The meeting has commenced and is over.
What was said between the President and President-Elect, we probably will not know. One thing I can guarantee is that Mr. Bush is not sanitizing his hands after shaking Mr. Obama's hand. Yes, when Obama first met Mr. Bush, he did just that!!!
President Bush and the First Lady moved swiftly and seem to be serious about a smooth transition, but more importantly understand this historic moment.
Barack Obama's ascension to the presidency will be remembered for generations to come, while George W. Bush will be forgotten and chastised as one of the worst presidency's ever.
Meanwhile, do not expect Sasha and Malia to attend public school, not after the dreadful McCain Campaign and the high negative rhetoric that ended with that campaign. Secret Service informed the Obamas about the intense rhetoric before the campaign ended and Michelle Obama was upset by it. So, I would not expect the Obama Girls in any public school, would you put your kids in one after the crap the McCain Campaign allowed to pass by?
Barack and Michelle have a lot of work to do. Michelle will focus on decorating the girls’ room and ordering new furniture. Yes, a catalog is given to the First Lady To Be, used to order furnishings for the White House private residence or they have the option to bring their own. Michelle will work diligently to make the private residence a real home, while freaking out on the First Lady duties. Yes.She.Will.
Already, Michelle has a Chief Usher hired by the ultra efficient Secret Service. She will receive a Giant book that allows her and the girls to choose suites of antique to more modern furniture for Sasha & Malia's rooms as well as the private spaces in the residences. The antiques in the state rooms are priceless. After her tour a sense of history and about 100,000 more square feet of space than she is accustomed to plus the enormity of the details and a lack of time will have her focused on this move. Will the girls bedrooms be on the same floor as her and Barack's or will they be upstairs near the Solarium where they can let loose? Michelle's Mom's choice of where to live in DC will weigh heavily in that decision. The dog will get loose at some point too - See Barney and his latest snippy interaction with the nosy petting press. A new tradition comes to the White House, but first they have to see how to run the place before its all official next year.
As hundreds of spectators hoped to get a glimpse of the President-Elect and his First Lady To Be, outside of the White House today, (believe me the folks are not there to cheer Bush on), everything that the Obama Family does will be written down as part of history.
Secret Service is with the Obamas from here on out. And thank god for that. Oh, and SS code names: Barack - Renegade; Michelle - Renaissance; Malia - Radiance; Sasha - Rosebud. And VP Biden - Celtic; Jill Biden - Capri. Now ain't that cool!!
Read more information about the White House transition at Mind Sorbet.

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