cross-posted @ Daily Kos and One Million Strong
obama supporter card
Iowa Caucus Center
Iowa Caucus Finder
Iowa Caucus Watch Party
obama in new hampshire
Obama Apperances and Campaign Events
December 31, 2007 - New Year's Eve with Barack, Perry, IA
December 31, 2007 - New Year's Eve with Barack, Jefferson, IA
December 31, 2007 - Meet and Greet with Michelle Obama, Grinnell, IA
December 31, 2007 - Poweshiek County Event with Michelle Obama, Grinnell, IA
December 31, 2007 - Marion County Event with Michelle Obama, Pella, IA
December 31, 2007 - Marshall County Event with Michelle Obama, Marshalltown, IA
December 31, 2007 - New Year's Eve with Barack, Boone, IA
December 31, 2007 - New Year's Eve with Barack, Iowa Falls, IA
December 31, 2007 - New Year's Eve with Barack, Ames, IA
December 31, 2007 - Meet Michelle Obama, Bedford, IA
January 1, 2008 - Barack's 'Stand for Change Tour', Dubuque, IA
January 1, 2008 - Barack's 'Stand for Change Tour', Council Bluffs, IA
January 1, 2008 - Barack's 'Stand for Change Tour', Sioux City, IA
January 1, 2008 - Barack's 'Stand for Change Tour', Canvass Kickoff, Des Moines, IA
January 2, 2008 - Barack's 'Stand for Change Tour', Des Moines, IA
January 2, 2008 - Barack's 'Stand for Change Tour', Waterloo, IA
January 2, 2008 - Barack's 'Stand for Change Tour', Iowa City, IA
January 2, 2008 - Barack's 'Stand for Change Tour', Canvass Kickoff, Davenport, IA
January 2, 2008 - Barack's 'Stand for Change Tour', Cedar Rapids, IA
A View of Obama's Ground Game
Obama Keeps the Pressure On
Obama Pitching to Undecided Voters in Iowa
Patrick Stumping for Obama
Obama Seeks Live Television Time in Iowa
barack in ottumwa, ia
Endorsements & Announcements
Senator Kent Conrad Endorses Obama; The Grinch Supports Obama; 11th Office Opening in Nevada; Former Alaska Governor Tony Knowles; Marshalltown Times-Republican Endorses Obama; Obama Endorsements; Congressman William Delahunt, D-MA, Endorses Obama
Why I'm Voting for Barack Obama
Early Voting for California, Starts January 7th
Waiting for Obama
Obama: U.S. Need to Come Down Hard on Musharref

barack on meet the press, december 30, 2007
Snow Doesn't Stop Obama Crowds
Barack Obama’s campaign has said that bad weather could deter supporters from participating in the caucuses on January 3rd. However, if today is any indication of how voters will react to bad weather, the campaign could be wrong.
By Iowa political event standards, an enormous crowd packed a high school gym in Coralville - it was so packed that an overflow room was set up for those who couldn't fit into the gym.
Prior to the event, the campaign said that primarily undecided voters were invited to attend. (They estimate that over 900 undecided voters and supporters attended.)
The crowds seem to be invigorating Obama as he delivered an energetic version of his "closing argument" speech and spoke like a man who is still has “hope” that he might win. CBS
McCain Losing Votes to Obama in New Hampshire
The Viability Question, by icebergslim
precinct captain matt tapscott
Obama's Phone Banks Gear Up Already For California's Absentee Voters
Californians, be forewarned: The phone calls are coming!
The California state branch of Democrat Barack Obama's presidential organization has publicized a tactic that most of the leading campaigns can be expected to pursue -- calling voters to remind them that they don't have to wait to cast ballots in the nominating contests.
Debbie Mesloh, communications chief for the Illinois senator in California, noted in a recent release that absentee ballots for the state's Feb. 5 presidential primary will start being mailed Jan. 7. Also, applications to vote by mail will be accepted until Jan. 29. L.A. Times
Iraq Made U.S. Lose Focus on al-Qaida
Milestone: Barack Obama

barack and senator kent conrad, d-sd
Unprecedented money being spent in Iowa.
Folks, it is. It makes one wonder if these other candidates are really serious about campaign finance reform.
Barack Obama did not raise money to waste it. He raised this money from us to build the grass roots organization we have the priviledge to witness come to a reality. Just look at his reinvented website. It lists all 50 states and the committment to opening and staffing offices to march on.
There are some candidates who have not been able to raise the money to compete, especially since these candidates promised to not take public financing. But to compete with the likes of Clinton or Obama, you must have money and not be limited to spend it.
So, here we are with the wink-wink, nod-nod, of acceptance from these outside groups, while deriding and chastising these groups, but in the same token accepting these groups.
What does that mean? For me. Hypocrisy.
When your are campaigning your words matter. "The system is corrupt", matter to people. "The system is rigged", matter to people. "The system works against you", matter to people. The same corruption that many campaigns are talking about is the same corruption that is allowed for their benefit.
For me, it matters. What about you?
barack in davenport, ia
barack in keokuk, ia; barack in burlington, ia; hope tv ad; barack in clinton, ia; switching to obama; presidential in iowa down to the wire; student votes tricky to rally during winter break; iowa ad, interest; iowa ad, listening our moment is now, speech
Weather Expected Perfect for Iowa Caucus
Nevada Caucus Center
Nevada Unions Delay Endorsements
Iowans Passionate About Politics
Blogs and Websites
One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; The Populista Report; Relentless Liberal; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama; Netroots for Obama; Economists for Obama
Michelle Obama the Open Secret Weapon in South Carolina
Hope, Fear, Young, Old
Obama's Closing Argument
Voters Sampling Candidates

obama in butter, baby!!!
Calling the Kettle Black
Blacks Turned Off by Bill Clinton's Attacks on Obama
Bill Clinton says Sen. Barack Obama is a highly ambitious, political prodigy who is asking voters to "roll the dice" and elect him president.
The controversial comments made on PBS's "The Charlie Rose Show," last week are the latest in a series of attacks on Obama by the ex-president as the stakes for the Iowa Caucus heat up and the Illinois senator pushes ahead in the polls against Clinton's wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York.
In a wide ranging interview with Rose, Clinton suggested Obama was a risky and inexperienced choice. "When is the last time we elected a president based on one year of service in the Senate before he started running?" Clinton asked Rose, arguing that voters in theory could find someone who is 'a gifted television commentator' and let them run.
"Even when I was governor and young and thought I was the best politician in the Democratic Party, I didn't run the first time. I could have," he told Rose referring to the 1988 presidential campaign.
"If you listen to Obama supporters, they say basically 'We want to throw away all these experienced people because they have been through the wars of the 90s and they made enough decisions and mistakes. And what Americans want is somebody who started running for president a year after he became senator because he's new and fresh, he never made a mistake, has massive political skills and is willing to risk it," Clinton told Rose.
Critics of the attacks say the former president is 'calling the kettle black' - he should know - that's a fair description of Clinton when he sought the presidency in 1992. more

obama embraces tearful veteran
If you appreciate the weekly Obama Roundup, then Tip My Obama Jar!! Minimum five dollars. This contribution goes directly to the Obama Campaign. We are in the last stretch of fundraising, Quarter 4, it ends December 31st. Remember to make your contribution.
ARG NH Poll; Zogby Iowa Poll; McClatchey/MSNBC Iowa Poll; LA Times/Bloomberg NH Poll; All Tied Up
All About Second Choices in Iowa
Pocketbook Issues on the Trail in Iowa
Michelle Obama, Shares her Husband's Vision
Obama's Brilliant New Stump Speech by troutnut
Obama on Executive Power by Populista
One-on-One With Obama
Former Edwards Supporters Take Aim at Edwards
Democrat John Edwards has been critical of the involvement of outside organizations that spend money to influence voters.
But some former supporters are questioning how committed Edwards is to that idea, as union leaders who support him are now doing exactly that on his behalf.
"He said he would change Washington, and we believed him," says a new letter from some 2004 Edwards supporters. "Times have changed, and so has John Edwards."
But Edwards has said that, while he wishes the outside groups wouldn't run those ads, he can't control what an independent organization chooses to do.
And officials of the Service Employees International Union today spoke out in defense of their Alliance for a New America, which they set up to advocate for union issues.
The alliance "enables working people to pool their resources to gain a voice on the key issues facing America as the country heads into the 2008 elections," Dave Regan, SEIU District 1199 president, said in a written statement today.
The letter writers are behind Democrat Barack Obama this time around, and it was Obama's campaign that released their letter today.
"(T)his time, we support Barack Obama for President," the letter says. "He is the ONLY candidate in this race who’s not getting any help in Iowa from Washington lobbyists, special interest PACs, or the Washington-based organizations known as 527s. We can trust Barack Obama to change Washington , to tell us the truth, and most importantly – to win in 2008."
The writers signed their names this way:
Frank Best, Columbus City, former Louisa County Edwards Chair
Thom Determan, Dubuque, precinct captain for Edwards in 2004.
Katie Determan, Dubuque, precinct captain for Edwards in 2004.
Judy Jones, Ames
James Cox, Cedar Rapids
Eileen Lundberg, Runnells
Dan Lundberg, Runnells
Ryan Sewell, Council Bluffs
Obama Rising Roundup: Iowa Edition December 21-27 by Populista
Obama Fighting for Iowa Votes
shoutouts: ed schultz slams hillary by red 83; hillary clinton's southern strategy against obama by rikyrah; solar power breakthrough by FishOutOfWater;bonddad; explainer: edwards/seiu/527 issues by AdamB; black kos; the politics of fear by casperr; new york times puts hillary under the microscope by turneresq
icebergslim's last word: game time
I am here in the lovely state of Iowa. Where the folk are kind and the cold is a plenty.
At this point in the campaign, polls mean very little. Why? Because we are expecting upwards of 150K to come to caucus. Yes. The excitement is at fever pitch, now.
Who will it benefit? I don't know. From write ups and polls, Clinton and Obama. But again, who knows.
The weather is predicted clear and cold. Which means, good turn out by Iowa standards.
The good folk of Iowa are tired of phone calls, knocks on doors, mailers and TV ADS. I don't blame theme. I have been here since Thursday and when I see an ad, I turn the channel too. It is that bombarded.
I must state this, the Obama Campaign is running a fabulous campaign which is a testament to the sheer genious and of Barack Obama. This is one of the very few campaigns I have worked where the inclusiveness is number one. And folks that means and states a lot of Barack.
OK. We don't know what the ending story in Iowa will be, but no matter what Barack has changed the scope of campaigning from here on out. This campaign will be a model of many to come. It will.
I am getting ready to canvass tomorrow and we are doing a massive canvass for January 1. I am fully equipt now. No more slip ups from ice!!!
Next week, we are in New Hampshire. This is the start folks, what we have been waiting a year for. Let's do it.

ok, this is a picture from davenport, ia, where 850-1000 people gathered to hear barack. in the snowstorm. yes, they did not care. this is a testament to our guy and his draw. now, it is left to iowans. barack has made his case. we just have to wait and accept the results. no matter what, we move on and forward to new hampshire from here. to iowans, thanks for listening to our guy and no matter who you support, just caucus. it is the democratic process and the democratic way.
contact me @
This Week With Barack Obama