axelrod, Senior Obama Adviser
Its official.
And other appointments, here.
Finally, Senator John Kerry, Heads the Foreign Relations Committee
Meaning, out of the run for Secretary of State

Memory Lane: Barack and Michelle in New Hampshire, January, 2008
And the Clinton Drama, Continues.....
Man, this is one family that just will not go away. Barack, your information is getting leaked faster than flood waters!!!!
Read the soap opera report, here.
No Drama? Obama?
Michelle and the girls in Washington, DC, school shopping on Monday and Tuesday
Obama's favorite "pizza pie" going to D.C.?
It is official. Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) has conceded. Mark Begich is the next Senator from Alaska, a Democrat.
The Minnesota Hand Recount for the senate seat, now occupied by Norm Coleman has started.
How Joe Lieberman kept his post.
Happy Birthday, Vice-President Elect Biden!!!!
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